Chapter sixty one

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"Oh my god this is so good, Jacey you have to try this" I moan shoving a chunk of my steak into my husbands face.
He bites and closes his eyes at the buttery soft morsel that melts in his mouth and I kiss his lips surprising him.
"Damn woman, wanna trade?" Jace smirks pointing to his plate of baked chicken and asparagus.
"No but if you don't want it I'll eat that too" I grin.
"How about I have the kitchen keep one of each hot for us? We can go back for seconds after dessert, I don't want you getting full before the chocolate soufflés come out" Jace kisses me this time and his lips are soft and moist.
"How about you take me back to the office and you can keep me hot under your sexy body?" I whisper straight into his ear forgetting about the food and kiss his ear lobe lightly.
"Fuck me Angel, you like this married thing don't you?" Jace takes my face in his hands and kisses me like he might take me up on the offer.
"Hmm, you have no idea" I breathe.
"Eat, my cherubs are hungry and you my sweet Angel are going to need your strength tonight" he grins looking beyond happy.

I obey my husbands orders and take in the room in the low warm light provided by the candles, the orchestra plays softly and a few of my cousins children are running through the smoke on the dance floor. It's weird to see such small people in here.
I watch my new sisters laughing and joking, teasing their men about something I'm sure is not safe for little ears to be hearing.
I watch my girls sitting with our parents and giggle at them taking selfies reminding me they are still just teenagers even though they look like adults today.

Dessert is heavenly and Cole surprises me by passing me his.
"Gorgeous I owe you a dessert remember? Besides it's doesn't go with the scotch" he raises his glass and now the formalities are over Rose sits on his lap.
"Aww you are too sweet darlin" she rests her head on Cole's shoulder tipsy and giggles.
"You can tell already huh?" He smirks and she whispers into his ear making him laugh. "Wow, okay. How bout you finish that drink and we dance first?" Cole shakes his head amused.
"I think there should definitely be dancing, Chuck tell the DJ it's time to get this party started" Iz flashes her smile and Coop jumps up to obey.
"Sweetheart? Dance for me?" Jace asks tucking a curl behind my ear as I eat Cole's dessert. "I want to watch you" he tells me with a kiss to the temple.
"That's fortunate, because I have something I want to show you once we are alone. For now though I'm going to get Amber and Lilly on the dance floor and your sisters and we are showing them how this party thing works. I'm socked that I've never seen them party here" I turn and kiss his smiling lips.
"Underage is underage Angel, our little girls might look grown up but they will get no special treatment because they are related to a shareholder. As for the tipsy trio over here, usually they won't party in front of me, I'm actually surprised they have started on the bottle of champagne on their table" he says grinning at them.
"Well today we celebrate the best day of my life, partying is definitely called for. We are going to party so hard tonight big daddy, I don't know about you but I'm not even missing the buzz of alcohol. I'm so high on your love" I kiss my man and bite his bottom lip as I do.
"Not even a little, you are everything I need sweetheart" Jace tells me into my ear.


I watch they way my wife moves, I feel her smile before it appears on her beautiful face. Am I crazy?
I play with the ring on my finger, spinning it and sliding it as far as my knuckle then back down. It feels heavy and foreign, I've never worn jewellery before but I like it. No I love it. Even if Elizabeth changes her mind about this marriage it's staying put, till the day I die this beautiful chunky white gold band will live right where it is. Even afterwards, I better be buried with it on my finger.
"Too late brother, the damage is done. The city's most eligible bachelor has hung up his title, no more one night stands, no more pretty girls getting fucked in my storeroom, no more cheesy pick up lines to make me vomit in my mouth. Dude you're done. All you've got to look forward to now is that beautiful wife getting fat and seeing the same face every fucking day. It's only been four hours, leave that fucking ring where it belongs" Coop tells me with an arm around my shoulder and a giant smile on his face.
"It's definitely going to take some getting used to. Oh and by the way just one pretty girl will be fucked in the storeroom from now on, I'm about ready to have a go right now. She is burning for me tonight" I can't take my eyes off her to look at Coop while I talk.
"How do you know?" He asks with a smugness to his tone.
"Look at her, can't you feel the energy about her tonight? She is on fire right now. Fuck I love her so much" I smile at her pretty face watching me.
She's been watching me all night, love and lust in her eyes. It's so fucking sexy.
"No I can't, but I do see how you look at each other different now. I know Beth feels it, so do you" he tells me.
"Dude tell me you didn't slip me those blue pills you were teasing me about? Fuck you didn't give Beth one right?" My voice starts to get higher at the thought.
"Dude! No. Do I look like the type of guy that gives pregnant women drugs?" He says hushed and offended.
"No, but you look like the type of guy who would find amusement in giving me Viagra on my wedding night while I'm already so fucking turned on. Don't deny it, you would still be laughing in your sleep" I tell him relaxing again and he is laughing now.
"Oh fuck yeah, that shit would be so fucking funny. I kinda like your wife though and I am a godfather now, Beth needs her rest and those precious babies don't need the intrusion" Cooper slaps my back with a grin.
"Then what am I feeling?" I ask watching Ellie twerking on my wife.
"Her, her love. I don't know how it works but you keep that ring on your finger just incase" he shrugs beside me and finishes his glass of ice water.
"We out of booze man or what?" I ask him noticing both he and Iz have only drank champagne during the toasts.
"Oh god don't even jinx it! My beautiful girl and I are.... drying out. I know she's alright but we both agreed when we came home we would cut out the drinking, it's been happy drinking but we have had so much wine and tequila since we got married. Iz wants to focus on her strength training, she's meal prepping and everything" he rolls his eyes "also if we all aren't drinking like we've been lost in the dessert all week" he nods his head to Cole who is dancing with Rose and downing another scotch. "Maybe no one will notice that any of us individuals are not" he shrugs.
"You two are covering for us, so Beth's family won't notice I'm sober and no one will question my Angel" I shake my head at him.
"Yeah man, I'm that considerate" he tells me sarcastically and taps my shoulder standing. "I'm indulging my wife, she is fucking hot when she works out. Get your ass outta that chair or I'm claiming both our wife's" he grins and strides off towards our women.

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