Chapter twenty six

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"Please don't be mad at us Lilly" I beg as I hug her head.
"You do know my brother Bee? I might be young but I know his type, he is exactly the type he warns me about. I love him but I know he is easily distracted when it comes to girls" Lilly tells me as we lay on her bed.
"Lilly pad, he loves me. I know him, I love him and his love has changed me. Could my love not change him? Trust we are grown ups and know what we are doing" I sigh and rest against her, it feels good to lay down.
"Promise me something?" She asks quiet.
"Remember us, if he breaks your heart, remember we were us first. Promise we will still have this afterwards" she says worried.
"You are my girl, I love you. No matter what is between Jace and I you are my sister, just like Amber is. Nothing can change that. We really want you to be okay with this, we want you happy"
"Lilly will adjust, won't you baby?" May says in the doorway. "Sorry, just came to see her room. I didn't mean to intrude" she smiles apologetic.
"Nonsense, come in please" I say sitting up.
"Lilly is used to being spoiled, that's my fault. I baby her, so does Jace. You are old enough now that you know the world doesn't actually revolve around you right Lil?" She  tells us coming to sit on the bed.
"Yes Mum, I do know that" she grumbles.
"Good, then you know to be happy for your brother and give him the benefit of the doubt here. Your queen Bee is awesome right?"
"Yes, duh" she rolls her eyes and I giggle.
"Do you doubt someone could love her completely?"
"No, of course not"
"Then why do you doubt your brother doesn't? I thought you would be excited that you get your two favourite people at once" she raises her brows at Lilly.
"Well yeah I am" she pouts like she doesn't like her mother is making sense.
"I won't impede on your time with him, Jace is taking me on a road trip later but we will be home tomorrow. How bout I make sure he is back for you mani's tomorrow afternoon? Since you missed out last week" I offer.
"I am looking a bit raggedy" Lilly checks her nails that still look perfect.
"Uh before you make that promise Lil, I need you tomorrow. Maybe you could make it another day" May rushes out.
"For what? You haven't said anything till now" Lilly whines like a teenage girl.
"Uh, with Jaxon. We have him for a visit tomorrow and I would like your help" she tells her.
"We had Jaxon yesterday, what is Jess doing now? You didn't even need my help yesterday" she pouts and I agree, this woman can handle a newborn on her own.
"Don't argue, I said I need you tomorrow" May is stern.
"Alright, fudge" she grumbles and I laugh.
"Haven't you learned yet not to argue with your mother?" I ask
"Oh so you two are going to gang up on me now?" She rises from the bed and storms from the room while we laugh at her.
"She will be fine, I'm pretty sure she is more protective of you than she is Jay" May tells me.
"I hope so, it's important to Jace that she is. She means the world to him" I smile.
"I know, she always has. You mean the world to him too darling" she smiles back.
"You hungry? I should round everyone up for lunch" I evade and stand a little too quickly.
"You okay darling?" May takes my elbow as I stumble
"Yes, thank you. Just got up too quick, it was a long night last night" I blush.
"I imagine it was, I would be so scared. I'm glad Jace was here" she tells me.
"I'm glad he has the next few nights off, I don't think I cloud sleep here by myself" I admit.
"I'm sure everything will be fine, but it's a comfort to have someone like him at your side I'm sure"
"Someone like him?" I ask not knowing what she is implying.
"Big, strong, protective, someone who loves you" she shrugs with a smile.
"Yes, I've never met a man as protective as Jace, you should see him with Isabel. He would move mountains to get to her side" I smile.
"You're okay with their relationship?" She asks curious
"Sure, those two couldn't function on a day to day basis without the other. I think they have talked everyday since she left, she gives him strength when he needs it. They are like the others sponsor, Izzy's my best friend I love he has that bond with her" I say with no hint of jealousy.
"Sponsor?" She asks asking me if I know.
"He still has days where he struggles but he won't give in, he is the strongest man I know" I tell her without saying the obvious.
"Then I should thank this Izzy" she says leading us out the room.
"You would love her, she's very feisty" I laugh.

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