Chapter two

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We pull up to the valet and I panic, she has been avoiding me all week. What if she doesn't want to see me?
"I don't trust this fucker with my car" I point to the young guy walking over.
"You two go in, I'm going to park and catch up with you" I tell them.
"Sure man, we'll wait in the lobby for you" Coop gives me a questioning look before closing his door.

I double back to the carpark and lean my head on the wheel, never in the history of me liking girls has one ever knocked me down like this. Izzy is the only other that resisted my charm, she was already in love when I met her so I don't hold that against her. Beth on the other hand does actually like me, she fucking told me so, begged me to spend the night with her then leaves me cold all fucking week. My head is all kinds of fucked up because of her, doesn't she know she is the only woman I have ever spent the night with? Never have I allowed a girl to spend the night with me, it sends the wrong message and I have woken up beside that beautiful face twice now. Doesn't she know she is different from the rest?

No, why would she? I've never told her.

I get out the car and make my way inside, she would know by now I am here and if she is still with the group I know she wants to see me too. I walk inside like I own the place.


I step up to my bestie, my heart beating in my throat. Fuck I hate men! They see a nice ass and think the world owes it to them to take what they want. This pig in front of us thinks Isabel's ass was made for his enjoyment, not bloody likely asshole. His hand is on her arm preventing her from leaving, or so he thinks. My girl here could drop his ass to the floor quicker than he could blink, I've seen it myself.
"I was still talking" he thinks he is king shit smiling at her like he owns her.
"And I was done, take your hand off me" Izzy says flatly, I can hear her patience coming to an end.
"Just ten minutes, to change your mind" he leers at her
I step closer, what the hell am I going to do?! Izzy's mum is backing away.
"Listen, ten minutes or ten years it wouldn't matter, I'm not interested" she quips her tongue sharp.
"Baby please, be reasonable" he reaches his hand out and I wonder if he plans to hit her.
"She is not your baby, remove your hand from her before I remove it from your body" what the fuck! I spin at the sound of Coopers voice behind me.
"Man, this doesn't concern you. Move along" the idiot doesn't even bother to look who's come to the rescue, his funeral I guess
"Wrong, let her go before I hurt you" Coop growls and the sound even makes my hair stand on end. This guy is crazy fierce for his woman.
"I'd do as he asks, those guns are loaded" Izzy breathes still not turning her attention from this asshole.
"You know this guy?" He is still smiling but now looks over Isabel's head to Cooper.
"Know him? I mentioned I was getting married right? Douche bag meet the groom" he jumps back like he's been burned and releases his grip on Izzy's arm.
"No! You never mentioned that, look lady I'm not looking for trouble. You can get your kicks from someone else" he lying bastard backtracks.
"Dirt bag" I spit at him, braver now I know reinforcements are here.
"Well I'm certainly not asking him to carry me upstairs now" Mrs Taylor barks out.
I brace myself to turn around, to see him. Damn I miss him. I slowly turn and see Cole behind me, not the face I was looking for.
"What are you boys doing here?!" I demand quietly, angry and disappointed that I'm not looking into his dark blue eyes and cocky smile right now.
"Saving the day?" Cole smirks cocky and I growl at him, he doesn't pull off cocky like Jace does.
"He shouldn't be here, it's bad luck!" I shove his arm and notice he is sticky, the Coke shower? I try not to smile.
I turn to check on Iz and roll my eyes at the two lovebirds sucking face again, why am I surprised?
"Hey! No, stop that both of you" I wedge myself between them, there will be time enough for that tomorrow.
"Hey, I wasn't finished" Izzy protests and tightens her hold on Cooper squishing me against their bodies.
"Beth, maybe you could step back a little? I was kinda enjoying that" Coop tells me blushing and it takes me a second to realise that's not his phone in his pocket.
"Oh! Sorry" I think I must be bright red with embarrassment, yep embarrassment not pleasure. Damn! That thing is impressive, I really try not to look, I try and I fail. It's just been too long since someone had an erection around me, never mind it's not for me.
"You are in trouble Cooper, you said your goodbyes. What are you doing here? Cole will not be trusted with any information from now on, I've already told him off" I try to throw the focus off me and have trouble actually saying his name, Cooper is like my kryptonite, damn muscles and bad boy smile. I push them apart and finally get some of my senses back now Coop junior is not touching my thigh.
"Don't know what the freak out is about, it's not even close to midnight" Cole defends himself.
"Where's Jace?" Izzy asks and I hold my breath, she says his name like he is her goddamn hero.
"Parking the car, he didn't like the look of the valet" Coop smiles.
"You almost missed us, we were headed to bed, I'm glad you turned up when you did, I'm not sure that boy had ever been told no" Izzy's mum tells Cooper holding onto him.
"He won't bother you again mum, promise" he smiles down at her, he is so gentle with the women he loves. Sigh. Just one flaw, why can't he have just one? I would've normally said being a man is flaw enough but after our little encounter just now, having a penis is not a bad thing on him.
"Here's my best man" Izzy smiles distracting me from my thoughts of her soon to be husband and onto my soon to be husband. What?! No! I meant soon to be ex lover, I am going to play him like he wants to play me. I'm gonna hit that and quit that faster than he knows what hit him.
"I know, he's got a serious dependency problem. We tried to talk him out of this honey" Jace's face is soft and tender as he breathes his sweet words into her hair wrapping his arms around her and pressing his amazing red lips to her head. He doesn't look at me like that, how does Iz think we have something going on?
"I'm sure you did, Jace have you met my mother?" She smiles up at him full of mischief and love.
"No, pleased to meet you Mrs Taylor" he kisses her hand pretending to be a freaking gentleman.
"Pleasures mine big man" Mrs Taylor grins at him, yep his charm has no limits.
"I have never told her I call you that" Izzy quickly points out.
"No need darling I have eyes, you sure you chose the right one?" She whispers loudly to Iz making us laugh.
"Yes I'm sure" Iz shakes her head
"Hey Beth" Jace stands quietly beside me and I can feel the heat of the bastard standing so close, I want to lean in so bad.
"Jace" I acknowledge trying to catch my breath.
"Well since we are all here, who taking me upstairs?" Mrs Taylor blurts into the awkwardness.
"We can all take you, you can go to bed and I'll order some room service if you boys are thirsty?" Iz tells us trying to keep her man at her side, maybe I can keep mine by mine too?
"Sure we can stay a little while, right Beth?" Coop asks already calling the elevator.
"One hour! Then you're out on your ass" or in my bed I think as I look over Jace and bite my lip, why the hell does he have to look so edible.
"What floor?" Cole asks breaking my thoughts of feasting on Jace.
"Top floor, here you gotta stick this in" I grumble angry at myself for letting a man get the better of me, not ever again, I vow.
"Sorry to impose on you" Jace brushes my hair over my shoulder, standing so close but not touching me in the slightest.
Just touch me, I want to scream at him
"It's fine, I'm used to you boys doing what you want" I whisper instead, looking anywhere but at him
"I wish that were true" he whispers to me making me shiver, what does that mean?
I look him in the eyes, trying to figure him out.
"Holy fuck!" Cole yells making me jump.
"Language son" he is told off and I smile over at him.
"Sorry, this place is huge" Cole goes on but I've moved my focus back to Jace and watch the way his ass moves in those jeans, lord give me strength.
"Only two beds?" Coop notices and I smile brightly at him, yeah Coop be very worried I'm a horny bitch tonight.
"I told you she's mine tonight" I tease, or not tease I haven't decided.
"I see" he gives us both a stare.
"Hungry Cole?" Izzy changes the subject.

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