Chapter fifty seven

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"Beth sweetheart wake up" I kiss my beautiful woman's face and lips to rouse her from her deep sleep.
I hate to do it but she needs to buckle up.
"Jay no.... we can do it later. Just give me ten minutes" she mumbles batting my face away from hers.
"Okay if you insist but you still need to wake up, time to land beautiful, we're home" I chuckle at her grumpiness.
"Home?" She asks opening her eyes to look at me.
"Almost, we land in five. C'mon I've got a hot chocolate waiting for you, I know it's late" I sit her up in the large bed and wonder how I will ever fly commercially again?
"Hmm perfect, thank you sexy" her thick sleep voice beckons me to lay her back down.
"Welcome Angel. I can't wait to get you in our bed" I wrap my arms around her waist as we walk down the narrow hall to the seated area and we plop down into the big leather armchairs.
"I'm glad we went and I had a great time but I miss our house, I miss waking up in our room" she sighs and smells the steamy mug.
The ours have my heart racing, I love that we have ours.
"I'm glad we went to, thank you sweetheart for not leaving without me. We made so many memories that will stay with me, all of them good" I tell her mainly to keep conversation up so she'll stay awake.
"What was your favourite?" She smiles and her eyes brighten, my plan has worked.
I love that I know her well enough to predict her reactions now, I love the relaxed feel of our relationship. She doesn't ask to hold my hand or kiss me, to sit in my lap or if she can fix my hair. Touch is normal and expected and I love it.
"Hmm, definitely that dress you wore to the club, the way it moved when you danced for me. The fact you were dancing for me, beside me and everyone knew you were mine" I grin at her and watch her blush.
"Jay... I thought it would've been the JetSki? You and Coop were having a great time yesterday" she giggles and it's so beautiful.
"The Ferris wheel, that was special thank you Angel. The lights, the boats, the harbour, everything was perfect but the best view I had was of you. You were so brave, so beautiful. I had all these amazing things to look at up there but all I could see was you, all I could think was how much I love you, and how the fuck did I get you to agree to be my bride? How the fuck did I get so lucky that you would give me children? How much I need you in my life" I tell her seriously.
"Oh Jace, you have me, you will always have me. I love you too" Beth leans over and kisses me soft and shy and so damn good.
"What's your favourite memory?" I ask to distract myself, now is not the time to get carried away.
"Don't laugh... the mirror" she whispers looking down at her almost empty mug.
Mmm, the mirror.... holy fuck that was awesome. So much for not getting carried away.
"You know we have a very large mirror in our room? We could play that game anytime sweetheart, damn you were so sexy" I look her over now as if I can see the way she touched herself for me, I lick my lips at the taste of her arousal on her own tongue.
"Okay folks, time to buckle up" the hostess interrupts with a fake ass smile and a bitchy tone.
"One second" I smile at my fiancée ignoring her and lean in to kiss Beth's mouth very slowly.
I feel Beth sigh and her hands cup my neck, her lips are sweet and taste like chocolate and her tongue is warm.
"I'm going to have to insist Masters" I'm interrupted again but this time I smile, I've pissed her off.
"Well if you insist" I wink at Beth "and it's Mr Masters" I correct her leaning over to buckle my precious cargo safely into her seat.
"Thank you, Mr Masters" she sashays off to buckle herself in up the front with the pilots.
"She really doesn't like being turned down does she?" Beth smiles biting her lip.
"I don't give a fuck what she likes sweetheart, someone who can aggressively pursue a clearly taken man in front of his woman because of a purely superficial attraction is not a nice person. It makes whatever attractiveness she thinks she has very ugly, she is very wrong if she thinks that can turn my head from someone like you beautiful" I kiss Beth's hand as I feel the plane descend.

I hear the girls before I can see them and it makes me smile, even at three in the morning the crazy is up on high.
"Is that?" Beth giggles as the door is lowered for us.
"Yeah, they wanted to pick us up. That's okay right sweetie?" I check.
"Of course, I expected we would just get a taxi" Beth answers swapping her weight from foot to foot impatient.
She's excited to see my sisters? Why does that make my chest feel so tight? Miss Bates stands aside and Beth and I emerge into the cool night air. I take a deep breath of relief after the heat of Spain.
"Oh em gee!! You are rock star famous right now, who flies like this?!" Ellie gets to me first and jumps wrapping her arms and legs around me.
"Hey Ellie belly, miss me?" I laugh and catch her before she can take me down with her.
"Nah, who'd miss an ugly head like this?" She kisses my cheek laughing loud in my ear.
"Damn, the rock?! Let me go you creep I've got a new sister to interrogate" she jumps from me just as quick and launches herself at Beth.
"Okay let me get eyes on this thing, it's like crazy big right?" Ellie bounces on the spot.
"Your brother was very generous yes" Beth answers modestly and holds her hand out for the girls.
"Hey big brother, look at you being a man and shit. Way to go player, looks like it's game over" Jess hugs my waist and smiles up at me.
"Thanks, I think" I chuckle and kiss her hair.
"God, Jay. You are totally sitting down with my man, if he doesn't cough up like this I ain't marrying him. I don't care how big his dick is" Ellie fans her face dramatically holding Beth's hand.
"If you tell me you're still seeing that fucker I'll do more than talk to him, I told you Elle he's not good enough for you" I point my finger at her.
"Calm ya tits, I ain't seeing nobody. It was a hypothetical statement, no man can handle the heat my fire brings" she shrugs with attitude and I roll my eyes at her.
"Thanks for coming out I know it's late, we would have been fine with a taxi" Beth tells the girls politely.
"Nonsense, that's what sisters are for. You'll get the chance to return the favour don't you worry your pretty face" Jess smirks at her.
"You didn't get Jaxon out of bed did you?" Beth asks and I leave the girls to chat and grab the luggage from the baggage handler.
Jess unlocks her big SUV with her remote without even pausing in her speech about men needing to embrace being the primary caregiver from time to time so women don't forget they are women. Beth bites her lip to keep from laughing and I want to tell them so bad, she looks over her shoulder like she can read my mind and gives her head a small shake. I pout and come to stand behind her wrapping my arms around her and place my hand on my babies.
"You need to take sex off the table unless it's for baby making, the big guy is a horny motherfucker and will give in in no time. Won't you Jay? Please give Jax a cousin to play with... this one here has no sense of giving. I told her she doesn't even need a boyfriend, just a bottle of tequila and a set of cuffs. Bam! You gots a bun in the oven!" Jess nudges Ellie in the ribs.
"Eew Jess, I don't want to know how my beautiful nephew was created" Ellie laughs pretending to gag.
"Okay I think my ears are bleeding, shall we?" I gesture to the car and pull Beth to the back seat with me.
We have to snuggle up side by side because of the baby seat but that's fine with me.
"Who's up for drive through? I'm starving" Jess says climbing behind the wheel.
"Ooh me! I need a double cheeseburger with bacon and a strawberry shake with fries to dunk in it" Beth sits forward with a grin.
"Right on sister" Ellie bumps her fist with Beth and I'm sure they don't even need me here, they are a family of their own already.

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