Chapter five

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I watch the happy couple dancing, swaying and holding onto the other and the look of love on their faces makes me swoon. Maybe one day, I tell myself, one day someone will look at me the way Coop looks at his bride.
I can feel Jace's eyes on me but I refuse to look over at him, I know in a few minutes we will have to go dance together and my hands are already sweating. I want to double check my pits don't stink, but getting caught with my nose under my arms might be more embarrassing than being stinky.
I'm nervous, his smile has caught me off guard so many times today and his sweet words during his speech hinted at a softer side of him. Jace a romantic? No I'm sure it's just the magic of weddings that make everyone feel in love. The only one Jace loves is his reflection and maybe Isabel, I saw his face right before he kissed her. He drops everything to be by her side when she needs him and he is never guarded with her, I hate to admit it, but I'm jealous. I want him to show me the real Jace Masters.

The band calls us to dance and I feel Jace beside me, his hand outstretched for me and I wipe mine on the table cloth discreetly before I take it.
We don't speak as he leads me to the dance floor and I'm grateful, I don't know what to say to him.
My breath shakes as his large warm hand moves up my arm to my shoulder and his thumb holding my hand makes circles on my palm, his little extra touches make me shiver and I hate myself for reacting. I want him but I don't want to want him, I want to use his body and finally know the joy a man can give a woman. Yeah I've had relationships and I'm no virgin, but sex has never been good for me, my partners unwilling or uncaring to see to my needs. It always seemed like when I'd finally be starting to feel like I could enjoy it, it was over. No repeat performances.
I've heard the stories about Jace, a man doesn't get that type of reputation by leaving his partners unsatisfied. Just his hand on mine, or his lips brushing my neck had me ready to burst. I know without a doubt this man could make me scream.
I don't want him to make me fall for him, I don't want his soft touches and his begging eyes, oh god his eyes right now. I step on his toes as he makes me falter on my feet.
"Sorry" I blush.
"It's fine" he smiles sweetly at me relieved I think that I'm actually talking to him.
"I thought you liked dancing?" He asks softly.
"I do" I breathe.
"Then relax honey, it's just me"
"Just you" I repeat on a shaky breath.
"One day you will tell me why you're scared of me, I would never hurt you" he frowns as if this thought upsets him.
I turn my head and watch the way Cooper leads Iz around the floor and smile, of course he can dance, I will find a flaw, he must have one.
I feel Jace sigh, his big frame rising and falling and his chest almost touches mine. I feel like sighing too, it's comfortable here in his arms and despite my nerves I do feel safe with him. From outside predators anyway.
The clean smell of Jace beckons me to lean in, so bad I want to press my face into his neck and sleep, I love sleeping with him. I catch myself moving closer and I jerk back with a frown, no touching. Touching leads to feelings and I can't afford to feel for this man, the stakes are too high.
His thumb never stops the sweet torture on my palm and I look at our hands, his is so much bigger than mine. His nails perfectly manicured but still his hands are manly and strong, just clean and soft. He has kissable hands and I whimper as the urge to bring his hand to my mouth makes my thighs tingle. With a blush on my cheeks I glance to his face, did he notice? Our eyes meet and I quickly look away, my heart pounding in my chest.
I feel him sigh again, his time harder and almost frustrated and I look back to his face. Suddenly his arms grip me tight and I'm pulled into his chest, gasping I stare at him shocked and his eyes burn me to my soul.
Leaning down slowly his lips brush mine and I whimper, he moans at the sound and his lips are on mine once more. I hold onto him for dear life and I kiss him back, he has never kissed me like this. I open for him and without missing a beat his tongue is in my mouth, mine is circling his and my belly is tight, my legs are shaking, this is too good. I should stop this, I don't want to, I need this, need him.
"Jace" I breathe on his lips.
"Stop?" He grunts.
"No" I suck his bottom lip into my mouth and our kiss continues, this time slower, hotter and I burn.
The world ceases to matter and the room disappears, he is all I care about, right now he is everything I need. His tongue is skilled and I moan as I imagine it elsewhere, in places I have never been kissed.
"Beth honey, I need to stop, you are making me want more than I can have" his voice is rough and low and deep, making me want more.
"Im sorry" I flush and lower my face, his lips press into my forehead and he holds them there as I catch my breath.
My hands are holding the lapels of his jacket pulling him closer to me and I let go flattening my palms on his chest.
"Don't be sorry and don't let me go, please Beth" his please does it, it makes me feel and I sigh. I don't want to feel.
I wrap my arms around him and rest my head on his chest like I have wanted to do from the moment we started dancing.
"Thank you" he whispers resting his cheek on the top of my head.
"Uh huh" I breathe and nod. I can't speak words right now.

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