Chapter four

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"Wow this place looks amazing" I tell Coop as we make our way to the alter.
"This was all Izzy, she did good" he smiles looking at all the flowers dripping from the gazebo and simple white chairs with emerald green bows, chairs that are filling quickly with people who have come to see their love.
I look over the crowd and frown, on a rough count I have slept with six of them that I remember. I'm so over this, I've always hated the awkward hey how have you been? Haven't fucked you for ages conversation after a one night stand walks back into your life. If I could go back and tell the fifteen year old me anything it would be to stay a virgin, if I never knew how amazing a woman's body could make me feel I know I would be better man standing here today.
When people say you always remember your first, that's bullshit. I remember her tits were the best things I had ever seen and her unshaven pussy scared the hell out of me, I remember it was the best two minutes of my life up to that point and by the time I was buckling my pants I was already looking around the room for the next girl, but for the life of me I cannot remember her name or her face. Five minutes later I popped my second cherry for the night and thought my life would never get better than the high school basement parties where our parents alcohol was raided and our girls were passed round like fucking party favours.
Music starts to play and I'm brought back to the here and now and I give Coop's shoulder a squeeze, he is bouncing on the balls of his feet.
I look out to the crowd and almost all the seats are full, I see Justin walk in with his date and shake my head, make that seven.
"Still got the rings?" Coop asks again.
"Uh huh" I nod and Coop looks at his watch.
"Are you sure? You didn't even check" he gives me a look.
I roll my eyes and jingle them in my pocket so he can hear.
"Okay good" he nods.
His nervous fidgeting is driving me crazy and I turn him to face me away from the crowd.
"Cooper, stop. Calm down before you piss your pants, I love you, but man, I will point and laugh at you" I smile.
"Thanks, and I have no doubt" he chuckles then whips his head to the end of the isle where the path is blocked from view by a large rose hedge.
"Oh fuck she's here" he breathes.
I don't see or hear anything but whatever man, I shake my head at him.
"Dude she's not even late yet" I laugh and slap his shoulder.
The crowd becomes quiet and I turn to see Cole and Mrs Taylor walk down the isle to the front row and Mrs Taylor takes a seat, Cole winks over at us with a cocky nod of his head and disappears back down the isle. Fuck she is here.
"You have the rings?" Coop asks.
"Shit! No, I must of lost them" I pat down my pockets.
"Dude, I'm gonna punch ya. Again" he groans at the end of his tether.
"If I had them two minutes ago when you asked and I haven't moved, chances are they are still there" I tell him smug
"I'm taking notes, everything you do to me today I'm returning ten fold on your wedding day" he tells me seriously and I smile.
"Bring it" if I ever get married I expect no less
"Oh I will" he tells me sensing the challenge.
The music changes and plays the traditional wedding march, I see Beth in her beautiful dress holding onto her flowers as if the world will end if she lets go. Her eyes meet mine briefly and her small smile takes my breath away before they move back to the red carpet she walks on. Oh wow, my girl looks incredible. Isabel is clutching Cole so hard and the way she looks at Cooper undoes me, seriously, how can two people love each other that much?
I smile as Izzy's little feet are walking way too quickly and Cole is holding her back, talk about eager.
Beth comes to stop opposite me and up close I can see all the effort she has put into looking good today, I can smell her and she smells so good. I'm not sure if it's just because we are facing each other or something more but I can't look away, Izzy who? I smile for her and her lips twitch like she is fighting it, I cock my head slightly to the side and they twitch again. She can't take her eyes off me either.
Cole is talking and I only half listen, he's reading a letter from Izzy's dad. Beth's eyes are watering and her chin trembles, it must be so hard for Iz to hear this and I move my eyes to her. She is crying as Cole finishes and he hugs her so soft and gentle, whispering words of support in her ear and wiping her tears. The fucker puts his lips on her again but this time only her forehead.
Cole passes Iz to Cooper and comes to stand beside me and I give him a small nod, whatever I think of him Isabel loves him and it seems he is actually good for her.
I feel Cooper relax at my side now he can touch his bride and I move my eyes back to Beth, she is still watching me and I bite my lip, her gaze in unnerving and beautiful. This time she smiles and my heart beats faster, does she even know the effect she has on me?
Izzy interrupts our moment to hand off her flowers to Beth and I frown, rude much? I dig into my pocket and fish out the rings passing the smaller of the two to Coop.
Cooper places the ring on Izzy's tiny finger and she smiles like sunshine, bright and gorgeous. Cooper vows to forever be her slave and promises to worship her daily sacrificing small animals as necessary to keep his love happy, or something like that and I pass Coop's ring to Izzy with a smile, I can't stop the fucking thing, it's like I love these two or something and a fucking tear spills onto my cheek and I hastily wipe it away before anyone can see.
The ring is placed on Coops finger and he stiffens beside me like she just gave him an electric shock, that's what the idiot gets for bouncing around like a fucking jack in the box. Izzy vows to provide any and all sexual pleasure at the request of her master and promises to feed him without delay upon waking and after any or all sexual pleasure, or something like that.
The minister declares them wed and Coop is given permission to smash that and holy fuck he does, he can't get his dirty hands on her quick enough and I think their moans of pleasure is giving me a boner right now.
They kiss and they kiss and they fucking kiss, it's like they have found the fucking holy grail in each other's mouth and it's way too good to stop. Izzy moves her hands to his hair and Coop moves his hands to her ass, Beth is clicking at me to get my attention and it works, she nudges her head in their direction and I guess I should halt this before she climbs him like a tree.
I jab my finger into Coop's side with a grin, dude is likely to come out swinging for cock blocking him but hey, It would make a cool story if they ever managed to have kids.
Coop pulls back with a smile and Izzy takes a slow breath before opening her eyes, Coop goes back in for more keeping it short and sweet.
"You look so beautiful" he whispers rubbing over her face
"Fuck I love you" she blurts quietly, that's my girl I laugh.
"I love you too baby" he tells her and he is hogging her now.
"Okay, my turn" I bump Coop out the way moving in to get some love too.
"You look stunning honey" I kiss her cheek as she holds me and I turn to shake Coops hand.
"Congratulations to you both" my fucking grin so wide it hurts and I think something is stuck in my eye again.
"Thanks man" Coop smiles at me proud.
The rest of the ceremony passes in a blur and I'm torn between watching Isabel smile, my boy strut like a fucking peacock behind her and Beth checking me out. I decide I can watch my two crazy lovebirds with Beth and move in beside her wrapping my arm around her waist and I kiss her hair like I would with Iz, just make it normal to touch her.
"S'up maid of honour?" I give her a wink.
"You know, just chillin, best man" she plays along with me.
"I think that was the best fucking ceremony I've ever seen, I feel like a proud papa right now"
"I can tell, I saw you crying big man" she teases me
"Oh thank god, for a second I thought you were going to tell me you could see my hard on when those two were getting dirty up there" I tease her back.
"You didn't?" She gasps with a smile, oh wow did I do that?
"Maybe just a little, I saw you blush, you were feeling it too" I kiss her hair again because I can't help it.
"Someone's in a good mood today" she eyes my sceptically.
"Today is a good day" I shrug.
"Yeah it is, even Cole is behaving today. Mrs Bentley on the other hand... I could strangle her" she laughs.
"No way, was she as bad as Coop? That's sucker has been bouncing off the walls all morning" I take her in, her smell, her dress, her fucking smile.
"No, she was chilled all morning, I had to ride her ass to get anything done" she shakes her head and her blonde Angel curls bounce.
"Cole kept his hands to himself?" I ask trying to keep my tone light.
"Not really, does he ever? At least today he's not being a whiney bitch and keeping his mouth to himself" Beth shrugs.
"You're not his biggest fan are you?" I smirk.
"He's okay, it would be hard to be in love with someone who doesn't love you back, or worse does love you just not enough like Isabel does" she sighs and I notice she sees more than she lets on.
"You think Iz is in love with Cole?"
"Don't you?" She asks then reaches up to pick something out of my hair and I hold my breath.
"Sorry, you had a leaf" she mumbles showing me the offender.
"Thanks honey" I say quietly as she is still so close.
"No problem" she whispers to my lips, does she want me to kiss her?
"Yes" I say my voice rough.
"Yes?" She asks like she forgot she asked me a question.
"I think she does but mostly because he is the wilder version of Coop, not because of him. It's like she can't separate the two sometimes" I pretend to fix her earring so I have an excuse to touch her again.
"There's my bestie's, time for photos" Iz comes up and leans into us both, wrapping her arms around both our waists.
Isabel touch is always comfortable and easy, we never think twice about putting our hands on each other and I want that with Beth. I lean down and kiss her face to prove my point, she beams up at me and runs her hand over my collar.
"You warned me but I didn't listen, I think you definitely brought too much sexy" she bites her lip giving me a look over.
"Yeah well I thought you would've put a bit of effort in today, I'm pretty sure I've seen you wear this before" she slaps my chest and laughs.
"C'mon, Coop's getting Cole then it's time to show me your best blue steel" she pulls me forward and I grab a hold of Beth's hand to bring her with me.
I watch as she almost dances her way to her husband and he wraps his arm around her as we all walk down the path to where the photographer has set up, I don't let go of Beth's hand.
"I'm so jealous" Beth sighs and I turn to look at her, she's jealous of me and Izzy? Does she want me to touch her and kiss her like that?
"You know I used to be her favourite" she grumbles and I feel like an idiot, of course she was talking about her and Izzy.
"You know what they say, don't hate the player...." I trail off, I don't want her to think of me like that.
"Hate the game" she finishes for me.
"You no I'm not right? Not anymore" I stop her and look into her face, I want her to trust me.
"Jace" she breathes my name and I want to kiss her.
"Please believe me honey"
"I want to...... it's not really my business" she finishes shaking her head and walks on without me.

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