Chapter forty five

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"Holy fucking shit!" I blurt as I see it.
"Dude you sound like my brother, he turned into a fucking three year old when he saw this thing. I'm pretty sure he forgot he was even married and was going on his honeymoon, motherfucker fell hard for the big engines and shiny paint job. Poor Iz was just afterthought as he ran from the car" Cole shakes his head at my gawking out the window of the taxi.
"I bet you were there to console her though right?" Beth smirks at him.
"Always" he shrugs and I bet he is just waiting for Coop leave her side, he'll be waiting a while.
"Lucky Iz" Beth hugs his arm sitting in between us in the back seat.
"Okay enough of just sitting here, let's do this!" I tap Beth's leg excitedly making her laugh.
I hand over way too many notes to the driver and climb from the car pulling Beth behind me, I'm not making Coop's mistake.
"Hey Big Boy slow down" she giggles clutching her stomach.
I look over the jet, it's sleek lines and shiny black paint scream speed and luxury. The large bold B in deep red is sexy and makes me smile, Coop would hate it.
"Man, just go. Do your laps and get it out of your system, I've got this" Cole slaps my shoulder and takes our luggage from the back.
"Thanks man" I grin and wink at my beautiful woman before taking off to check this thing out.
I walk around and try not to touch myself as I check out all the mechanics and engines up close.
A lady greets Cole and Beth and I jog back to them as they introduce themselves. I wrap Beth in a hug and kiss her temple.
"You must be Masters" the lady says with a eager smile and a sweeping glance.
"Uh, yeah" I nod holding my woman a little tighter.
I'm standing with my fiancée for fucks sake, Beth's ring is huge, there is no way she doesn't see it.
"Miss Bates" she introduces herself "I'll be seeing to your needs for the flight" she extends her hand to me with a flirty smile and I ignore both.
"Sorry darlin, not likely. This woman wearing my ring sees to all my needs, all the time" I lift one shoulder in a shrug and give her a cocky pout.
Cole snorts at my side and slaps my arm amused.
"Dude she wants your passport you idiot" he laughs and takes it from the pocket of my leather jacket.
Miss bates takes it blushing and disappears on a golf cart to get us organised I'm sure.
"Sorry Angel, that was so rude" I lift Beth's chin so I can kiss her lips.
"Thank you" Beth whispers cupping my face and I can tell she liked that I turned the chick down like that.
"Every time Lizzy, you are my woman" I kiss her again then toss her over my shoulder.
"Cole! Keep up man" I laugh climbing the steps into the jet.
"Damn" Cole groans behind me and I set Beth back on her feet.
"Oh god, I'm never flying commercial again" Beth giggles and goes to look down the back.
"Fucking tiny millionaire woman, Isabel never fails to shock me" I shake my head at Cole.
"It's fucking amazing, she could have this lifestyle everyday but chooses to slum it with us douchebags instead" he rolls his eyes affectionately and sighs and my chest actually tightens for him.
I clasp his shoulder offering a little comfort for the fact he obviously still loves her like crazy.
Beth squeals down the hall and we both take off running for her.
"Angel?!" I call and find her in a bathroom at the end of the hall.
"I call dibs on the big bed and first shower!" She giggles dancing on the spot.
"Fucking hell Mama, give me a fucking heart attack why don't you? Fuck" Cole says breathless and annoyed.
"Sorry, I get excited sometimes" Beth goes bright red and I kiss her forehead.
"You can share both right?" I ask trying to make my heartbeat settle into a healthy pace.
"Ah, maybe" she grins up at me.
"Cool, you want the shower or the bed?" Cole smirks at me.
"Both!" I grumble and frown at him.
"What? Beth has to share and you don't?" He shakes his head and I push him out the door and we go to find our seats.
"Mine, mine, mine, fucking mine" I whine into Beth's ear kissing her softly and she laughs at me.
"Alright, drinks anyone? We have been cleared for takeoff please fasten your seat belts" Bates smiles and closes the doors sealing us inside.
"Yeah, the strongest thing you have. Better make it a double" Cole swallows hard taking the seat on the other side of Beth.
"Oh no, someone is a nervous flyer" Beth takes his hand and squeezes.
"No it's not the flying that makes me nervous, it's the falling out of the sky part" he bites his lip.
"Aww poor baby, have you done much flying?" Beth coddles him.
"Twice, I feel better now I have somebody with me" he smiles at her and covers her hand with his other.
I sigh and lean my head back on the seat resigned to the fact that now I'm the third wheel.
Cole is brought his drink and the ballsy woman gives me a wink with a smirk while Beth is focused on Cole, I frown and close me eyes.

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