Chapter sixty three

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I can hear the excited scratching of paws on hardwood as I carry Beth up the drive, the grumbles of Hunter because he's knows we are home.
"Jace you did this already remember?" Beth giggles but pouts like she doesn't love it.
"No I carried my fiancée over the threshold, now I carry my wife. It's completely different, I'm being thorough" I wink down at her pretty face.
"I do love it when you're thorough" Beth giggles again, she has been unbelievably happy today.
"I know" I smirk remembering my thorough efforts last night.
"God Jay, mind up here" she laughs pointing to her face.
"Hmm yeah baby, that mouth of yours.... fucking heaven" I grin harder.
"Hmm yeah baby" Cole laughs holding open the door breaking our thoughts.
Hunter comes barrelling out running circles around our feet and jumping for attention, I can hear Izzy's laugh inside the house and I kiss my wife.
"Looks like our solitude is over beautiful, welcome home" I tell Beth.
"Nowhere I'd rather be" she beams up at me ignoring Cole's jabbing for her attention like hunter is nudging for mine.
"Congratulations Masters! Welcome home" Iz jumps and claps when we arrive in the living room.
"Thanks Tiny, its good to be home" I say and try to keep Beth in my arms as Iz tries to take possession.
I let her go but keep my hand under Beth's back so Iz doesn't drop the woman two times her size, in height I should clarify. Beth would punch me if I said that out loud.
"How's my babies? Did you miss me?" Iz says to Beth's belly.
"Belles stop, put me down, they are fine" Beth laughs struggling to get free. "we were gone one night"
"Yeah but I missed you, you didn't call me last night" Iz pouts and Coop grins.
"Hey, Lil Mama rang Coop? Wrong number? You meant to call me right?" Cole frowns confused.
"No Cole, I wasn't sure you'd be conscious. You drank your brother dry last night" Beth teases him jumping down and Cole moves in to hug her.
"Drowning my sorrows, my side kick is leaving me behind" he pouts and she shakes her head at him.
"Never, who else will paint my toenails for me?" She indulges him.
I totally would but she has never asked, suddenly I really want to.
"Hungry? Dinners ready, Iz and I have been cooking all day" Cole's hands are pawing at my babies and I swallow the groan in my throat.
Does he really have to touch her like that? Hands all over her body?
"Silly question, my babies are always hungry. Uncle Cole has your back guys" he continues like there isn't a room full of adults to converse with.
"Hey uncle Cole, Hors d'oeuvre's are ready" Coop distracts him noticing my displeasure.
"Shit! Dude take your wife out by the pool, we're having drinks before dinner" Cole tells me and I just raise a brow at him.
"My house, my wife" I tell him standing in place like a stubborn child.
"Yeah yeah, whatever caveman" he grumbles with his back to me headed for the kitchen.
"Kids" Coop mutters to Izzy and turns to face Beth "May I?" He asks politely while holding out his arms for the girls to take.
"You may" Beth blushes.
"Ah fuck yeah" Iz beams her sunshine smile up at her man.
They both link their arms through his and he winks at me over his shoulder the cocky son of a bitch leaving me standing alone in the living room. I close the front door with a thud and decide to follow them out.
"Here carry this" Cole shoves a tray of bacon wrapped pineapple chunks with some kind of glaze and a toothpick sticking out the top into my hands.
I smile, Beth will love these. I remember he is actually good for my wife and loves her too, I sigh and roll my eyes.
"Thanks bro, these look great" I nudge my shoulder into his while he carries a tray of creamy mushrooms vol au vent's out with me.
"It's all G Big Man, I just wanted you two to be able to relax tonight. Have fun before you disappear" he tells me quietly.
"Isabel" I groan "dude it's a surprise, do not tell her" I grumble.
"I do actually know how to keep a secret dude, good job by the way, Lil Mama needs to be pampered. I'm not talking shit when I say if you fail to do that I will" he tells me seriously.
"I believe you, I also have every intention of making my wife very happy" I smile watching her being spun on the end of Coop's fingers, Izzy on his other hand.
"Dude, tell me I'm not going to lose her to him as well?" Cole says sad and worried with a frown watching them too.
"Nah I think your claws are in pretty deep man, she loves you, she just loves his flashy smile and shiny body" I pout too.
"Seriously, how much baby oil you think he uses in a week?" Cole makes a face of jealousy hidden by disgust.
I bark out a laugh and all heads turn to me.
"A lot" I slap Cole's shoulder and take the food to my wife.
"Oh god damn, thank you sexy!" Beth claps and dances on the spot seeing what I carry for her.
"So welcome baby, anything for my Angel" I wink at her beautiful smile and she kisses me rough and excited.
"Hey! What the fuck?! I'm the one who spent an hour painstakingly wrapping them by hand, this oversized idiot just carried the fucking plate" Cole slaps the back of my head irritated and Beth giggles at him.
"Yeah but he did it so well, c'mere handsome" Beth pulls his shirt collar and kisses his cheek. "Thank you Cole, you are the most awesome-est, fantastical, considerate and thoughtful best friend ever. I love you" Beth rubs his cheek as he blushes and fights a smile.
"It's only food woman, calm down" he grumbles and shoves a vol au vent in her mouth affectionately. "Love you too Mama" he adds with a smile.

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