Chapter fifty one

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The sun warms me all the way to my bones and I cover my eyes with the crook of my elbow laying on my back on the soft bed at the bow of the boat, Izzy's beside me laying on her stomach eating from a large bowl of fruit salad.
"Aren't you full yet? There was enough lunch to feed ten people" I tease and roll to my side to face her.
"Ten ordinary people yes, our men aren't exactly ordinary men. Their appetites are impressive yes?" She smirks at me.
"Yes" I answer trying to figure out her reply.
"I've noticed Cole is on the protein shakes Jace drinks, he's changing" Iz nods her head to the boys who are chatting and driving us about.
"Jace is working out with him, I'm not supposed to look at his baby abs as Jace calls them. I hope he doesn't beef up too much, he is hot just like this" I wink when he notices our stare.
"Sup Mama? You need me?" He calls over.
"No, you just stand there and look good like a good boy" I blow him a kiss and he laughs at me winking back.
The two men at his side frown and coincidentally decide they need to remove their shirts too, I let out a sigh at the sight of all the skin and muscle.
"Love your work Lizzy, holy shit we are some lucky bitches" Iz groans and lifts her phone to take a photo of them.
"Definitely, I'm overheating over here" I giggle with my mouth watering at the sight.
"Hey eyes on your own man!" She laughs and stuffs watermelon in my mouth.
"Can't help it he's just so shiny" I giggle swallowing the cool refreshing fruit.
"Yeah he is, he's my sun. He fills my life with light" Iz sighs serious for a moment and Coop smiles at her the way he does.
The way they get lost in each other reminds me that this is still their honeymoon and we are trespassing here, five weeks later and they still can't go an hour without each other. Two days won't be even close to being enough time with Jace, I remind myself that I have him forever, there is a whole lifetime of vacations to have with him.
With babies to care for, they won't ever be like this again.
I sigh and flop back to my back removing all men from my sight.
"Beth? Everything okay honey?" Iz follows my lead and rolls to her back.
"Yeah. On one hand I'm impatient to meet my babies then on the other I just want to pause time right here so nothing changes. I'm worried that as a couple this is as good as it's going to get, Jace is already a excellent father and I know he will work hard for his family. He will always put the twins first and that's how it should be but the selfish part of me is wondering about me, will I ever have his attention like this again?" I say feeling guilty for feeling this way.
"Sweetie I'm pretty sure you will always have his attention, he is captivated by you. The way he looks at you, the way he touches you... the way he loves you. That kind of passion doesn't wane easily, he lives to love you" Iz rests her head on my shoulder as she talks and I wrap my arm around her.
"God I hope so, I'm already addicted to it. It's like I can actually feel his love for me when... you know..... he's loving me" I blush.
"I know how you feel honey, don't be embarrassed. Coop makes me feel the same way, I lose my mind when I feel the way he loves me. From what I could tell you love him the same way" she smiles.
"He utterly consumes me Belles, I try to keep myself from totally embarrassing myself but I'm pretty sure I must look emotionally starved and clumsy next to him" I sigh shaking my head.
"Relax honey you looked pretty fucking sexy to me" she giggles.
Huh? From what she could tell? I looked? What is she talking about? I turn to look at her face confused and she giggles harder.
"Sorry sweetie, I kinda saw you two before. I came to help out with lunch, didn't look like you needed any" Iz blushes bright red and I'm sure I just died.
"Oh holy shit balls Iz, you didn't?!" I blurt embarrassed as hell.
She just nods grinning like an idiot. I cover my face groaning and I feel her jump up, she straddles my waist and pulls my hands from my face pinning them behind my head.
"Don't feel embarrassed by this, you are beautiful Elizabeth. That love you share is beautiful, that love created life, and holy fuck he was loving it" she finishes on a whisper her face close to mine.
"Yeah he was" I giggle and Iz kisses me.
"Sixteen" she smiles.
"Hey! Nah uh, that doesn't count. I kiss you" I tell her then kiss her quickly back.
"Okay ladies break it up, you are giving your men heart problems back there" Cole chuckles shoving Iz off me.
He settles himself between us on the day bed and I turn into him and lay on his chest and Iz does the same.
"That's better" he sighs wrapping an arm around us both.
"I'm not sure the boys would agree" Izzy smirks at his casualness.
"Yeah well I haven't pissed them off enough yet today, things were getting weird. They were being nice" he mock shudders.
"Imagine that" I shake my head sarcastically.
"I know, totally creepy" he agrees.
"You know, you could always just be the nice guy you are around them and they would always be nice?" I tell him.
"Nah it's better this way, they won't be disappointed when I fuck up" he shrugs.
"What makes you think you're going to fuck up?" Iz asks seriously.
"Just a feeling" he answers quietly looking into her eyes.
Oh, when he can no longer keep his feelings in check. My heart breaks for him.
"You need to trust yourself" Iz whispers back.
He shakes his head slightly and he looks so sad.
"It's harder again today, wanna feel?" I ask to distract Cole from kissing Izzy here and now.
"You know I do honey" he turns his head and smiles.
"What's hard?" Izzy asks shocked.
"My nieces are coming out to say hi" he tells her with a grin then places his hand over my belly.
Pushing down slightly he moves from hip to hip over the lump and chuckles a little.
"Why don't I know about this? Get off it's my turn!" Iz leans over him and bats his hand away taking over the rubbing of my belly.
"Aww... fuck Beth you are pregnant" Iz breathes and places her cheek on my belly.
"Dudes?! What the fuck? It looks like a fucking orgy over here" Coop grumbles plopping down beside me and frowning at Iz laying across his brother.
"Honey? Can he?" Iz asks me and I nod.
"Lover give me your hand" Izzy reaches out already taking it.
Coop looks at my face as he realises what she is going to do with it, I give him a small smile letting him know it's okay.
"Feel that?" She breathes amazed.
"Holy fuck, is that the babies?" He looks at us both.
"Uh huh" I nod.
"Holy shit" he chuckles and I have to remind myself again that I'm almost married.
Damn his hand is warm and strong, not as soft as Jace's and a little calloused, I look away before I blush.
"Uncle Coop meeting my cherubs? Cause it's not what it looks like right? Your hand isn't moving south?" Jace asks behind my head.
"Fuck man, watch your mouth. There's children present, my nieces can hear you" Coop smiles at him still holding my stomach.
"Why does everyone think they're girls?" I shake my head in wonder "Jay, ask now" I lift my head so Jace can slide under my head and I lay in his lap.
"You sure Angel?" Jace checks making sure I'm okay with asking so early in my pregnancy.
"Everything is going to be fine" I say the words he assures me with all the time.
"Yeah sweetheart it is" he leans down and kisses my forehead. "Bentleys, all of you. You are the people that mean the most to us, you are always there when we need you, you are the family we choose for ourselves. Our family that life brought to us. We can't think of people we could trust our babies with more than you three, you have a few months to think it through but my fiancée and I would like you to consider being god parents to our twins" Jace tells them and Izzy goes to hug him from behind.
"Fucking hell... yes. Coop and I accept. Thank you" she cries softly.
"Coop? Man you good with this?" Jace asks.
"More than good bro, it would be our honour" Coop says rough and moves his thumb over my belly and fist bumps Jace with his other hand.
"See Blondie? Babies bring families together" Cole tells me low and kisses my cheek softly.
"Is that a yes?" I ask him.
"Are you sure you want me? I'm reckless and impulsive, I'm in no way a good role model" he asks
"That's exactly why we want you, between the three of you you are everything we hope our children will be. If my son is anything like the man you are I will be a proud mama. You are definitely a good role model" I tell him holding him by the hair so he can't look away from me.
"Shit Mama" he swallows hard.
"You have time to think about it Cole, we didn't just pull names out of a hat you know? We chose you for a reason"
"Then I accept, thank you for including me in your family" he smiles shyly.
"Our family bro" Jace corrects him.

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