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Cynthia Sparrowhawk's Blog

*Strange knock on the door, open it, nothing there.*

Within minutes, so many people had commented on her post that Cynthia's phone was beeping every second.

"Ah, shut up!" Cynthia deleted the post and sat back down again.

Rustling slightly, a sheet of crumpled paper slid under the door, Cynthia stared at it for a while. It seemed innocent enough: just paper with red lines scribbled all over it. Sighing, she picked it up and read it.

'We know where you live.'

"Well, duh!"

Cynthia crouched down to peek through the crack under the door, a flicker of light was all she noticed. Life had made her jumpy - too jumpy for her liking - gone were the days where she'd laugh it off. Life had taught her that much.

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