About Zeo Monsters

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(DISCLAIMER: Zeo Monsters and their whole concept were made by me. All of this is fan made, nothing is official.)

1. What are they?

-Zeo Monsters are dark green-colored monster cards. Unlike Xyz Monsters, which use Levels to be summoned, Zeo Monsters use Attributes for their summoning. Example: EARTH + EARTH = EARTH Zeo Monster.

2. How do you summon them?

-To Zeo Summon, you must first make sure that you have the correct Zeo Materials on the field. Then send them to your graveyard as Zeon Units in a process called 'Melding' (they are no longer treated as a monster until they are banished). Then Zeo Summon the monster you wanted. The Monsters, now Zeon Units, become linked to the summoned monster and can only be used by the summoned monster.

3. What are Zeon Units for?

-Zeon Units are used to activate a Zeo Monster's effect just as Xyz Monsters use Xyz Materials. To activate a Zeo Monster's effect, you must banish the needed number of Zeon Units linked to that monster.

4. What are some other facts about Zeo Monsters?

-Zeo Monsters CANNOT be used as Zeo Material monsters unless it's for a 'Hyper Zeo' Summon.

-When a Zeo Monster is removed from the field, their linked Zeon Units become monsters again.

-Once a Zeo Monster becomes a Zeon Unit linked to a Hyper Zeo Monster, the Zeon Units linked to them are no longer Zeon Units are now monsters.

5. What are Hyper Zeo Monsters?

-Hyper Zeo Monsters are advanced Zeo Monsters that can only be Zeo Summoned by melding other Zeo Monsters.

6. Anything else?

-Fusion, Synchro, and Xyz Monsters can be used for Zeo Summons.

-Zeo monsters can be used for Fusion, Synchro, and Xyz Summons.

So now that you guys know what Zeo Monsters are, you can start reading the series without being confused.

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