Chapter 4

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Hey guys I forgot to tell y'all a few things. Like all the original 7 are not in "jail" sorry forgot what it was called at the moment but ya there free and on earth.
Charlottes P.O.V.

I heard a loud outside my door. I was immediately alert because this was not something that has happened before I'm my 3 years of being here.
I could make out the sound of what I think was fighting. I didn't want to but I still had a little bit of hope in the back of my head that I would get out of this hell hole but dreams are overrated right. The fighting seemed to have quieted down and now it was oddly quiet. The door to my cell creaked but was flown of its hinges in the next instant. Focussing on the form in the door I couldn't make out the face with the lighting coming from the sides and the darkness taking over there figure.

"Hello?" A voice said threw the darkness. "We're here to help."

My breath caught in my throat at what the stranger had just said. I didn't want it to be another trick because there has been many times that the aliens had tried this but I could fell this was different extremely so.

"Miss can you please come with us we don't have much time." The voice said more urgently then before.

At the moment I didn't care if it was a trick or not I was taking a chance.
I tried to stand and walk to the door that i never have exited by myself before always having guards on my sides. Walking wasn't as hard as I had thought it would be but I blame that on adrenaline. Getting to the opening I looked out finally taking my first step to freedom and also seeing my rescuers faces.

Shock was my first reaction when I saw who they were.

"I'm wonder girl this is blue beetle we are apart of young justice."
The girl said as they made there way down the hall way. Not running into anyone yet. I was shocked to hear they were apart of my old team but said nothing about it for now.

"Why are you here?"

"We were on a recon mission when we heard them talking about a prisoner, you." I nodded taking in there answer. We walked in silence once again. But it didn't last long as we ran into guards close to the exit.

"Stop" blue beetle said quickly pulling is behind some crates before anyone saw us.

"We need a plan there are at least 30 out there and only 2 of us" wonder girls said speaking to him.


"What?" She said

"If you get this collar of me then 3 an trust me you both won't be needed much if you get this thing off of me, but I'm down if they shock me." I said planing my revenge already.

"I know that look. It's the I'm gunna kill someone look." Blue stated. "We don't kill people it wrong."

"Trust me neither do I but I do want to hurt them. Badly."

They seemed to except my answer and both took a side of my collar pulling snapping it in half quickly.
I realist a breath I didn't know I was holding a felt my throat. It had been there for 3 years and now it was gone. A smile made its way to my face. I felt my powers rush back to me sending adrenaline coursing through my veins.

"Well let's get out of here." Winking I stepped out from behind our hiding place. Whistling I caught the guards attention.

"Let's play boys." Smirking i waited as they all ran at me.

The first few made it to me and I quickly knocked them out with punches to pressure points.

"7 down 23 to go this is gunna be fun" I said over my shoulder to the to heroes who stood with there mouths agape probably not expecting any of this.

I knew everyone here thought I was human and I wanted to keep it that way for now.

I took out 15 more guard with expert kicks and punches leaving 8 more but as I turned it seemed the others had joined the fight and were handling them selfs well.

I had no scratch on me from this fight but it seemed old cuts had opened a bit bleeding into the ugly scraps that they called clothes. The adrenaline started to wear of making me remember that I wasn't going to heal by itself and I needed some serious medical treatment.

Taking my head out of the clouds I looked to the others who seemed to have just knocked out there last villain. Once they were all tide up they walked over to me.

"Who are you exactly." Wonder girl said determined to get an answer now.

"I'll tell you when we get to mount justice. I don't like to repeat myself."

"Wait how do you know about mount justice and how did you fight like that and why were you locked up and how long have you been hear an-" blue was cut of by wonder girl putting her hand on his mouth silencing him.

"Thanks" I said a small smile making its way to my face. "I'll answer all that when we get there though. Promise."

Seeming to be satisfied the two walked to what seemed to be the exit. This was finally it I was out. We opens the door and fresh cold air hit my face. I basked in being outside spreading my arms a bit letting the cold touch me. I didn't care that I could be getting frost bit or that I probably looked like a freak. I was free and that's all that mattered to me at the moment.

"Thank you." Tears coming to my face as I realized this. "Thank you" I choked out as sobs raked over my body. I kept whispering it over and over.

"We need to leave." Blue said his face soft as he stared at me.

"Sorry your right lets get going."

We started to move again walking into the tree line that surrounded the building. We walked for another 3 minutes till we came across there ship that must have gotten them here. The bioship was exactly as it used to be.

"I missed you." I whispered to the ship walking to my old seat that was on the left the chair popped out of the floor which I sat in quickly as the belt formed around my body. Looking up I noticed the two giving me odd looks I decided to ignore it for now as they took off.

I couldn't hold it in anymore I laughed it snuck it's way out of y lips it was quiet at first till it was full blown hysterics.

"Are you ok?"

"Yes actually I'm great!" I said continuing to laugh.

"Why are you laughing?"

"Because I'm free! I'm free!" I practically screamed happily.

They were about to comment back but it seemed we were almost to the mount.

"Miss we are about to land we need you to stay calm when we enter. Can you do that?" Wonder girl asked

"Can do." I said the smile not leaving my face.

The ship touched down in the Fargo bay of mount justice. The bottom doors opened for us to leave which they did quickly I followed behind slowly trying to think of what had become of all my family and friends that thought I was dead. They obviously didn't tell the newbies about me seeing as that my two rescuers didn't have a clue as to who I was. I didn't know how to take that but I didn't really care at the moment just anxious to be reunited with my family.

I went down the steps slowly listening to wonder girl inform everyone of what had happened. I stopped at the bottom finally lifting my head to see all the ones I had left behind.


I don't know if this is considered a cliff hanger but it seemed like a good way to end the chapter.
Thanks for reading! Hope you liked the chappy!




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