Author's Note: Kira Getting Emotional Again

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8. Everyone always gets confused during the first Hazel perspective chapter, and that is supposed to happen. You're supposed to know that there is more to her than you know and that you'll later figure out.

9. Winter Montgomery's appearance is loosely based off of the girl I shadowed at a high school. Coincidentally.

10. Hazel's wings never grow back, but her wounds heal into scars and after the pain subsides, she loves it when Grace tops.

Read my deleted scenes for more ;) and I may add some if I can think of stuff.

Next is the list of some of the crazy shit I did while I wrote this book.

1. Pretend I'm the character when I'm trying to figure out how they move around in certain situations (like I pretend to cuddle air-Grace/Hazel to see how they'd fit with their counterpart.

2. Looked up different scented shampoos to see what my characters should smell like.

3. Do character role plays with myself to inspire myself.

4. I've had a history to run around screaming when I reach a new reader milestone or there is a hilarious comment.

5. Dress up in outfits inspired by my characters to get into their heads.

6. Draw my own fan art, post it, and take it down because I am too nervous about my secret identity being revealed.

7. Make crap jokes in the story just to fish for comments.

8. I laugh whenever you people get mad at me. Y'all are so cute when I get you hot and bothered and then throw in a Meganic clitorference.

9. Imagine meeting my characters and fangirl immensely.

10. Cross over fanfictions of my works and everything.

Now comes the all powerful Q and A section!

What inspired you to write The Night School?

Honestly, I don't even remember.

What inspired Hazel's character?

Actually, I kinda got the idea off my mother. I wanted a character who just doesn't get it when it comes to emotions but is super smart and mysterious.

What happened to Grace while she was with Alexa?

Welp, you'll never know.

Will the readers ever meet Alexa?

I've been considering doing a Night School prequel called The Academy where we learn all about Hazel's backstory, but I don't know if I'll do it or not.

Will there be a sequel?

Yeah. It isn't going to be about Hazel and Grace, but we will meet them and their children. It's called Newfond High, please hit it up.

Do thirds have soulmates?

Yes. Everyone has a soulmate. What they do with/to them is an individual decision.


If you have any more questions, feel free to ask in the comments, I'll try to reply, and I may end up updating this as need be.

I'll be publishing the series of bonus content shortly, it will be in chapter order, and ending with the second deleted draft of the epilogue. I hope you enjoy!

Wow, so this is it.

I'm still in shock; I really can't believe this story is over.

In the future I may edit and revise this story, if I ever plan on publishing a paper copy. I do know that there are many technical and material errors in this first draft.

If you'd like to read more from me, and I really hope you do, check out my other books (I recommend Charlette Cassidy's Halloween Club), I will be deciding which I am going to pursue actively in a short while.

So... This is it...

Thank you all for everything, it's been an incredible experience and I hope it doesn't have to end.

With too much love and too little words for one goodbye,

Kira Greer

Completed June 3rd 2016

The Night School  [GxG] [First Draft Edition]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant