Jessamine: Oh my god!!! Mr. Ambrose! Mr. Ambrose!! DEAN!!!

Dean: *groans out a sentence*

Jessamine: *puts her ear to his mouth* What?

*Dean says it again, making Jessamine puff out her cheeks like a angry kid*

Bray: What? What did he say?!

Jessamine: He said "After all this your finally calling me Dean again."

*Dean lets out a small chuckle as he hears Renee humph under her breath before groaning in pain*

Luke: *looks at Dean's side* Why is there a circle here?

Jessamine: That's blood! He's blood! He didn't treat his wounds last wounds cause he...he...

Renee: He what?

Jessamine: He was...helping me.

Braun: Helping?

Bray: Helping how?

Jessamine: I shouldn't tell them about Seth yet ...Like...following me into the bedroom to make I'm safe, stroking my body until he felt that I was asleep...

Renee: Oh my god sweetie. *hugs Jessamine* I'm sorry you were forced to go through that.

Jessamine: I wasn't forced. I'm fine Renee. *steps away from her* I've been through worse. Just, *points to Dean* do something to help him!

Renee: Oh. Well, okay. Bray come on. We need to take him to the hospital.

Bray: Need to?

Jessamine: YES!!!

*Everyone looks at Jessamine, whose eyes are filling up tears*

Jessamine: *covers face* This is all my fault. If I would have just helped him when he asked, he wouldn't be hurt like this.

Bray: Aw darling. *puts hand on her head* It's okay. He deserved it.

Jessamine: But he doesn't deserve to die now help him!

Bray: DON'T YOU....

*Renee puts her hand on Bray's chest as a signal for him to stop talking*

Renee: Don't worry. We are. Just, sit tight.

Jessamine: *sniffles* Okay. But please bring him back fine.

Braun: Why do you care so much?!

*Jessamine debated in her mind on whether she should tell about Seth yet before sighing and turning around slowly and lifting her shirt up. Renee gasps. Luke lets out a hiss in pain. Braun frowns up. Erick's cringes. Bray remains stone-faced*

Renee: Oh my god! What happened?! Did Dean do th...

Jessamine: Seth.

Bray: *breaks face* What?

Jessamine: Seth did this. That officer that brought Dean home yesterday, she cut Seth hair so the blonde patch is gone again and he got mad cause she called him a name and I laughed.

Renee: So he beat you?!

Jessamine: *puts shirt down* The real reason why Dean is so bad is because instead of treating himself, he was treating me.

Renee: .....take him outta here. I need to talk to the girl.

Bray: *smirks* Okay. But do something stupid.

Renee: I won't.

*Braun and Luke leave the bathroom with Erick and Bray and head outside*

Renee: *turns to Jessamine* You really shouldn't be so close to him. You know that right?

Jessamine: *looks down and kicks floor* I-I-I know but...he...

Renee: He what?

Jessamine: He...he doesn't seem as b-bad as I t-th-thought he was.

Renee: *widens eyes* Sweetie! Don't you remember?!

Jessamine: R-Remember?

Renee: That's what he did last time!

Jessamine: *widens eyes* What?!

Renee: He asked Roman, his friend, for a favor. He had Roman beat you up, punching and kicking and stomping on you. Then, you went to him. He started rubbing all on you. Putting his hands on your bruises, pretending to care, and took you to his room. And this when it happened. You screamed so loud. Me and Bray were trying so hard to get the bedroom door open lasted for hours. Your screams turned into choked out cries going on beat with the headboard. We could hear you begging and him laughing and swearing at you. Calling you worthless. Saying taking you in was the best choice he ever made. Saying you were filth.

Jessamine: *trembles and starts crying* H-h-he d-d-did?

Renee: Oh sweetie. *holds her close to her chest* You sounded like he was killing you. I felt hurt for you. Then...he...finished. We heard a thud, mummering and the door unlock. When we opened it, you fell in my arms. He just pushed you off the bed and told you to clean yourself up downstairs. But you could barely walk so I carried you with Bray and I washed you up. You looked so hurt. So betrayed.

*Jessamine's trembling gets more violent and she let's out a loud cry, burying her head into Renee's chest, clinging onto her for dear life*

Jessamine: *sobbing* I-I-I can't b-believe th-th-t-that I a-al-a-almost fell for th-th-that ag-a-a-agaaaain!

Renee: *cradles her in her arms* Okay sweetie. It's okay. Don't go near him anymore. He's...not that stable. I don't want you suffering like me.

Jessamine: *nods* I pr-p-promise. I w-won't go n-near him a-an-anymore.

Renee: *smiles evilly* That's good. Thaaaat's a good girl.



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