Behind Her Mask

394 19 5

She's tired of it.

It's plain and lying stare.

It's disgusts her, really.

And enters her nightmares.

Why did she ever wear such an ugly thing?

Why did she let it control her?

But removing it- why is it so hard?

Has it grown on her?

She grabs it and a lighter,

"Burn, mask, burn!" She cries and sets it aflame.

She cries silently as she watches it go.

As it's swallowed by God's flame that can't be tamed.

"But what now?" She thinks to herself.

Who is she, anyways?

She prays to God and asks Him.

"God, you made me, but as who?" She prays.

She is a sheep, following the voice of her Shepard.

She is a princess, daughter to the King.

She is a bride, preparing to marry the Son of Man.

She is the one He loves to hear sing.

I pray that one day, she'll smile to herself.

"I'm a Christian! That's who!

I follow Jesus and try to be like Him!

And there's nothing else I'd rather do."


Poetry for my Lord &lt;3Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt