I Am Crazy (Part 2)

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Will you ask?


Why am I crazy?

Well, think about it.

When do people go insane?

After war or death?

Usually, after something sad.

No, more than sad.

Something scary.

Something depressing.

Something traumatizing.

But, wait.

What if I could tell you,

That insanity could come,

AFTER something happy?

Something joyful.

Something memorizing,

Something life-changing.

What if I told you,

Who brought me to insanity?

Who brought me to be crazy?

Who brought me this?

I will tell you his name.

He is my Father.

He is my Love.

He is my Support.

He is my Joy.

He is Jesus.

He brought me here.

To Joyful Insanity.


How am I crazy,

May you ask?

I am crazy.

Because I love.

For nothing in return.

I help others,

And treat them as I would treat myself.

How insane is that?

I cry for those,

Who's hearts are in two.

I want to change the world,

One kind act at a time.

Have I gone mad?

Joyful Insanity.

That's were I am.

Joyful Insanity,

Is how it begins.

I love a man,

I have never seen.

I love a world,

that hates me.

I forgive them,

The repeat offenders.

I talk to a Voice,

No one else can hear.

I believe in God.

Am I insane?


Yes I am.

Are you?

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