What Does It Mean?

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What does it mean?

To be a follower of Christ?

What do I need to do,

To be a Living Sacrifice?

"If you love Me, you'll obey my commands."

Jesus, I love You with all my heart.

Hold me together,

So I'll never fall apart.

I promise now,

To obey You in all my ways.

To shine like the morning light,

All of my days.

What does it mean?

What does it mean when you say:

"Out of the same mouth comes praise and cursing...this should not be."

I will not swear. I will not even say,

Replacements for the words, like "freakin'".

What does it mean?

What does it mean to be modest?

My cloths should not be riped but clean,

And when I look down, I show no cleavage.

When I bend over, no skin appears,

And I can feel my shorts with extended arms.

"Skinny jeans" "jeggings" those words I hear,

I will not wear what attracts a guy's eyes.

What does it mean?

What does it mean to be "sexually immoral"?

I will not budge, I will not lean.

I will not day dream about touching a guy,

But it's more than that.

I will not like a guy for his looks,

Or make dirty jokes, she did not say that.

I will avoid lust at all costs,

For he is a master of disguise.

I will not stare at that six pack,

Or anything appealing to the eye.

What does it mean?

God, I live for You.

I read your Word every day,

And find it's meaning,

Then I pray.

I think about you constantly.

I pray twenty-four seven.

When I am told to give 10,

I give eleven.

I am joyful to be here, God!

On the sacrificial alter.

Jesus, I pick up my cross,

And follow You. 

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