My Metamorphosis

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  • Присвячено My King, Jesus

This poem is an attempt at iambic pantamiter.  It's really close to my heart, and every word is true. Hope you like it. :) <3

The world grew dark as I cried in my bed.

The doubts and the curses stirred in my head.

"You're ugly! You're worthless!" the world and more say.

They say over and over, every day.

"You're fat! You can't sing!" the words are like knives.

Piercing me and spilling blood, come! My demise!

My hair is untamable. My eyes are like dirt.

My body is horrendous! And it hurts.

Thinking I could never be cherished or loved,

But then came a voice from far above.

"Who told you these things? I would like to know!"

"Just look at me, the whole world tells me so!"

Then a man appears in a white robe,

With a purple sash, oh! Could it be so?

My eyes began to water, my heart faster it beet.

He had holes in his hands, side, and feet.

"Come, let me tell you when I think instead."

He stepped forward. "I love you," the King said.

"I made you this way, with your hair and glasses.

Your hazel eyes and even your braces.

My love, you are far more then flesh and bone,

I have never left your side, you are never alone!!

I delight you beauty, your a work of art!

You're kind and loving and you have a good heart!

I knew your name before I created this land!

And even then I loved you, don't you understand?

And when I died for you on Calvary's cross,

In my mind, as I suffered, your name came across!

You are literally to die for, my love!

And I prepare a place for you far above!

And when I arose again on the third day,

I thought of you and smiled, and for you I prayed!

You are a light to the world! Upon a hill!

You bring hope to the hopeless, and cheer up the ill.

All in all, what I must truly say is this,

I love you!" He held me, and my forehead He kissed.

So I stood and we danced, because as you see,

Nothing else in the world matters to me.

If the Father of Truth tells me I'm beautiful,

Then it is true, I am loved by a King!

Even more than a guy who gives me a ring.

And when my Father and I had to leave,

I spoke aloud, "I am beautiful!" and I truly believed.

Poetry for my Lord &lt;3Where stories live. Discover now