These private rooms are reserved specially for famous people and those who does secret meetings, so they don't get interrupted during their meal.

"Whoa. This is my first time in here..." Kaneki was bewildered and looked around, examining every inch of the place.

Touka sat down. "Once you get famous enough, you'll need these rooms."

They quickly ordered and their dishes came very quickly since they usually get special treatment.

"To the drama."

Picking up their glasses, they cheered and then ate their food. They had a small chat, understanding each other better.

"Then I'll see you tomorrow." He said, waving to her.

"See you tomorrow." She waved and smiled, a rare expression.

He blushed upon seeing that. She really is beautiful...

The two then often spent time together thinking about how they're going to act out the script and over time, they didn't know that they had developed feelings for each other because both were too immersed in work.


It's the kiss scene today... I don't know if I can do it... Kaneki thought, restless and unsure.

"What are you thinking about?" Touka asked. She has been staring at him for quite some time.

"Ah it's about the kiss scene. How should we do it?" He replied, scratching his head.

"Have you kissed before?"

He felt heat rise to his cheeks as she asked that question. "Yes I have."

"Good. You just have to do like a normal kiss."

My heart is going to explode if I kiss her!

"I'll try."


"And action!"

Kaneki pulled Touka towards him and embraced her. "Sakura, I need you. Please don't leave me."

"Let go of me Takeru you-!"

He cupped her cheeks and pressed his lips against hers and her eyes widened. She stopped thumping her fists on his chest and closed her eyes.

The scene was supposed to go like this but why is her heart beating so fast? It's just an act, nothing more, she told herself. But his lips are so soft... Even since my last break up, it's been too long that I've already forgotten how a kiss feels like.

He finally separated and they looked into each other's eyes. "I love you, Sakura."

Even though it was just a line, Touka felt her cheeks warm. "Takeru, i-i love you too."

"Okay cut! That was amazing you guys! Was that a real or fake kiss? I couldn't tell them apart!" The director asked, eyes sparkling.

Meanwhile, Touka was touching her lips and blushing. I wonder how it would be like to do more stuff with him...

"It was a real one." He answered the director.

"Ah good then keep it up! Have you guys seen the first episode's ratings? It's amazing and fans are already saying they need more romance scenes so our scriptwriter decided to add in more. Are you guys okay with that?"

"What kind of scenes?" Touka asked, snapping back to reality.

"Let's see. He added more kissing scenes and yes, Kaneki-san has one bed scene with you, Kirishima-san."

Kaneki x Touka [Touken] One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now