Chapter 93

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Ruth's POV:

I didn't even think when I went to the press, seeing Theo with Shailene has messed my mind up. I don't know why I resent her so much, Theo had broken up with me before he even met Shai, but we were in love. I still love him. I would do anything to get him back, anything... When his sister suggested that I release a story that will break him and Shai up I thought it was the perfect plan. Even through all of this though, him and Shai are still together, fighting it together. I want that with him. 

I've had reporters harassing me about the newest headlines calling me a liar, I still don't know how to answer them so all I can manage is 'no comment'. I know why I want Theo and Shai apart, but Theo's sister has approached me more than once suggesting different ways we can end them. I don't know why she doesn't like it. 

I can't help the ache of regret I have, Theo is obviously in love with her, I can tell he's more in love with her than he ever was with me and none of this is her fault. I'm having so many mixed emotions about the events that have happened recently, half of me is sorry and wanting to make things right, half of me still feels something when Theo looks at me, like if I try hard enough he'll remember the feelings he used to have for me. I just can't decide, but I know if I need the help I can go to his sister. 

I've watched their joint video they posted on Facebook announcing their baby and all of the beautiful comments they've received. There's so many little things in the video that show how in love they are, even down to small touches of their hands or looks. Part of me believes that it doesn't matter what happened between Theo and I, he always would have wanted her, and that hurts me the most. 

Shai's POV:

When I arrive back home Ansel and Theo are laughing in the kitchen, cooking a pizza. I stand in the doorway shocked to see Ansel as he didn't mention he was coming over, and also shocked to see Theo cooking, even if it is just a pizza. 

"Hey beautiful," Theo says as he walks over to kiss me and once he does, Ansel coughs loudly. 

"Hey," I whisper unintentionally. "Hey Ansel, what're you doing here?" I laugh so it doesn't sound like I don't want him here. 

"Just thought I'd come and visit you guys, how's the baby?" He says as he puts his hands on the bump. "It's so big now!" 

"Baby's fine, how are you?" We all sit at the table in our kitchen and end up talking for hours and hours eating pizza and just laughing. It's enough to forget about what's going on outside this house. I love to watch the way Theo laughs, so freely and uncaring. 

Theo's POV:

As we say goodbye to Ansel at the door it really feels like Shai and I are a real family, hand in hand waving goodbye to our friend. It usually feels like we're just in the best relationship, but it's more now. I never even knew it could be possible for us to be more. I kiss her cheek and we go straight upstairs as it's late. 

We lay in bed, my hand resting on the bump, slowly falling asleep. Until I feel a small nudge against my hand, I sit up automatically and Shai makes a small sound. 

"What was that are you okay?!" I ask worried. 

"He's kicking," Shai laughs and holds my hand which isn't on the bump.

"Hey little guy, don't panic me like that." I whisper to the bump, I used to feel silly talking to him but now it feels right. I rub my thumb in small motions over Shai's belly and kiss her. "I love him so much already." 

"It's incredible isn't it, how much we already love him." She mumbles and I nod. It really is incredible. The feelings I have towards Shai and the baby are beyond description. I rest my head on Shai's chest so I feel close to her and him and that's how we end up falling asleep. 

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