Chapter Fifteen

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Shai's POV:

Theo's gently shaking my shoulders to wake me up, I must've fallen asleep again. I sit up with the biggest smile on my face, looking at him. I look at the little clock he has next to his bed, I see it's 12:00. I never sleep in this late. "Get up," Theo says with a smile "we're going out for a picnic." I love picnics so much, you can pack so many exciting foods and go to some amazing, beautiful places. So I get up quickly, excited for the day and realise none of my clothes are at Theo's, and I still don't have my room key. "I need to go to reception" I say agitated and Theo laughs, "you're not going down like that." At first I wonder what he means then I realise I'm only his a shirt and underwear. I lay back on the bed frustrated, all I want to do is go on this picnic. "Wait here," he says with a smile, and he leaves the room. I like that he trusts me alone in his room, but I want some fresh air, so I make sure to grab his key and I sit in the hallway leaning on my own door. I hear Theo's deep voice, talking to a lady round the corner and I smile when I hear "oh, it's my girlfriends room." I'm Theo James' girlfriend, and he's proud to tell the receptionist. I see him come round the corner and I get up, I shyly stand behind his shoulder as the receptionist opens my door, and as she leaves I pull Theo into my room. The lights were still on from last night, which is annoying. I hate wasting energy like that. "I like hearing you call me your girlfriend" I say with a smile, letting him know I overheard him. He looks down and embarrassed, "sorry if you didn't want to tell people yet," and I can't help but laugh. "It's okay Theo, she's only a receptionist." I go into the bathroom to have a quick wash, and change, and I can hear Theo making my bed. He's so great, I can't believe how strongly I feel for him. I walk towards my door and he joins me, as I close it behind me he laughs "have you got the key?" he says mockingly, and I wave it in front of his face. "Also, you look beautiful" he says just before he kisses me, making me lose my balance and fall into my door, but he just closes the gap between us and carries on. I hear footsteps coming up the hallway but I don't even care, well I didn't care, until I heard them stop right next to us, and I opened my eyes. Shit. Miles.

Theo's POV:

I can't believe it, Miles just has to turn up as me and Shai are kissing. Not only did it kill the moment big time, the look on Shai's face physically hurt me. She looked as if she was about to cry. I slowly took her hand, and she tried to speak but nothing came out. So I started to speak instead, and she looked at me gratefully. "Miles, this hasn't been going on for a while. We only recently got together. I promise." But nothing seems to be taking the rage away from his face, his hands in a fist shaking. I think I take it if he hits me, but I don't know what Shai will do. She loves Miles, not in that way, but she does. His fist raises and I tense my body, but he turns and hits the wall. Nice one Miles, break your hand in the middle of filming. I feel Shai's hand slip away from mine as she screams "Miles!" You can see tears in his eyes and he just walks away, as Shai turns back to me and embraces me into a deep hug. All I can do is secure her, hold her tight enough to know I'll never let her go. It hurt her seeing her friend like this, but honestly, I think he's being out of order.

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