Chapter Thirty-Six

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Shai's POV:

We're officially at Theo's now. I thought it would be weird living with I'm but it's not. I've booked our flight to my family the day before our 6 month as there's somewhere I'd like us to go somewhere special in Simi Valley. Theo's cooking dinner and I try to act like I'm not dreading it, he isn't the best cook. I look up to him and he's slowly cutting vegetables, painfully slowly, carefully following a recipe he's found on his iPad. He won't tell me what he's cooking and he insists I don't help. "I've booked the flight" I call to him, and he looks up from his intent slicing. "When?" he replies with a brief smile "Wednesday next week" I say moving my focus away from him as I sense some annoyance from bringing him away from 'cooking'. "Love you" he calls back, I think he realises my shying away, and I just wink at him letting him know I'm not annoyed. My phone vibrates a little and I see a text pop up from Miles.

'You still with Theo?'

That was weirdly blunt and I don't know how to feel. I don't want to distract Theo from his cooking again, so I'll tell him later about it. I wonder why he wants to know.

'Yeah, why?:-)'

I feel adding a smiley face will lighten his bluntness a little. I hate arguing with Miles, especially over the silliest of things. Miles is usually quite a quick replier but I still have nothing. A list of reasons run through my head, he's mad, he's got a long reply or he just hasn't seen it. I want to believe the latter. "Ta daaaa" Theo announces as he walks into my sight with 2 plates. He's cooked a stir fry and I can't help but laugh at him, he used a recipe and everything. "Looks amazing" I say, not lying for a change. We begin to eat and talk about the trip to my mother and brother, Theo wants to get them both a gift but I don't think it's necessary. After about 15 minutes my phone goes off again, I get a weird feeling in my stomach when I realise it's from Miles. Damn, it's a long message.

'Honestly Shai, I thought this was just a fling. That's why I was okay with it to be honest. You lead me on so much, ever since The Spectacular Now you would flirt with me and spend loads of time with me, and your reaction when you found out I got the part in Divergent. You acted as if you were exciting to be spending more time with me, and you always hug me when you see me. You're not being fair Shai, I want to be with you. You knew how I felt and you still lead me to believe you may have felt the same and then you find some new, hot British guy and rub it in my face. Why do you even think that's okay? He's probably going to ditch you as soon as he gets the opportunity to go back to England you know? He just wants a girl to have whilst he's here and as soon as he's gone again, you'll mean nothing to him. I'll always be yours Shai'

Oh not this again Miles! I can't help but feel the anger spread across my body. Who does he think he is accusing me of leading him on and saying that Theo isn't interested in me? I hug everyone! I remember that I was going to tell Theo, and I begin to explain how he asked out of the blue. I show Theo the last text and I can tell he's also angry. "You know I'd never do that right?" He says with a reassuring look in his eyes, and I know. I knew before and I know now. We love each other, that's what Miles needs to understand. "I'll answer in the morning," I need to clear my head, and I definitely need to calm down before I answer him, I don't want to ruin our friendship. If there even was a friendship, is that all I was? A crush? I don't want to think about that and I quickly shake the idea out of my head. I cuddle into Theo and kiss his cheek so he knows I don't believe a word Miles is saying.

Miles' POV:

Seriously?! She's still with that goon? That's so typical of Shai, fall for a British man who's only going to break her heart, she'll see the best in everyone. She knows how much I care about her and it's horrible. Theo's more attractive than me, he's funnier than me, he's just genuinely better than me, but he'll never care for her more than I do, he'll never want to have Shai as much as I do. I'll never get her though because he's always going to be there, I feel the only way I could win her is convince her he's a bad person who's going to hurt her, I know she won't admit it but she will consider everything I say, because it sounds true. It could easily happen to be fair, and there's no reason why it couldn't. She's been with him about 6 months and he'll get bored of her, as he doesn't appreciate true beauty.

Theo's POV:

Miles needs to back off, I didn't see myself as a jealous guy but I seriously am. If he thinks for one minute he's trying to win Shai over he can think again. There's no way I'm letting him take the girl I love away from me, never. I hold Shai close to me as she begins to drift into a deep sleep on my chest. I try to match my breathing to hers to help me fall asleep too but I just can't get him out of my head. Why does he feel the need to pipe up now? I would never treat Shai as a fling, and when I go back to England, hopefully she'll say yes and come with me. There's something about our connection, I can't picture me without her. I gently stroke her hair allowing her to fall into a deeper sleep and I feel her muscles relax as I continue to stroke her head. I'm so tempted to text Miles telling him exactly what I think of him but I know Shai wouldn't want me interfering, she'd think I don't have confidence in her doing it by herself. Instead, I decide to text Shai. I have trouble getting my feelings out in words, and honestly she needs something pleasant to wake up to.

'My beautiful Shai, I thought I'd tell you just how amazing you are. It's a text for 2 reasons, 1) you're asleep right now and it'll be nice to wake up to, and 2) it'll be easier to put into words without the panic of messing up. I love you Shai and I can't think of anyway to show just how much I love you, it's so much, honestly you are the kindest human on this earth and so unique. You've made me a better person, and I couldn't thank you enough for that. I've never seen a pessimistic side of you and you are always so strong, so brave. Like Tris😉. Honestly though Shai, I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you, sleep well. Your Theo x'

As soon as I press send, I realise how cheesy that was, and how I never want to be that cheesy again, but it's the truth. I do love her.

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