Chapter 91

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Theo's POV: 

A lump rises in my throat and it's difficult for me to swallow. The newspapers will write anything for a good story and they don't care about how it can affect someone's life, also Ruth will just say anything for a little bit of attention and some money! She's only making things worse for herself because sooner or later everyone will see that she's not pregnant. Although I know this is all lies, I'm not everyone else will react the same way. The only thought in my mind is Shai but she's asleep right now, and my mother isn't. I need to reply to her. 

'That's not true! I came to London for an audition a few weeks ago, but I left before I even had the chance to audition because I knew that Ruth was going to be working there, I literally got the first plane home. I would never do that to Shai! Please, you've got to help me get this sorted, can't you contact the local news and tell them the truth? I can't have it spreading to America!'

Stress starts to take over my mind and I can't breathe. Something has to be done to get this stopped, I think about contacting the police but what will they do? Fake stories get released all of the time, and Ruth's in England. It doesn't matter how hard I try, the only thing I can really do right now is wait for my mother to get back to me, that's if she believes me. 

Shai starts to turn and move but doesn't wake up. I'm not sure what I'm going to do when she wakes up, I obviously have to tell her, but I have no idea how she's going to react. I am so angry right now, Ruth knows Shai is pregnant and can't have this kind of stress, it's not good for the baby! I debate hiding this from Shai, I don't want anything terrible happening, not now, but I just can't lie to her. I'm brought out of my thoughts by a text on my phone, my mother replied. 

'Theo, have been under a rock? It's already news in America. I've been trying to get hold of you. Why would she do something like this if it wasn't true? It's a pretty big accusation.'

I read her message multiple times, is she saying she doesn't believe me? How long has it been news in America? Why has only my mother told me? I shake my head, this can not be happening right now. I feel that deep down the best thing to do would be to awaken Shai and tell her what's going on, at least then she knows I have nothing to hide and we're going through this together. I clear my mind once more so I can get back to replying to my mother. 

'Kind of, yes! I'm not sure why she'd do it, maybe attention, money or just anger because I left her. I love Shai, mum. I can't lose her. Please help.'

I feel tears start to fill my eyes as the thought of losing Shai arrives in my head, we've had rough patches but if she doesn't believe me today this could be all over for us. A tear falls down my cheek and a soft, small hand wipes it away. Shai's awake.

Shai's POV:

I wake up to Theo crying which automatically gives me a thousand questions. What could have gone so badly that it made Theo cry? He takes my hand tightly in his and I sit up, waiting for whatever he has to say. I feel my heart beating a lot stronger and nerves begin to kick in.

"Ruth has sold a story to the press. She said that I slept with her when I went to London and she's pregnant." He says in cold but quiet voice. I let go of Theo's hand and it becomes apparent to me that I'm shaking. "Shai?" He asks, but all I can manage is a stare right now. I need to think about what he said. I don't understand why Ruth would do this, she's not been in our lives at all until now, why now?

"I'm only going to ask you once, and I will believe your first answer, so have the decency to be honest with me, is it true?" I look him dead in eyes only wanting to hear one answer. This could change everything. Tears threaten but I will not cry, I will not let Ruth break both of us. 

"Of course it's not true." He looks hurt. I know when he's telling the truth, that's why I only had to ask once. If this isn't true then we need to work out why Ruth's doing this. A lot of people think Theo cheated on me right now, so that's putting him at potential danger. We need to get in contact with our publicist or something. 

"Then we'll fix it, together." I take his hand again and squeeze it.

I get my phone and turn it on, I haven't turned it on a long while but when I do it's filled with messages and missed calls. Zoë, Ansel, Miles, my mother... I look up to Theo and he can't even look at my phone. I open the messages from Ansel first.

'Shai, I've just heard, are you okay? I seriously can't believe he'd do this! You're free to stay with me if you haven't already kicked him out x'


'Please answer me Shai x' 

And then from Zoë.

'I swear I'm going to kill him, I really thought he'd never hurt you! I'd call him right now but you're more important and deserving of my time!'

'Shailene Woodley would you answer me?'

'I need to know you're okay?'

Next I read Miles'.

'There's so much I have to say right now but I need to know how you are. I understand you're probably not in the mood to talk to anyone and I respect that but as soon as you are you have a friend right here and we'll do whatever you want to, okay? Let me know you're okay though.'

I swallow hard before looking at my mothers, I can tell it's long and I know it's going to be painful.

'Hello my love, if what I've read is true then you'll be moving in with me and we'll sorting everything out one step at a time, but darling, before you scream at him or break up with him, I want you to know for sure this is true. I've seen the way he looks at you, the words he said at your wedding, the way he naturally has an arm around you, the way he's protective over you when you're around me, everything about that man loves you. I love you sweetheart and as soon as we know what's going on, we'll fix this.' 

Tears fall down my face, my mother is the only one who truly knows Theo. It's so flattering to see that I have so many people looking out for me and caring for me, but not one of them bothered to text Theo and find out if it's true. Although that does slightly bother me, I can't be mad. 

"So everyone hates me then." He shrugs and I can tell this is going to bug him for a while. 

"I'm sorting it." I mutter. I send the same message to Zoë, Ansel and Miles. 

'Sorry! My phone has been off as Theo and I wanted a couple of weeks disconnected from everything. I'm so grateful for everything, thank-you! But it's not true! We're not sure what Ruth's intentions are but I really need your help letting people know this isn't what's going on!'

They all have social media and a large following, hopefully they'll be abled to spread the word a bit whilst Theo and I work something out. I can tell he's still worrying about me and I don't understand why. I told him I believe him, why is he still being shady?

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