Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Theo's POV:

Me and Shai are lying in bed, and I can't get it out of my head. How long has she really loved me? She rolls over and places her head on my chest and I kiss the top. "Shai, how long have you loved me?" and it's out. There's no taking it back now. She shifts herself and props herself up on her elbow facing me. She looks puzzled, and doesn't speak for a while. "Why Theo?" she finally says, and that's it. Why do I care, she does love me. I can't tell her why I care so much. "I think I first felt it a few days before I said it." She speaks again and my heart beats faster. "That would've been the day I met you?" I ask confused. She smiles whilst nodding, and kisses me. I return her kiss, and forget about everything, this is what matters right now.


I wake to a bright sun shining through the gap in the curtains, I try not to move so I don't wake Shai. She's so peacefully wrapped around me. We lay like this for at least half an hour until she wakes up humming the tune to her 'good morning, good morning' wake up chant. Morning's are so much easier with Shai. I'm going to miss her so much when starts her filming for 'The Fault in our Stars' although she only thinks she'll be gone for 3 months. "Theo, we need to get up, I've got a day planned." A day? Exciting. "Happy 6 months baby" I say pulling her towards me. "You too" she whispers, getting up. I follow her lead and begin to get ready, "am I dressing smart? Suit smart?" I ask not sure what she has planned. "No, we can go out for dinner later, dress according to the weather." I wonder what she has planned today? Once I'm dressed I go downstairs and talk to her mum and brother whilst I wait for Shai. Her brother's talking to me about all the stunts, and effects. I think he feels a bit more comfortable around me now, which I like.

Shai's POV:

I'm driving Theo to my favourite place as a kid. I hope he likes it as much as I did. I pull up the car and ask Theo to get the picnic out of the boot. We walk for a little but until it's in front of us. We're surrounded by a big, empty meadow, glowing because of the sun. We walk to a spot and place the blanket down. I remember when I was little running round the meadow as my brother chased me. Theo's looking around into the open space, it's beautiful. "This is amazing Shai" he manages to say, and I know. It's so amazing. We open the picnic basket and set up all the matching plates, cutlery and cups and pour some orange juice. We spent hours just sitting in the sun, play fighting in the meadow and having our picnic. Only one person appeared the whole time we were there, it's so private but so free at the same time. It's my favourite place, and now with my favourite person.


We're back at my mums and her and Theo are talking about the meadow and looking through old photo albums, which is so embarrassing. I hear the occasional laugh or 'aw' and I feel myself blush. My mum's only goal is to embarrass me sometimes. "Shai come in here!" my mother calls and I'm too scared to see why. I walk in and sit with Theo, and she smiles. "Okay, I got you guys a surprise, I've made you reservations at 'Pearl Diner' and I've told the owner to put the bill on my tab" I gasp in shock and Theo stands up to protest but my mum sits him back down with her eyes. She has that talent. "It's my happy 6 months gift for my daughter and the love of her life." and I sense Theo's blushing. I love it there, and I couldn't be happier, my smile splits my face in half. It's at 6:30. I stand up and hug my mother, "thanks mum" and she smiles. "Go shower, you smell of meadows." She laughs and I release her, following her instruction.

I get out of my shower I pick out a beautiful red dress, I curl my hair for the first in like forever and put on my favourite perfume. It smells of home. It's 6 so me and Theo better get going. I see Theo standing at the bottom of the stairs in an amazing dark grey suit, and matching tie holding a bunch of roses.


Me and Theo have had an amazing meal, but Theo seems shifty. "What's up Theo" and he takes a deep breath. "Come to England with me, meet my family" he says it so quickly I have to take a minute to register it. "Of course Theo, but after The Fault in our Stars" I say with the biggest smile. Yes, I'm so excited to do this. I did't think he'd ask for a while. Yes Theo.

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