Chapter 86

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Theo's POV:
It's my first day waking up in London and nothing feels right, every day for so long now I have woken up and the first thing I would do is kiss Shai, a whole part of me is missing. The audition is today and I'm not in the right frame of mind at all. I try to refresh myself by splashing some cold water on my face, but all it achieves is making me cold and wet. I don't even know why I'm finding this so hard, I coped perfectly fine before I met her, how can one person change my life so much? I brush my teeth and do lots of little things I usually do to calm my nerves and check my phone, to see a message from Shai and things automatically lift a little. 

'Good luck today you'll smash it, we love you x' 

I can't help the smile, it feels weird texting Shai because I've always been with her, but I remember when we first ever text and I would sit and overthink everything about the message. Like the first time she sent me a kiss. I laugh to myself at the memories and begin my reply. 

'Thank you beautiful, I love you both and I'm missing you so much x' 

I hadn't even considered what would happen if I get this part, I'll definitely be filming whilst Shai's in labour, obviously I'd try and be with her but we can't exactly tell when it's going to happen, and London isn't exactly close to Simi Valley. I shake the thought out of my mind, there is absolutely no way I am missing the birth of my son or leaving Shai to do that alone. Everything's overtaking my mind and I haven't even auditioned yet. 

I leave the hotel I'm staying in and get some breakfast on the way to the audition. I think about visiting my mother afterwards as she doesn't even know I'm here in London. I may even be able to talk to my sister about everything going on with her opinion on Shai and I. 

When I reach the studio I sit on a bench outside for a little while as I'm early, and still very nervous. I hadn't even been worrying about the actual audition until now. I take the time to look over my lines and figure out who I want this character to be and how I want to portray him. He's fallen in love for the first time so he needs to have a vulnerable, learning edge to him. I wonder who will be the girl.

Sitting in the waiting room I look at the list, showing us the order in which we'll be auditioned. I'm near the end so I sit down the other end of the waiting room and look around, nobody is talking to anybody and everyone is on their phone.

Shai's POV:

I just sit around doing nothing, on my own. It's good to have some time alone sometimes, I know that. It's just usually when I have time alone I know that after a couple of hours, I would have been coming home to Theo and his safe arms. I just know I can't become dependant on him, I can live by myself for a few weeks and I will. 

I start the day by making one of my favourite organic breakfasts that Theo doesn't really like. I don't usually make it when he's with me because it's easier to have the same thing for meals. Even though I haven't replied to him yet, I haven't let my phone leave my side, which is completely unusual for me. 

My mind wonders off to what I could do over the next few weeks, I'll have to get in touch with Zoë or Miles and see if they're free. It'll be nice to visit my grandmother as well at some point, I haven't seen her since I helped her move into my old house. That feels like such a long time ago now.

I look down to my phone as it rings and see a FaceTime call from Theo. I answer without hesitating and don't even bother to hide the joy that he called. I look around at his surroundings and realise he must be waiting to audition. 

"Hey you." He says smirking and I laugh. 

"How are you?"

"I'm alright, a little nervous." He doesn't usually admit to being nervous and I just smile. He has no need to be. 

"You're going to be great."

"We haven't even spoken about what will happen if I get the part Shai." 

"We'll talk about that when it happens, we'll work it out, we always do." I smile, being the brave one for once. That was the first thing I thought of when he told me about this audition, and it's not left my mind since. As independent as I'd like to believe I am, I can not have a baby without his strength to keep me going. 

"Fancy seeing you here!" I hear a females voice say on his line. I recognise the voice but I can't remember where from. All I can see is his facial expression completely drop and a very slight anger in his eyes. 

"What are you doing here?" He replies, almost disgusted. 

"Well if you get the part, I'm the one you'll be in love with. Who knows, maybe you'll even fall for me too, just like Shailene." I hear the woman laugh and before I can see anymore Theo hangs up, leaving me completely in the dark. 

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