“This is for you” And handing it over he watched me.

He watched me open up the lid and flip out completely as I pulled out a nurse uniform and a fluffy thing, that I presumed I was something I was supposed to wear.

Archer laughed, swinging his head back as he cried in laughter.


“Hey, I didn’t get that for you, Sean did. He guessed you size, so I suggest you go put it on to see if it fits” He grinned at me, gesturing for me to throw the box at me.

“Uh, why is Sean buying me lingerie? You know what, pretend I didn’t ask that” I threw the box over.

Archer picked up the fluffy one and held it so he could see it. All I saw was a black, lace lined cups and a see through material that was supposed to cover ones stomach.

“I think you should put this on, right now” He looked at me with a smirk.

“Oh, really”

“yes really, I, your husband demand of it”

I laughed, standing and taking it out of his hands, walking behind him.

“Wait, what? You’re actually going to put it on, are you kidding me?” Archer stood, turning to see if was really going to do it.

“Of course I’m not, I’m going to put it somewhere you can’t get it”

“Party pooper” Archer flopped back in his seat, groaning.

“Oh, who’s the immature one now?”

“Come over here, Lots”

Walking over to him, I sat on his lap, as he hoisted us onto the full legged recliner. Wrapping his arms around my waist, he rested his head on my shoulder and kissed my neck.

“I love you”

I leaned back and closed my eyes.

“Can I say that I love you more without you fighting me?”

I felt him shake his head, “Nope”

“Well, in that case, I love you”

“That’s better”

There were a few moments of silence before Archer spun me around. Would it be strange to say like a bride?


I looked at him quizzically, “Okay, I have a question. Why are we going to Barcelona for, I mean, knowing you, we could have gone anywhere, Paris, Tokyo, somewhere else. Why there?”

A grin appeared on his face, “Oh, did I forget to mention that my father own a great deal of the hotels in Barcelona, okay, in most of Spain”

I went still, “What?”

“Hotels, jewellery stores, train services, farming industries, um, what else”

“Holy shit! I knew you had money, but what?”

I jumped off his lap and pointed at him, “You’re like a millionaire”

“I guess, the air to a million dollar corporation” He shrugged as though it were nothing.

“Oh my god. This is bringing back memories of English Extension where I had to watch ‘how to marry a millionaire’ and oh my god”

“Lots, calm down, seriously, it’s nothing. It’s not like I have my balls insured for money or something. I just have a few million to start us off”

I squirt him with a hose...and now I have to marry him? arranged marriageWhere stories live. Discover now