After the door closes, he pressed her against the wall and his lips captured hers. Her breath was taken away but she slowly relaxed and wraps her arms around his back and kisses back.

He moved to kiss behind her ear and down her neck. As usual, he stops just before his lips reaches her chest.

"Could we go lay down for a bit?" Kaneki asks.

Touka cups his cheeks and looks at him. He looked like he hasn't been sleeping well for the past few days. "Of course..." She replies softly.

They made their way to her bedroom and settled down onto the bed. He pulls her close to him and their legs tangle with one another's. In just 5 minutes, Kaneki fell into dreamland.

Touka looks at the clock. It's already 6.30pm. She has to prepare dinner soon. She pries his arms away and slowly got out of bed without disturbing him from his long deserved sleep.

Opening her fridge, she realized some ingredients were missing and had to go to the supermarket. She left a note on the table and left.

After leaving the house, she felt a presence behind her. She turned around to see who it was but there was nothing there. She started to walk faster and after hearing steps behind her, she spun around again.

"Mmph!" Someone grabbed her from behind and forced a cloth into her mouth.

"It's been a while, Touka." The man greeted.



Kaneki yawns and sits up. He saw the note on the table and looked at his watch.

It was already 7.30pm. She said she would be back by 7pm. She's late...

A message came in and he was elated when he saw that it was from his girlfriend.

His face paled as he saw the word "SOS" upon opening the message.

Don't panic, don't panic! First check her gps!


Even though she was mute from having the cloth stuffed in her mouth, Touka tried to scream for help but to no avail.

Her ex-boyfriend threw her onto his bed and starts stripping off her clothes.

"I've missed having sex with you. You were a good girl and never complained. The other woman sucks and I want you back." Aoto says as he pulled his shirt up and throws it aside.

She found an opening while he was talking and kicked his leg. She had hoped it would buy her some time to get away. But it didn't work at all and in lightning speed, he has her head slammed onto the table.

Blood clouded her vision as she heard a sinister laugh from Aoto. "Be a good girl now and don't try to run."


Kaneki jumped into his car and while he followed the gps and made his way to Touka's location, he dialed the cops.

He arrived at the house in around 20 minutes and saw the police outside Aoto's house. Kaneki's heart skipped a beat when he saw his girlfriend coming out of the apartment with a cloth around her.

He ran over to her and the policeman handed her over to him. "Oh my god. What did he do to you.." His trembling hands touched the bruises on her face.

Touka breaks down and wails in his arms.


After taking her statement at the police station, the police sentenced Aoto to jail for 5 years for an attempt of rape and drug addiction.


Ever since the incident, Touka has been skipping work and laying in bed for days.

It saddens Kaneki to see her like this and all he could do was stay by her side. He couldn't say or do anything to make her feel better.


"I'm home." Kaneki declared as he enters his bedroom, taking off his tie. He saw Touka's head poking out from under the blankets.

"Ken..." She called softly.

It's been a few days since she's last talked to him and he was shocked. He moved to sit down in front of her and strokes her head. "What is it?"

"Can you make love to me?"

His eyes widened. It was the first time she had asked for something sexual. Kaneki also didn't want to pressure her for it.

"Why the sudden request?" He asks.

Tears started to form in her eyes as she spoke. "I can't forget what Aoto did to me that day. I want you to make me forget."

"You sure? I don't want you to regret after we do it."

"It's fine. I won't regret." She confirmed.


Kaneki made her love to her as gentle as he could. After everything was over, he wraps an arm around her waist and presses a kiss to her forehead. "Hey... Let's get married. I want to be able to protect you and I promise I won't ever make you cry."

Touka buries her face in his chest and whispers a "yes" before she starts to cry again.


Looking at his beautiful wife standing before him in her wedding dress, his eyes stung a little.

Had he not helped her that night, he wouldn't have gotten the chance to get to know her and fall in love with her. He never regretted helping her till this day.


I felt like this part kinda sucks. I had so many ideas I wanted to put in but I had to save some for my other one shots. It was very rushed too. 😞

Kaneki x Touka [Touken] One ShotsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ