Chapter Thirty-Six

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Chapter Thirty-Six

"What did you say?" I asked softly.

"I'm leaving," he repeated sadly.

I looked away from him and continued to type.

This was so incredibly unbelievable. I couldn't wrap my head around it, it didn't make sense. He was leaving? It had to be a joke. A cruel, twisted joke.

My chest tightened and my eyes burned but I pushed the tears back and breathed deeply.

"Are you okay?" Alex asked hesitantly.

"I'm good," I said, trying my hardest to keep my voice void of emotion and hoping I was successful.

I had to keep it together for as long as I could.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah," I smiled fakely. "Why wouldn't I be?"

I could tell he was trying to decide whether or not to push it anymore.

"Just asking," he said, dropping it.

It was silent. The only sound was of me typing robotically. A good five minutes went by and I was finding it harder and harder to keep it together.

"I'm going for a drive," he said before exiting the room.

As soon as I heard the front door shut, I crumbled, unable to hold myself together a second longer.


It was nearly three in the morning and Alex still had yet to come home.

I wiped my eyes after the last set of fresh tears seemed to be over. I blew into a tissue noisily before depositing it in the wastebasket that I'd put near my side of the bed.

There was the sudden sound of the front door opening and closing. I hurriedly wiped at my eyes one more time and curled up under the covers, pulling the cheap duvet just up under my nose. A couple minutes later Alex walked in, his feet dragging. I closed my eyes tightly and slowed and deepened my breathing, giving the illusion that I was asleep.

He sighed heavily as the sound of his heavy shoes hitting the floor filled the room. Then he climbed into bed, staying on the opposite end.

The entire night we each stayed on our sides of the bed, never once gravitating so much as a centimeter towards the middle, where we would eventually have to meet.


"Another day," Alex said. He rubbed his eyes before yawning widely.

I understood just how tired he was. Last night the both of us hadn't gotten a single second of sleep. And even though we knew that we were both awake, we hadn't uttered a word to each other.

"Have a great day at work," I said, holding out his briefcase.

He took it after rolling up the sleeves of his white button-up. "Thanks. And I will, as long as I see your pretty face."

"You spoil me," I rolled my eyes.

He winked. "It's my job."

"Well, the only thing I can say is, don't quit your day one."

He laughed. "I'll remember that." He leaned in and gave me a quick kiss. "See you in class."

"Yeah. See you."

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