Chapter Twenty-One

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Chapter Twenty-One

"Is everything set for the party tomorrow?" Abby asked.

"Yep," Taylor replied. "It's all set."

"Great, because I can't wait," I muttered.

"What's wrong with the party queen?" Chloe joked.

I threw her a look. "Nothing. I just need some fun."

"But I thought you had fun in Miami?"

"I did, but that was THREE days ago."

"Twelve days of non-stop fun and partying has run out already?"


"Excuse me."

"Whatever, I'm just waiting for the weekend. It can't come fast enough."

"It'll be here in one day."

"One day too many."

"You want fun?" Braden picked up his bowl of spaghetti. "Here it is." He tossed it at me and it landed on my turquoise Crumpet cashmere cardigan with a very audible thud.

"What the hell?!" I shouted, standing angrily. "That's not fun, that's a three hundred dollar dry cleaning ticket!" I quickly grabbed my strawberry smoothie and hurled it at him. The popped off on impact, and half of it spilled on Taylor.

"Ohh," Taylor smiled, reaching for his chicken parmesan. "That's it."

I stood up and dodged it, right as it sailed by me. I picked up Abby's pizza and threw it at Taylor, before running off into the crowd of students. "Food fight!" I yelled, weaving in and out of the tables as a stick of celery whizzed past my face.

"Say cheese," I said to a random girl before smushing a mozzarella stick in her face. She sqealed and picked up her pasta but I ran off before she could tag me.

The cafeteria was absolute chaos. Food and drinks were flying, splattering, splaying, spraying, spilling, whizzing, and soaring everywhere. Everyone was in on it. The geeks, the jerks, the jocks, the nerds. Everyone was having a good time. I think I even saw the lunch ladies cracking a smile.

"Julianna!" someone shouted.

My head whipped around to the source of the yell and a piece of cake narrowly missed my face, landing in my hair.

"Hey, cheap shot!" I yelled.

"That was almost perfect!" Braden shouted, smiling. Out of nowhere a bowl of chicken parmesan flew at Braden, hitting him square in the face.

I doubled over in laughter. "Now that was a perfect shot! Whoever that was, remind to give you a hundred bucks for landing that!"

I ducked through the cafeteria hurriedly with my head low, trying to avoid any further damage. I quickly made it to the back door and burst out into the hall out of breath, running into someone coming from the opposite direction full force.

"Hey!" I shouted, falling to the floor.

They grabbed my hand and helped me up. It was Alex.

"No running in the halls," he smirked.

"Whatever," I rolled my eyes, pulling my hand away from his and wiping them on my shorts.

"It sounds pretty rowdy in there," he pointed to the cafeteria.

I snorted. "Yeah, it is."

"I didn't know they still had food fights anymore."

"They do. Thank God they don't serve caviar and steak tartare or else I'd never get the smell out of my hair."

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