Chapter Forty-Two

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Chapter Forty-Two

"Thanks for letting me stay here," I said.

"No problem," Braden smiled. "Do you need a ride home?"

"Well I was just gonna take a taxi - "

"It's fine, I'll take you."

"Oh, okay. Thanks."

I got all my stuff together and then we got into his car.

Instead of going home yesterday I'd gone to the park because I knew Alex would go looking for me at my house and I wasn't quite ready to talk to him, or even look at him, yet. I went to the park for a few hours and cooled down before heading over to Braden's house where he let me stay for the night.

I couldn't believe Alex had gone that far. He knew what a soft spot my parents were, especially when it came to everything they gave me because it came at a price. Them.

I was so completely wrapped up in my thoughts that I hadn't noticed when we arrived at my house.

"Thanks for the ride," I said.

"Again, no problem," Braden said.

"And for not asking questions."

"It's fine. I understand."

I gave him a hug, quick but meaningful before I got out the car.

I strolled inside the house and made my way up to my room. I sighed as I stepped out of my heels and kicked them to the side.

There was a sudden "Julianna," and a hand on my shoulder.

I screamed, turned, punched them in the face, and kicked them in the stomach. I quickly settled into my tae kwon do form and inched toward to the human form on the floor. I looked closer and recognized Alex.

"Oh my God!" I gasped, bending down. "I am so sorry!" I helped him up onto my bed as he clutched a little at his stomach.

"I guess those tae kwon do lessons really worked," he assessed.

"Sorry, let me go get some ice."

I ran to the kitchen and returned to my room with an ice pack wrapped in a paper towel in no time.

"Here," I said, handing it to him. "Put this on it."

"Ahh," he said, pressing the ice pack to his face. After a minute he took it off and showed me his face. "Is it bad?"

I grimaced. There was already a bruise forming right above his cheekbone under his eye. "Just a slight bruise. Hurry and put the ice on it."

He complied.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you," I apologized. "Well I did, but that was when I thought you were a cold blooded psychotic, homicidal maniac ready to drug me and ship me off to Mexico where you would rape me, make me your prostitute, and then chop me up and sell me for pieces."

He stared at me. "That was disturbingly detailed."

I slapped his arm playfully. "Oh stop it." Then my expression turned somber upon remembering that I was upset. "Why are you even in here anyway?"

"I came to apologize," he admitted, looking me in the eye.

"Did you?"

"I did. I'm really sorry. I had no right to say what I did."

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