Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Chapter Twenty-Seven

"Hey there, Julianna. You've really grown up," they smirked, eyeing my body appreciatively and stepping toward me. "Miss me?"

I stood there open-mouthed, unable to really believe what I seeing.


Standing right there in front of me was the person I gave my heart to. Standing right there was the person who I really, truly loved. Standing right there was the person who tore my heart out of my chest and ripped it to shreds - twice. Standing right there was the person who changed me.

My heart hammered in my chest wildly. It faltered, skipped a beat, and continued to hammer out of my chest. My breathing quickened, unable to keep up with my heart's insanely fast beating. My legs grew week and wobbled as if they were made out of jelly.

He took two steps forward and we were now less than two feet apart.

"Cat got your tongue?" he teased, in all his brown haired, blue-eyed glory.

I opened my mouth but I struggled to find words. I struggled to breathe.

"Julianna," he reached out and touched my face lightly. I flinched and pull away.

Without a word I turned around and stumbled down the hallway and stairs in my Jimmy Choo nude suede peep-toe pumps. I gasped for air as I pushed my way through the hot, sweaty, dancing bodies to get to the kitchen.

"Hey doll," Chloe greeted cheerily.

I grabbed ahold of the island as I struggled to stand and catch my breath.

Concerned, Chloe rushed over to my side and grabbed my shoulders, attempting to comfort me and help me regain my composure.

"Julianna, what's wrong? Are you okay?" she asked frantically.

I shook my head but then quickly nodded. I wiped my dry eyes, which were soon to grow moist, in an attempt to rid of the tears that threatened to spill over at any moment.

I closed my eyes and slowly began to count to ten.

I could barely think straight.

He just came out of nowhere. Here I was, getting over him, when he decides to just jump out at me. Now I have to start all over from square one.

Maybe if I'd had some warning that he was coming I could have mentally or emotionally prepared myself for this. But him just coming up and surprising me makes it ten times worse.

I had calmed down and was breathing normally again but I could feel the careful facade I had worked so hard to build for years slowing breaking and crumbling all around me. I could feel all these emotions and memories unwrapping themselves and slowly sliding down my skin. I could feel all the band-aids and tape Alex used to repair me slowly fall off and hit the floor; my wounds as if they were fresh and untreated, as if they were brand new.

"I'm okay," I lied once I had counted to ten slowly one more time.

"Are you sure?" she asked, clearly not believing me.

"Yeah, I'm totally fine," I smiled fakely and reassuringly. "I just...was a little surprised, is all."

"Okay." She unscrunched her eyebrows but didn't stop looking at me.

"What time is it?" I asked her as I pulled at my Alice + Olivia silk-chiffon dress uncomfortably.

"Almost one fifteen."

The party was nearly three and a half hours in and it would start winding down soon.

I ran a hand through my still straight hair. "Where's Abby and Mallory?"

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