I am the Alpha - Part 64

Start from the beginning

We all simultaneously grab the closest bag to us and rip it open and start stuffing the contents. “Wait a minute....” Seb yells holding up a pink bag, “Are these marshmallows?” Marshmallows?

“Yup” Chase confirms grabbing an identical packet.

“Yoink!” Callum snatches them out of Seb’s hands before coming to sit next to Jordan.

“Dude what the hell?”

“Oh, I’m sorry... did you want some?” Callum grins popping a few into his mouth and licking his lips before pulling some more out.

“Hey Chase chuck us some!” Sam yells and not seconds later several white and pink balls are flying through the air towards us. I reach out and catch two while the others all seem to end up hitting jack in the face. I put the marshmallows in my mouth and enjoy the gooey sweetness, grinning at Seb who scowls back at me.

“...Man I’m sorry they were meant to hit Sam.” Chase urgently apologizes to Jack who slowly looks up from his hands, his dark eyes squinting evilly at Chase who gulps. Man, he is so dead. “Come on Jack its cool, they’re just marshmallows!” he begs guiltily.

Suddenly Jack’s face lightens and he cracks up laughing while we all stare at him in shock. “The...look....on your......faces...” he gasps between laughing. What the heck? I share a confused look with Sam who shrugs and we both look back at Jack. “Just because I’m pissed at the rest of the world doesn’t mean I’m going to turn on you guys.” He tells us with a small smile.

“So you’re saying we’re immune?” Chase queries, stroking his chin with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

“Not the immune”

“Damn it”

“Mate you really worried us on Friday. You almost went on them...” Sam clues him in.

Has he finally started listening to us again? It’s been almost two weeks and he has been so angry, so irritable, so dangerous that we were worried about trying to confront him for a while. Thing is when we finally did he just sat there and nothing seemed to sink in. He wad so silent and unmoving i thought he’s gone into shock again.

“Guys I know. I got too close.” Jack mutters to himself

“What did they say?” I ask cautiously not wanting to snap him back into his previous meltdown.

“They were talking about...” he tries to continue but the words fail him and tears fill his eyes. “They said things and I couldn’t let them, not after...” he chokes out. I swallow hard as my hands begin to shake. No wonder he almost changed forms. We all sit in silence for several moments, probably all thinking different versions of the same things. Two weeks ago we were all in shock but slowly things started to change;

Jack became impossible to rationalize with. He would snap at the slightest thing, the slightest mention of her name. He would lock himself up for hours on end and put his music on full blast, ignoring anyone who attempted to talk to him. He would go on extended runs for hours on end and come back exhausted. Our patrols became more frequent and the young Were’s became almost frightened of us, or started to look at us in even more awe. He pushed the football team harder, so hard that some guys endd up in sickbay chucking up because they had overworked themselves.

The main thing that changed is he hasn’t touched a girl since. Katrina of course didn’t like that and clung to him like a lost puppy pining for even a minute of his attention which of course just made him even more irritable... which at the time I thought was impossible but apparently not.

Sam also reacted pretty badly, really badly actually. For a while he had not only lost...her but he had lost his best friend as well and it almost tore him apart. He stayed with the rest of us though, didn’t distance himself but he hardly spoke a word and when he did it was never anything positive. He threw himself into everything recklessly; sport, pack activities, life in general. He calmed down a little bit after a week trying as hard as he could to get through to jack.

A few days ago Jack finally listened to him, they spent the usual hours where jack would be locked up in his room together; doing god knows what. Thank god he got through to him, for a while we thought no one ever would.  

Mitch on the other hand managed his pain through distracting himself as much as possible. He would be with a different girl in the morning to when we all went home. He was hardly ever at home and when he was he had some chick with him. They were all blonde, girly and dumb as bricks the complete opposite to ...her. Though Mitch still talked to us, mourned with us and all that stuff he was never the one to have an anger fit. We all had a few of those.....

Jordan had the worst fit of anger. I’ve never seen him so angry in my life then he was then. He didn’t get over it though like the rest of us, he’s still angry. So, so angry. He hates her, he blames her for Jack’s mental state, he hates her more than he hates Cole. He goes on and on about how she betrayed us and at one point her swore about her and called her out so much that half of us had to stop ourselves from killing him. Thank god Jack wasn’t there because I know that that wouldn’t end well.

 Jordan doesn’t think straight anymore, he’s so furious all the time, competitive and extremely hostile to everyone other than us. He’s almost been suspended four times for starting fights. He’s had to bolt into the forest behind the school several times as he felt the change coming on at school. Chase tried to calm him down but nothing worked. Then again I think Chase is angry too, not as bad as Jordan, but more than the rest of us. He doesn’t day anything but sometimes he’s blunt and annoyingly sarcastic which is really not like him.

For the first week Seb and Callum didn’t talk. They only talked to each other quietly, keeping to themselves. After that Seb went through a rough patch of denial, yelling that she didn’t mean it and that she was forced to go. As much as we wanted to believe that was true it wasn’t and after a while he gave up and went silent again.

It was awful coming home from hanging out or from school and finding my own brother sobbing in his room and looking so broken. He looked so lost, not like the cocky little prat he usually is. Sometimes I sat with him, both of us thinking silently but somehow sharing the pain.

Thoughts have been racing through my mind for these past weeks, the first being ‘Why?’. Why did she do this? How did we not see this coming? How could someone so good, someone we all love so much do this to us? I couldn’t believe she was actually gone, I kept waiting for her at classes and expecting her to come yell at us for being so lazy and making their house such a mess. Of course she never did... she never will.

My sister, my best friend, my Alpha, my everything....gone. Why!?  How could she be so heartless? How could we have trusted her so much? What did we do to deserve this? I just wish I knew what was going through her head. What she was thinking as she broke herself from our minds and left a gaping hole that no one will ever be able to fill.



He’s dead. He’s fucking dead and I can’t even retaliate. 

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