with you (part one: first date)

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this is in Mitch's pov by the way

I checked my hair about four hundred times before finally leaving my apartment and driving to the address you texted me that night.

Sorry I was late.

You'd planned to take me to a big fancy restaurant but then changed the plans and took me for pizza.

Yes, pizza.

Not papa johns or anything like that, you took me to a nice little Italian diner famous for its pizza.

You ordered the gluten free pizza, and acted like you liked it even though I could tell you didn't.

You're not a very good liar.

To this day, you still say you liked it, even though that's total bullshit.


We talked about anything and everything, and we stayed there so long after we ate that the manager had to come and tell us that they were closing.

We walked outside, and there was a park right across the street. You grabbed my hand and started running across the street, but if I hadn't pulled you back, that car probably would've hit you.

You're welcome, by the way.

Once the car passed, you laced our fingers and walked us across the street.

Once we got to the park, we just lie down on the grass and looked at the sky.

You wanted it to be romantic and cheesy where we look at the stars, but it was cloudy.

We could still see the moon, and the reflection of it in your blue eyes made me swoon.

We just ended up talking for about another half hour until you thought I was tired and drove me home.

I knew I was in love back then, even though it was only my first date with you.

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