Those words woke him up. That's right. The wedding vows. He was wrong to think that separating would make her happy.

Kaneki then tries again to reach her and falls out of his wheelchair in the process, landing with a loud thump onto the floor and groaning.

Touka stared at her husband laying on the floor before it registered into her head.

"Ken!" She rushed towards him and makes an effort to help him up. Kaneki instead pulls her down and presses her lips to hers.

"I'm sorry. I love you, Touka. And I was wrong. I don't want us to get divorced." He leans his head on her shoulder and hugs her tightly as tears escaped his eyes.

They remain there until both stops crying and Touka helps Kaneki to the bed.

She cups his cheeks and gazed into his grey eyes. "No matter what happens, I will not leave you, you got that?"

"Okay. Thank you, Touka."

The two lays down in bed and Touka lays her head against Kaneki's chest, listening to his heartbeat. He wraps an arm around her waist, pulling her closer.

"Hey. If I say I want you to get the operation, would you do it?" She asked.

"I would but we don't have the money." He replied, sorrow in his voice as he runs his fingers through her violet hair.

"We could use our savings for the baby."

"No we can't-"

She shushed him and continues. "I want to go on a date outside with you again. Wouldn't that be nice?"

He thought about them playing in a field of flowers. "Yes that would be nice..."

-A month later-

In the hospital...

Touka paced up and down outside the operating theatre; waiting for her husband to come out. After who knows how long, the red light of the room finally turned off and the doctor came out.

She rushed over to him. "I'm Kaneki Ken's wife. How is he?"

The doctor looked grim and didn't say a thing. She pushed past him and ran into the room. "Ken? Ken!"

She slows down as she approached a table, a white sheet over her husband. Dropping to her knees, she covered her mouth and cries. "This can't be.."

As soon as the doctor walked back in, Touka grabbed his collar and started screaming at him. "Aren't you a doctor? You're supposed to help him, not kill him!"

"I'm sorry. I did everything. But he couldn't get adjusted to his new legs. I'll leave you to mourn."

The doctor and nurses left the room, leaving Touka and Kaneki alone.

"Ken... How could you? You promised you wouldn't leave me..." She wept and laid her head on his arm.

After crying for only a few seconds, the monitor came alive again. BEEP. BEEP. BEEP. BEEP.

Touka quickly looked around for the button to call the doctor but there was none of that there. She turned her attention back to Kaneki.

She watched wide eyed as his arm twitched and his eyes cracked open.

"Hey.. Why are you crying?" He spoke at a slow speed, turning his head to her.

Touka tackled him with a super tight hug. "Ken!!!!"

He was shocked at first from the hug but then he slowly wrapped his arms around her. "I must have been asleep for quite long, huh? You know I saw you in the afterlife."

She hesitantly released him. "Yeah? What happened?"

"I saw two Toukas and they both told me to pick one. If I picked the wrong one, I would have gone to heaven."


"Pick one! Pick one!" Both Toukas said.

"Uhm.." Kaneki had trouble even differentiating the both of them. They looked exactly the same; hairstyle, face, voice, body, even the wedding ring he used to propose to her was the same.

He looked back and forth to the two. They smiled and stretched their hands out to him. "Choose me, Ken."

Cupping one of the Touka's cheeks, he kissed her and watched her reaction. He tried the other Touka but she had the same reaction. Blushing.

One of the Toukas attempted to place her hand on his cheek but was stopped by Kaneki. He looked at the ring intently. It was somehow different from the one the real Touka had.

Bringing it under the light, he looked at both rings, thoroughly. After he found nothing, he felt frustrated. Clearly the rings are different but he can't spot anything.

"Take both of your rings out. I want to see them." Both of them did as they were told and passed them to him.

He brought the rings under the light again and inspected them. Both were gold, had the same carvings of "Kaneki and Touka" name on it.

He put the ring back personally on each Touka's finger. "I know who's the real one! It's you!" He pointed to the left Touka.

"How did you know?"

"Because when I bought the ring for you, you said it was little big. But you never told me to change the size and just left it at that. So you're the real Touka."

Both Toukas clapped their hands and the real one stepped forward to hug Kaneki. "That's right, I'm the real Touka. Come on, let's go back."

-End of Flashback-

"And then I woke up and saw you crying on my arm."

She pressed her lips against his, surprising him and smiled. "I'm just glad you're back."

A while later... The doctors came in to check up on Touka, shocked that their patient came back alive. It was a miracle but Kaneki believed it was because of their strong bond and love.


"I love you."


A few years later, the couple was seen laughing happily with their two children, Haru and Sora.

Happily ever after 😆👏🏻


Okay! So.. I'm guessing the part where Kaneki sees two Toukas is very weird but I couldn't come up with another idea ><

Weeee I don't have much time to write recently since I'm studying for my exams in March but.. I like writing and seeing your comments on my stories hehe

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