"Thanks mum, I love it all" Gemma smiles.

"You're welcome, open Robins" Anne says. Robin hands Gemma three boxes and one of them was a small one.

Robin got Gemma a bracelet that says her name as well as clothes that I'm sure Anne picked out and a handbag.

"Thank you Robin, it means a lot" Robin nods patting her head.

"No worries Gem" he says.

"Here open mine!" Harry hands her his gifts.

Gemma takes them thanking him and starts looking at what he got her. And that's how it was for another hour until my time came.

"Okay hunny this is from me" my mom hands me some presents.

"Mom you really didn't have to get me this much" I sigh, looking up at her.

"Hun you are my only daughter so I will spoil you as much as I possibly can" she laughs.

I sigh shaking my head as I tare the first presents paper off. I look to see my mom got my some gorgeous shows from her favourite designer.

I open the next one and see she got me a silver necklace that is a heart with Diamonds covering it. She also got me a cute leather jacket and last but not least a photo frame with a photo of my mother and I at my first ever photoshoot.

"Mom" I say, I feel the tears pouring on my face and I can't stop them. Harry brings his head around to see my face and smiles when he notices the smile on my face.

He must of thought I was really upset although I'm not, I'm happy. He wipes my tears away and wraps his arms around my neck leaning his arms lightly onto my chest.

"Thank you so much for these. They are all amazing thank you" I hug her leaving a kiss to her cheek.

"No worries babe, now you have to open Harry's presents" she smiles.

I nod and go back to sit where I was before but only being stopped by Harry who places me on his left leg.

"Open this first babe" he hands me a large box. I take it from him shaking it a little to get a reaction out of him which I did since he laughs shaking his head.

I open the paper and see that he bought me an Apple Mac computer, I remember talking to him about this when we were just starting to become best friends. That seemed like so long ago now, I kept saying how I needed one for my apartment but never had the time to get one.

"Harry" I sigh, not knowing what to say. "This is too much, I can't except this" I tell him.

"Kylie it's your present, don't insult me by not taking it okay?" He says, nodding his head.

I sigh nodding, he smiles pecking my cheek and hands me another present though this time I have no idea what it could be.

I open it and see that there are two tickets. "What is it babe?" I ask.

"Turn it over" he tells me.

I turn them over to see Harry bought us two tickets to Paris and Italy. I gasp dropping them into my lap and look at him.

"Harry don't lie to me now I'll kill you. If they are fake you better start running now" those are my two favourite places in the world. I might have been to both but I love going there every time.

"Baby they are real" he laughs.

"Harry you spent so much why did you go this!" I say cupping his face. "Are you normal?" I ask, everyone behind me laughs but I block it out.

"I love you" he sighs. "I'm so completely in love and I'm willing to do anything for us. This is nothing but money spent on a holiday you and I both need, together" he smiles. He wraps arms arms around my waist holding me close to him.

"I love you, Harry" I whisper, only for him to hear.

"I love you my girl so much more. But you have one more present so you better open it" he laughs.

"Harry no you spent too much already stop" I shake my head.

"Kylie this is the best one" he laughs. He hands me a smaller box this time. "Open it" he demands lightly.

I sigh opening the box with a smile on my face. When I take the paper off the box is small and velvet. I open the lid slowly and when I see what is inside my eyes go wide and I gasp loudly.

"I should explain this now hey?" Harry says to him but I can't keep my eyes off the huge diamond ring in my lap.

"Wow" I hear everyone else say.

"This isn't an engagement ring yet babe although I'm not saying I won't ever give you one because I will since there isn't anyone else on this planet for me. This is a promise ring Ky" he says. I look up at him feeling the tears start to build up but I just ignore them, focusing only on Harry. "I promise to you that I will always love and be devoted to you no matter what. I promise to always stay faithful, I promise to be the best boyfriend, fiancé, husband and hopefully father to our children that I can possibly be. I promise to cherish you and always make you my number one priority. And even though I have already said it I promise to always love you as much as I do now, possibly more" he tells me, looking into my eyes.

That's it the tears have fallen like a water fall, I love this guy so much that my heart cannot take anymore.

I crash my lips to his not caring if the others are looking since I only think about us, about Harry.

When we pull away Harry smiles up at me since I'm still placed in his lap. "So do you except my ring?" He asks.

"More than anything in this world Harry and I promise you everything that you told me. You're my life now" I whisper.

"I love you" he whispers back as he picks the ring up. He takes my right hand and places it on my finger.

"It's gorgeous Harry, this must of cost you a fortune, all of this must of" I tell him.

"Money is morning to me Kylie when I have you that I'm using it for. And not to toot my own horn but I have lots of money from being in the worlds most favourite boyband" he laughs.

"Full of yourself much" I laugh.

"Very. The ring looks perfect on you" he tells me pecking my lips.

"I love it" I say showing him my hand. "It's amazing" I flash it around.

"Shit" we all turn to see Robin whipping his tears making us all burst out into fits of laughter.



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