Chapter 34- Coronations and Explanations

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"So what your saying is me and Dean have a more profound bond?" I questioned looking at the swirls of green and blue apparently representing me and deans souls. They were both twisted together.
The three of us me, Dean and my dad were in a study hall around a round table in the castle.
"Yes bonds like yours are very rare. You've both become so bonded that Castiel has become a protector to you Dean."
Dean looked quite shocked
"So he's like my guardian angel or something?"
Chuck nodded
"Yes you could say that. It means Cas is able to bring you back to life or heal you."
"Wait so does that mean as long as Cas is alive he can heal me over and over again and keep me alive?"
He shook his head
"I'm afraid it doesn't quite work like that. When the time comes you will both die. Dean your powers are small right now. Cas used up his revival powers on you when Crowly had killed you. You must uses yours wisely on him when the time is right."

*One and a half weeks later*

Castiels POV

"Ugh I just don't look good in this." I groaned looking in the mirror of my new large room.

The kingdom was at peace. Chuck decided to bury Crowlys body properly. Along with the other mers who lost there lives. He even had a proper ceremony for them. Crowlys followers were now in prison .
It was coronation day. The day my father becomes king again and we were now That's gonna take some time getting use too.
I couldn't believe this was happening. One day I'm going through my normal day. Next thing I know I'm thrown into a battle. And living in a palace as a prince. I knew things would never be the same. Everything was gonna change. But I knew what ever was too come that I would get through it.
"Aw baby." Dean hummed coming over putting his hands on my hips resting his chin on my shoulder. He was wearing a water proof silk made white suit with golden lining. And golden buttons going down the middle. The royal taylor made it for him. Yes we had a royal taylor now.
It was amazing on him. He looked like the prince not me. As for me I was wearing something similar. My tail had been cleaned and now glistened in the rays of the sun. I had a cape that glided through the water, white and gold. And I had the locket Dean gave me safely around my neck.
"You look so handsome." He whispered kissing the back of my ear.
I turned my head to look into his green eyes. The eyes that I fell in love with the moment I saw them.
"Not as handsome as you."
I leaned up kissing his nose.
I sighed and looked at the mirror at my reflection.
"Dean what if I'm not ready to be a prince. What if I become like Crowly..."
He gripped my shoulders tightly then lifting my chin to look at him
"Castiel Blackfin Novak. You will never ever be like that bastard. You are so much more then him. Your going to make a great prince."
I smiled up at him and he chuckled
"prince Castiel Blackfin Novak. I like the sound of that." He cooed resting his forehead on mine
"Does that make you my loyal subject?" I growled back
"I guess that means I need to get on my knees and-"
"GUYS!" Sam and Gabriel bursted into the room. Gabriel was wearing the same thing as me and Sam was similar to Deans.


Me and my brothers stood outside the throne room. We knew the whole kingdom and friends from the surface world were in there. The others my father put a spell on them so they could live under water for at least two days time.
We lined up in age order me being in the back. Our father was behind me. I was terrified.
I felt a hand rest on my shoulder
"It's ok son. I know this is scary for you. But I promise everything will be ok."
I turned around to face him and hugged him tightly for the first time.
"Thank you father." I breathed
I felt him place a small fatherly kiss on my head before we heard the music playing signaling it was time. We straightened up a bit and I noticed Gabriel held a fist behind him. I smiled and bumped it causing is both to laugh a bit. Even out of the most terrifying times of my life I knew my brothers were here for me.
The doors opened and I took a deep breath fallowing my brothers forward.
The room was packed and I noticed Dean, Sam and the others right up front. I locked eyes with Dean as I pasted him. He gave me a small smile and he mouthed the words 'I love you' to me. I mouthed them back smiling before finally coming to the end of the walk way to the thrones. A large one in the middle and two smaller ones on the left and three on the right.
Me and Gabriel stood in front of the two while the others took the three and my father stood in front of the large middle one in front of the elder mer who was responsible for running the coronations.
The music stopped and we all had our attention to the elder.
"Today we gather to bring in a new beginning. That started out old. King Crowlys rule has finally come to an end and the rightful rule goes back to the Novak family. We shall begin."
In front of him was a pillowed table and he took a crown in his hands. A purple jeweled one and he swam over to Michael.
"I present eldest son and next air to the thrown Prince Michael Heaven Novak."
Mike bowed and aloud him to place the crown on his head.
The second crown which was ruby incrusted was brought over to Lucifer
"I present the lost son now found. Second oldest. Nymph. Prince Lucifer Demon Novak."
Lucifer smiled and if we weren't under water I knew he would be tearing up as the crown was once more placed on his head. I knew he was just happy to be home. Michael smiled lovingly at Lucifer and gripped his hand tightly and I heard him whisper
"Welcome home brother."
The next crown had dark green darker then deans eyes. It was brought over to Balthazar
"I present, third youngest. Prince Balthazar Fin Novak."
Balthazar smiled nervously as the crown was placed into his head.
A honey golden jeweled crown was brought over to Gabriel who had a smirk on his face.
"I present to you, second youngest. Prince Gabriel Loki Novak."
As soon as it was on his head Gabriel sent Sam a flirtatious wink causing the young Winchester to smile and blush.
My heart beats faster as the elder stood in front of me. A crown in hand. I got a good look at it. It was golden like the others and had jewels. Except mine were all blue. The same shade as my eyes.
"Youngest of the Novak family. I present Prince Castiel Blackfin James Novak."
The crown was placed on my head and I stood up tall. Dean caught my eyes and he mouthed
I chuckled to myself.
"All rise." The elder ordered.
Everyone in the room stood up. The elder took a much larger crown in hand. This one covered in multi colored jewels and diamonds. He swam over to my father.
"By the power vested in me. I now crown you King Chuck Novak of the Caribbean mer tribe once more."
The crown was placed on his head.
The elder stepped back letting the whole kingdom see us before he chanted
"Long live the family and long live the king!"
Everyone started to cheer and rejoice. Smiles went around the room making my heart swell.

I didn't know what was ahead. I knew nothing would be the same. But I knew what ever lied ahead for me and my family we would get through it.


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