Chapter 26- Truth

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Hey guys so I had to edit a part to this book on the chapter named "Hidden Secrets" it said that Cas turned 15 a month ago and I had his birthday in here so... Yeah sorry if that threw anyone off. That part is fixed now. But hey thanks for reading again! (She says the the millionth time)

Deans POV

I stepped on the gas of baby breaking the speed limit big time. Sam was next to me gripping onto the car door for dear life but he wasn't complaining. We needed to get too Bobby's as quick as we could.
As soon as I pulled up to the diner me and Sam ran out of the car and bursted through the doors of the diner.
Everyone gave us looks but we didn't care. In fact I jumped up on a table and shouted
Ellen ran out from behind the counter and shouted
"Dean Winchester what the hell-"
Sam pulled her down to his level and whispered something in her ear. Her eyes widened and everyone waited expectantly for her to say something
"You heard the boy! The diner is closed!"


"So let me get this wrapped around my head." Bobby said
As soon as Sam told Ellen we had news she closed down the diner for the day, called Bobby and the rest of everyone and we gathered in the back room. We told them everything that happened
"Castiel and Gabriel were able to make contact with you. And apparently Sam's boss is in on this whole thing? And the base is apparently run by the resort?"
We nodded
"That's what they told us. We don't know why but it's defiantly a lead. If we can prove that Naomi is guilty and he get her to tell us where they are, we could get them out."
"How?" Asked Lisa "I mean let's say she does tell us. We would be breaking into a highly secure military base. We wouldn't stand a chance."
"We'll figure that part out later. But right now we gotta work with what we have. So here's the plan... Sam you work there for like 10 to 12 hours a day correct?"
Sam nodded
Bobby turned to his book case and took a folded up map that was tucked in a book. He unfolded the large map and laid it out on a table. It was a map of the resort.
"Do you know where they run the security cameras and weapon detection alarms?"
Sam nodded again
"Yeah I know the guys who work in that area too."
"Ok I need you to shut it down some how."
"Why?" Asked ash

Bobby went over to a locked cabinet. He took a key unlocking it and we were shocked to see a bunch of guns and weapons
"Because we are doing this by force."


*the next day*

Me: Sam is it done?

I texted sam for the fourth time as we all waited in our cars for the signal. I really hope this works. It had too.
Finally i noticed a security camera shutting down on one of the buildings and my phone buzzed

Sam: all clear

I looked over at Garth who sat in the front seat of his jeep. I gave him a thumbs up. It was time


Sam's POV

After I shut everything down I quickly walked towards Naomi's office. My heart was beating a mile a minute. This has to work. It had too.
Finally I approached her office and knocked
"Who is it?"
I took a deep breath and said
"It's Sam."
There was no answer for a moment and I heard shuffling of papers and then heard
"Come in."
I peaked in to see Naomi at her desk looking at me. I saw a nervous glimpse in her eyes.
"Hi Naomi."
I fully entered the room and left the door partly open
"Sam is there something we need to discuss."
We turned around at the sound of deans voice. Garth, Ash, and Jo came in too shot guns in hand. Dean closed the door and locked it behind him.
"We do."

Deans POV

"What is the meaning of this?!" Naomi snapped
"Shut up!" Garth snapped right back aiming his gun at her head.
Jo closed the blinds and unplugged the land line phone. Then she went over to Naomi
"Give me your cell phone." She ordered
She hesitated for a moment before reaching into her pocket and handing it to her.
"Now." I said taking out my gun aiming it at her like the others.
"Where are they." I growled
"Who?" She questioned
"Don't act stupid." Said Sam "The Novaks. We know your in on Crowlys plan."
"Listen I know your upset about your friends being taken but it is not excuse to start blaming-"
"SHUT UP!" I boomed moving closer to her.
"No more lies." I said more calmly but anger still thick in my voice
"Your going to tell me where they are right now or your not going to see another day."
"And how's that gonna look huh?" Naomi challenged "A group of kids break in to the head of the marine life reach program and kill her? Over false evidence? How's that gonna look Dean? You'll lose everything. Your friends. Freedom. Send your brother away."
I narrowed my eyes at her
"That's what I thought you'd say. That's why right now at this second our uncle Bobby is creating a fake file saying that you had resigned your position as head of this program and you moved back to your home in the US. No body will care to check. Naomi the biggest discovery in history is going on. Do you think a head member of something found dead is going to matter at this moment in time?"
Naomi looked at us star struck before she sighed
"Fine. You got me. I'll tell you...everything."
We slowly lowered our guns and she continued
"Before I start I didn't want any of this to happen...but he took my husband..."
"Who did?" Asked ash
"The man you speak off." Naomi growled "Crowly."
"What is he up too?" Sam asked
"I was head of the military research base for new aquatic life forms. It was a secretly run program that was covered up using this resort. This job is only my cover."
"Wait so your not a business women?"
She shook her head
"No. I'm part of the FBI."
"Holy shit." Breathed Sam
"Continue." I demanded honestly not really caring. I just wanted to know where Cas was
"Me and my husband Dick Romain ran it basically. In till he came. Crowly took control of everything. Including the minds of the workers making him do what they want. He took over my husbands and threatened to kill him if I didn't do what he said."
"Why didn't he take over your mind?" Garth asked
"Because he needed someone to cover for him up here. It's hard to explain."
"Now what do you know about the novaks."
She shook her head
"I didn't know about them till they were tricked and taken to the lab. But he tortures them. Everyday. Then claims false evidence to the press to make him look good and cover up what he's really doing."
When I heard the word 'torture' I wanted to cry right there. The thought of Castiel being tortured by this monster crushed me.
"Listen Naomi... If we said we could stop him... would you tell us where he he keeping them..."
She looked down at her hands
I started begging " love your husband right? You would do anything for him?"
She looked up at me and nodded "Anything."
I put my gun down on my desk and looked her in the eyes before saying

"Then help me get my Cas back."

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