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Ok guys I have a very important announcement to make. If you notice the pictures of many soon to be titles, it means that this book is officially the first in the series I decided to make. This book although not finished yet, has become close to my heart and to make it better so many have encountered me to keep writing.

Now these titles/covers are not official yet considering I still need to plan it out and see how this book goes but here's what's in the making

Two Worlds (book one): A Bloodlust Rebellion *published*

Two Worlds (Book Two): Love and Betrayal

Two Worlds (Book Three): Finding you

Two Worlds (Book Four): Our Little World

Like I said these titles and covers are not official. Or books in general. Who knows I might decided I don't want one or I might add some. But I was busting wondering if you guys possibly liked the idea? Please tell me what you think! Thanks! Love you guys!


Two worlds: A Bloodlust RebellionWhere stories live. Discover now