Chapter 31- Explostions and blood

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Castiels POV

We all quickly sprung into actions and pack as much things needed as possible.
The boat was all ready to go and Naomi was driving. I put my bag in the little under deck.
I sighed to myself my face worried. I could handle Crowlys torture. Mers heal quickly. But Dean was a nymph...mostly human. It will hurt him more then it hurt me.


Yelped in surprise as the boat started to rock roughly side to side as a force ripped through the air. Once I collected myself I quickly ran to the deck to see everyone had collapsed from the sudden force. I look up and see rocks start to fall rapidly.


Another explosion from the rocks shakes the cave causing things to fly. One sharp rock scratched my cheek. I hissed in pain and blood started to trickle freely from the cut.
Naomi sprung to her feet and ran to the controls
"We need to move! Those explosions are gonna bring the place down!"
She started the engine just as another explosion shook the cave. We were gonna get barred alive if we didn't get out of here in time.
Naomi put the boat into action zooming it down the canal that lead out of the cave.
The cave was coming down around us. Nearly falling on the boat.
"What's happening!" Shouted Jo over the loud falling of rocks and explosions
"Crowly must of rigged the place and we didn't know!" Shouted my dad
I saw the light up a head. We had to make it.
I noticed a large rock right above the exit. It shifted with every jolt and bang. If it fell we were goners
"NAOMI GO FASTER!" I screamed back at her gripping onto the edge of the boat for dear life
"IM TRYING!" She screamed back


The rock started to fall. The boat went faster and...
The rock smacked down into the water just as we made it through the exit. It caused a small wave to push us forward and us to all collapse once more.
Once I pulled myself up I looked to see the once hidden cave a pile of rubble and rock. It was gone.
We all stated in silence at it before Naomi started the boat again
"Where's this kingdom of yours?" Asked Dick
Chuck sighed
"We gotta plan something first. We can't get barge in there."
Just then something hit me.
"Crowlys anniversary!"
They all looked at me confused
"Don't you guys remember? In three weeks Crowly will have the anniversary of when he came to rule. Him and his followers have a huge party in the grand dinning room. None of them will be at there posts and it will be a great opportunity to get Dean out."
Chuck smiled and patted my shoulder

"Well done son."

I just hope Dean could make it that long.


Deans POV

So this was an underwater dungeon. It was like something out of a medieval times movie. It was dark, and dirty. Algae covered the rusted walls and steal bars. A small window only allowed a little light in. And it was freezing.
I was only wear some shorts they put me into and no shirt.
I've been here only a few hours and I already was missing my family. I can't believe now I was the one in distress. It was like a never ending cycle. Someone was always lost.

Just then Crowly swam into the room and up to my ceil
"How are you enjoying your stay?"
I lifted a chained arm and flipped him the bird. This only caused him to chuckle
"Oh no need for that kinda behavior squirrel. I thought we could be friends? You are my new play toy after all."
"We are not friends." I growled at him
Then that asshat Azael came in
"Sir the bombs were a success."
My eyes widened
Crowly smirked at me
"What you think I would take you with out leaving a little gift for your boyfriend and family?"
My heart raced. If anyone got hurt....
I lashed out struggling in my chains trying to get free
"YOU BASTARD!" I screamed at him
I couldn't cry. I tried too but I could cause if the water. So all that came out was the angry sobs from my mouth. I was just so pissed off at everything. My baby brother, my friends, Ellen, Bobby, the Novaks...Castiel... They could all be dead for all I know.
"Man up!" Crowly shouted at me "If you hadn't gotten in my way none of this would of happened."
He turned back to his guard
"The hide out had collapsed no one could of survived."
He smirked "Excellent."
I fell to my knees in udder grief. Maybe they got out. Maybe they aren't dead. Maybe...maybe...Who was I kidding? You heard what he said... No one could of survived.
"Son of a bitch!" I shouted angrily punching the stone wall. This causing my fist to crack and start to bleed
"That's enough! I can't have you wasting blood. I need as much as I can get out of you."

Crowly and his guards had dragged me by my chains to what looked like a torture room and strapped me down on a table. I thought he would strip me down first like he did with Cas. But no he kept me just the way I was only my bare chest exposed. I was in an X position like how I found Cas. I gulped. I could take this. I could take his torture. Or at least try.

"Now let's start shall we?" Crowly came over a needle in hand.
With out warning he stuck it roughly into my arm. I hissed in pain as he started to extract my blood. Once he was done he showed the needle in front of my face. It was full of my crimson red blood.
"You see this blood Dean? This blood is my ticket to total rule."
He took the blood and carefully extracted it from the needle into a vile making sure none escaped and drifted away in the water.
"One down more to go."

I had lost so much blood in one day that they had to drag me back to my ceil. Thy threw my limp body into the ceil then chained me up and left laughing.
I was so weak. They took an unhealthy amount from me. My skin was pale. My limos couldn't move. All I could do was lay there slump against the wall.
"Cas...Cas..." I tried to contact him but I was so weak I passed out.

I just wanted to go home

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