Chapter 27- the break out

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Ok so I was thinking. I know Michael and Lucifer are brothers in this story and all but would you guys hate me if I put some future Michifer in here? Maybe I do something where they don't become brothers or something like that. It's just an idea. But hey enjoy this chapter!

Deans POV

I kept trying to contact Cas
"Cas! Castiel are you there!"
It had been an hour and nothing. I was starting to get extremely worried
"I just talked to Gabriel. He says that Crowly took Cas somewhere...." Sam told me
I swore under my breath and made my way to the front of this FBI van that Naomi was driving and just magically had in the resort garage.
"Naomi are we almost there!"
"Dean calm down. It's coming up ahead." She snapped "You better get my husband after all this."
"You'll get your husband once we get the novaks."

She sighed and flipped on the radio to calm everyone's nerves. "I write sins not tragedies" by Panic! At the Disco. Great song.
I took a deep breath and went to go sit in my seat next to Garth. We were all here. Bobby and Ellen were at the diner waiting for us with medical supplies once we get them out.
Well imagine,
As I'm pacing the pews in a church corridor,
And I can't help but to hear,
No, I can't help but to hear an exchanging of words:
"What a beautiful wedding! What a beautiful wedding!" says a bridesmaid to a waiter,
"And, yes, but what a shame, what a shame the poor groom's bride is a whore."
The music was calming and I started to sing or whisper the words to myself
"I chime in with a
"Haven't you people ever heard of closing the goddamn door?!"
No, it's much better to face these kinds of things
With a sense of poise and rationality.
I chime in,
"Haven't you people ever heard of closing the goddamn door?!"
No, it's much better to face these kinds of things
With a sense of..."

"We're here." Naomi finally said shutting off the radio. This was it.
"Hide yourselves." She ordered
The van was pretty big along with the back so we all squeezed back there. Naomi stopped the car and rolled down her window
"Where you going?" We heard a guy say
"I have important news for Crowly."
"I'm afraid he's in his afternoon time with the youngest Novak today."
My breath hitches and I felt Garth squeeze my arm. I looked at him worriedly and he send me a looked that read everything was gonna be ok. I nodded and took a deep breath. I glad Garth was here. He is my best friend and I couldn't do this without him.
"It's important." Naomi pressed
There was silence in till the guy said
"Fine move along."

The van started moving again and the breath I was holding I let out. One step closer.
After a while the van stopped and Naomi got out. I griped onto my gun tightly, I look at Sam. I was worried for him too. I couldn't live with myself if Sam got hurt in the process of this. He's only 14.
"Sam are you sure-"
"Yes Dean. I can do this. What you think your gonna have all the fun on your own?" He smirked
I chuckled and ruffle his hair
The van doors open and Naomi motioned for us to come out.
We were in an empty garage
"Where are we?" Asked Lisa
"200 feet under the resort. Look if you go down that hall you'll find the lab. And past that you'll find a exit. It leads to a beach. I'm afraid I can't help you from there on out you'll have to find your own safety."
"What about you?" Asked Charlie
"I'm going to try and get my husband out of here before you kids start anything. Good luck."
I shook hands with her "Thank you Naomi... For everything."
She smiled "Stay safe Dean. I hope you find what your looking for."


Gabriel's POV

I had a feeling in my gut that something was about to happen. Crowly had come and once again and dragged Castiel away. I glanced over at Lucifer and Michael. Lucifers head was resting on Mikey's shoulder. Crowly had completely cut up lucifers face mostly. There was red spots everywhere. Michael was running a hand through his hair comforting him. I swear if they weren't brothers I would ship them.... Who the fuck am I kidding I ship them ether way not really caring if it's wrong.
Our dad looked like he needed help. Crowly didn't torture him often but when he did it was really bad. His tail had been stripped of its scales. Crowly had skinned it. Then he waits for them to grow back then repeats the process.
Balthazar had many cuts lining his arms. He almost died of blood lost but Crowly would thankfully stitch him up carelessly but enough to stop some of the bleeding.
Cas he was the worse on. He cut his black hair shorter then normal then slashing around his scalp. His tail gushed with so much blood sometimes that they had to spectate us in till he stopped. His chest was out lines with different shapes and words Crowly had carved into him. Terrible words...
For me well he tortures me just as bad. Not as bad as Cas though. The only torture for me was being kept from my Sammy.... It had only been less then a week and the things that boy had made me feel... And I was going to make sure I tell him that when we get out of here.
"Gabriel! Gabriel are you there!"
I perked up from my spot at the sound of Sam's voice in my head
"Sam." I whispered
My brothers and dad glanced over at me
"Gabriel Dean is trying to contact Cas... Is he ok?"
I sighed
"Crowly took him somewhere again."
"Ok... Gab are you ok? I've been so worried..."
I smiled to myself
"Don't worry Sam I'm ok."
"We are coming for you and everyone else. We are gonna save you. Then I have something to tell you when we find you..."
I furrowed my brows
"What do you need to tell me?"
"It will be easier to explain in person..."
"Ok well I have something important to tell you too... So you better get here so I can tell you." I smirked
I heard him chuckle
"I promise I will."

*one hour later*

It was silent in the room. I didn't get anymore messages from Sam or anyone. The lab workers around us still in watched us. Writing down notes. Working on the machines that were hooked up to the tank and the wires still attached to us.
In till-
We all bolted up at the sound of gun shots ringing out side the room.
Just then the doors bursted open and in came up Dean first shouting
The workers dropped their things and raised their hands.
Then I saw him
I never heard him talk so was kinda a turn on...
The workers quickly rushed out of the room not even collecting their things.
"Get back!" Jo ordered us.
We quickly swam to the other side of the tank and Dean aimed his gun and two bullets later the glass cracked. The tank around us shattered causing us water and all to fall out of the tank. This causing alarms to start ringing out.
"Get them clothing." Ordered Charlie. Garth opened the back pack he had pulling out clothing for us.
Sam dropped his gun sliding on his knees on the ground into my arms.
"Sam be careful the glass-"
"Shut up!" He sobbed
I squeezed the small boy tightly in my arms and I felt him nuzzle into my neck.
"Gabriel I have to tell you something." He whispered
He pulled away his arms still looped around my neck and his fingers messing with my damp hair.
"Or rather show you..." He whispered
I smirked
"Then show me Sammy boy." I whispered back
He gulped and nodded before pulled me down and catching my lips in a sweet kiss. I grabbed his hips deepening the kiss.
Just then someone cleared his throat. We look up flushed and the others smirked.
"Sorry to interrupt but we kinda got to hurry."
"Plus dude your naked." Said Balth who was slipping on a shirt.
I looked down and blushed realizing that I changed my form in the middle of kissing Sam.
He helped me up cause if all the soreness
"Gabriel where's Cas!" Dean asked frantically
I took a breath and said
"Crowly. Torture rooms. They aren't  t far from here."
Dean nodded "You guys get them out and get to Bobby's."
They looked at me worried
"What about you?" Asked Lisa
"I'm getting Cas back."


Castiels POV

Sweat and blood trickled down my cut open chest. Like it was literally cut open. I couldn't breath it felt like. Like I was slowly dying of blood lose. Which I guess technically I was. Most days were like this.
I jolted as I felt a needle and thread start to sew me up. But I knew it wasn't over. It never was. Crowly wasn't gentle with the sewing. Each pull making me whine.
"Stop whining you baby." He snapped
I but my lip as he finally made the last tug and tied the thread.
I heard him messing around with more tools in till I saw him pick up a hatchet
"I thought we try something different today Cas. Like what happens when a merman loses a finger."
I let out a small whimper. But just as he took a step towards me alarms started to ring through out the room.
"What the bloody hell?!" Crowly shouted
Just then the door was kicked down and before I knew it a bang cracked the air and Crowly was on the ground.
My heart beat a mile a minute and then a face appeared in front of me a face that made tears come to my eyes. His hands griped my face and I heard soft sobs come from his mouth.
"Dean..." I whispered
He started peppering my face with kisses and ran a hand through my now extremely short hair. And before I passed out from exhaustion I heard
"I came back for you Cas."

Happy New Year!!!

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