Chapter 28- He's coming

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Castiels POV

Softness. A thing I haven't felt in a long time. I felt like I was sleeping on a cloud. But yet I felt heavy with soreness and pain. It was too hard to open my eyes but I weakly traced my fingers over the lining of the covers.
I was in a bed. A fermilar smell filled my nostrils. Cologne, pine and....pie. Pie.
I was in deans room. Just then I heard quiet sobbing
"I'm s-sorry Cas.... I'm so sorry he did this too you this is all my fault...."
Oh Dean...
"Those words that he wrote on you....they aren't true Cas....your so handsome and your amazing....kind, smart.... Your everything to me..."
It was true Crowly had carved words onto my chest and so deep they are now scared their forever. 'Fag', 'freak', 'monster'. And many more....
Finally I got the strength is open my eyes . It was hard at first but I was able to turn my head to see Dean, on the edge of my bed. His head was in his hands and tears streamed down his face.
I weakly touched his thigh and I flinched and looked at me.
"It's not your fault Dean." I whispered
I watch as his face completely broke and he let out a sob and pulling my body into him lap holding my close.
My own tears wet his shirt and like before he started peppering my face and neck with kisses. I giggled and gripped his face
"It's me. You saved me."
A tear trailed down his face and I wiped it away
"You saved me." I whispered once again
Our foreheads touch and finally he kissed me so full of love that my heart swelled. His fingers tangled in my short hair. And between each breath and kept whispering
"I love you. I love you. I love you."
Finally he just held me. I felt safe. Just there in his arms.
"What happened I whispered finally?"
He looked at me and smiled
"Well we convinced Naomi to sneak us in. We got guns from Bobby and raided the base. Once we freed your brothers I found you in that room and...."
He looked away sadness clear in his eyes
"I shot him in the shoulder. He wasn't dead but it was enough for me to grab you, dodge some guards and get you out of there."
I ran a hand through his blonde hair
"Your my hero." I whispered
He laughed
"Does that make you my princess?"
I laughed shoving his chest
"No you dork."

I realized I had no shirt on and my chest was properly stitched up. My scars were treated but we're still clear as day. I look sadly down a pond the words carved into my skin.
Just then Dean shifted his position and forced me to lay down
"Dean what are you-"
"Cas just let me."
I gulped and nodded laying back.
He hovered over me, bent down and I jolted when I felt lips kiss my chest. My hands came up to tangle in deans hair as he kissed each scar and word on there. Each word he kissed he replaced it with something else, whispering kind words to me. He would purposely kiss my belly button to make me laugh then say my laugh was beautiful. Finally he made his way up, all the way to were our faces were inches apart. Finally he placed a deep kiss on my lips.


After I was dressed I realized we were at deans house.
"How did you get me here?"
"Well I carried you for about 10 miles then hot wired a car I found. I drove you to the diner where Bobby and Ellen patched you and your brothers and dad up. Then we thought it would be safer to bring you all here."
I nodded and we walked out the door.
Dean had to help me down the stairs because my legs were so weak and frail.
We walked into the living room and to my delight my brothers were all bandaged up. Lucy had a bandage warped around his head and so did Micky. Balthazar had a home made cast on his arm. Gabriel had bandages wrapping up most of his body. And my dad looked healthy now that he was out of Crowlys clutches.
They were all eating with the others not saying a word. In till they noticed me and Dean in the room.
"Cas!" Sam squealed from his spot on the couch next to Gabriel. He ran from his coach and hugged me.
I laughed and hugged back "Hey Sammy."
My brothers all hugged me along with the others.
"Boy sit down and let me get you something to eat."
I sat down on the couch snuggling into Dean
"Thank you." Chuck said "For everything you've done for my family."
"It was nothing." Said Dean
"It was most certainly not nothing. If it weren't for you all we wouldn't be here right now."
"We would do anything for you Chuck you know that." Said Bobby
"Thank you my friend for watching over lucifer all this time."
Bobby smiled and nodded
Then dad looked at Sam and Dean
"I knew your parents very well. They were great people. They would be proud of you both."
They both smiled and Dean said
"Thank you Mr. Novak."
"Please." He insisted "Call me Chuck."

Just then there was loud knocking on our door.
Bobby took a hand gun and opened the door and in ran Naomi and a man.
"Naomi?" We all perked up.
"Their coming for you guys." He said out of breath "Crowly hes coming."
We all stood up quickly
"What do you mean?" Asked Charlie
"He knows where you live and knows who was involved in the break in. He's coming here." Said the man "I'm Dick Roman. Naomi's husband."
"Nice to meet you but what are we gonna do?" Asked Ellen
"There's a cave that has a secret safe house in it. I built it a long time ago for myself and others. No one not even the government knows about it. It's not far from here."
"The what the hell are we waiting for!" Dean shouted.


A few hours later we were on the road again. It was only a twenty minute drive in the FBI van. We left everything behind. Dean even left baby. All I had was the clothes on me and deans present that I twiddled between my fingers. Dean had an arm rapped around me and the other playing with my hair. Ellen had given it a proper cut. Luckily I knew it would grow back in a couple of days. Merman's hair grow pretty quickly.
Gabriel and Sam were sleeping holding each other close the rest of the ride. I was happy for them.
Finally we went off road onto a hidden beach. And soon enough Naomi called back to us

"We're here."

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