Chapter 13- learning to swim

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I can't be the only one who is a sucker for destiel fanart like this? ^^^^ damn wish I was this good. Enjoy the next chapter :)

Deans POV

"Dean are you sure no one will see us?" Cas questioned as we got out of the car now dressed in our swim trunks.
Those hips though
I though as Cas walked past me and turned around to face me
I snapped out of my trance
"W-what huh?"
I heard Sam snicker as he walked ahead of us to the cave
"I said do you think any one will see us?"
I smiled
"Don't worry Cas. The only one who know about this place is me, Sam, Garth, Ash, Charlie, Jo, Lisa, Raph, and.... Lucifer." I grumbled the last part "And I happen to know all of them are too busy with work and family stuff to even think about coming to the cover today."
Cas sighed and nodded.

Sam let out a whoop before jumping into the water and bopping up and down. His wet hair sticking to his face
"Come on guys the water is great."
I laughed
"In a sec."
I took off my shirt and I smirked noticing Cas staring once more like he did at the garage. And I know he thinks I didn't see the hardness through his pants. But I did.
"Like what you see Cassie?"
His face flushed red and he started to stumble over his words trying to make any excuse.
I laugh out loud and went running and jumped into the cool water.
I emerge throwing my hand back letting the water run over my face.
I looked at Cas who stared at us from shore. I knew he was scared to try this. But I would never let anyone hurt him.
"Come on Cas. Don't worry!" I called out
Cas gulped and nodded.
"Just try focusing on keeping your legs!" Sam shouted
We watched as Cas stepped into the water and stood there. His eyes were closed shut. Nothing happened. Well at first. After a few seconds his trunks ripped opened and he yelped falling over. Instant tail.
Me and Sam groaned to our selves
"Maybe this was a mistake Dean. What if we can't control his tail?"
I looked at Sam "Don't worry Sammy I believe he can do this."
Cas swam over to us tail and all
"I think Sam is right Dean. I can't do this."
I gripped his shoulders tightly
"Cas. You can. I know you can. It's just gonna take time."
He nodded and looked over at sam who was mesmerized by his tail
"That's so awesome!" He exclaimed
Cas laughed
"You should see my brothers tails."
I smirked
"But you have such a beautiful one. Why would I want to see any other?"
He blushed and Sam splashed me
"Hey get a room!" He laughed
I smirked and picked him up
"Wait Dean- Ahhhh!!!!" He screamed as I threw him a few feet away causing him to splash into the water
Me and Cas laughed hysterically at the bitch face he pulled once he surfaced
"Oh it's on you jerks!"
A full out splash war broke out between the three of us. I would dunk Sam under water a few times but he would also one back with Castiels help tag teaming me.
Honestly it was the funniest thing ever. Having fun with family. It's hard to believe I only met Cas four days ago. It felt like I knew him my whole life. It was perfect.
I finally I scoop Cas up legs and all
"No Dean!" I laugh and throw him like I did Sam into the water his legs-

I look at Sam and we both looked shock. Cas... He had legs...
Cas surfaced with a large grin on his face laughing still. But when looks at us he gives a confused look
"What's wrong?" He asked
"Cas." Sam said seriously
"Um what?" He cluelessly asks
"Look down." I whispered
He stiffened when realization hit him and he looked down shocked. His tail. It wasn't there. He did it
"I-I... I did it." He breathed "holy shit I did it!" He shouted happily
I swam over to him lifting him up cupping his ass hugging him, him not protesting a bit. He hugged me back and I tried not to get hard when I felt his member rub up against me...
"Yeah Cassie. You did it."
He looked at me his arms still looped around my neck. We were chest to chest. His legs rapped around my waist. His member against my leg. One of my hands cupped his cute butt keeping him up while the over other was on his back pulling him close. We stared deep into each other's eyes not breaking contact. It was a perfect moment. It was as if no one else was in the world. Like in stupid fairy tales. This was a fairytale moment. A real one.
Kiss him.
My brain screamed
"Um Cas?" Sam interrupted us
We both looked at him flushed. His face was covered with his hands his face red
"Can you turn back?" He mumbled
Cas looked down and gapped realizing he was butt naked. And pressed up against me.
"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry Sam and Dean."
He let go of my and I'll admit I was a little disappointed when he detached himself from me.
He focused for a moment and in a flash his tale returned.
"I think I still need to practice but I think I'll be ready for work." Cas said

*3rd person pov*

A figure watched from a distance at the three figures behind a rock. A pair of binoculars in hand. A sad pained expression on his face as he looked at the black hair boy with the black tail. The tail that he hadn't seen in what felt like forever. Memories came flooding back
The figure shook the memories away. Why was he here? Why was that boy here? What happened.
The figure put his binoculars down and sighed. Then whispered ever so quietly to himself
"Welcome to the world.... Little brother..."

*mean while in the mermaid kingdom*

Gabriel's POV

I was getting tired of this cell. I was tired of not seeing the sun glisten through the water. I was tired of not being able to trick stupid sailors into stealing their candy. I was tired of not knowing weather my brothers were alive or not. I was tired of not knowing if Cas was still out there....
It has been four days. After Cas escaped Crowly managed to capture us. Michael, Balthazar and me. They didn't put us together. Knowing that the three of us together would be a dangerous plan. For the first two days the only way I knew Bathly and Mikey was alive was from their tortured screams. I think that's how they knew I was alive too.
Azael or Alister would come in and tie us up and do what they please with us for info on Cas. Even if we knew anything we wouldn't tell them. We would never give up Cas like that.
I didn't blame him for this. I could never blame my brother. He is practically still a child. A curious one. He just wants to see the world...

I had my back against the algae covered stone and coral cell walls. I stared down at my cuts lining my stomach and golden tail. Well it was suppose to be golden. Now it was stained red and pale from blood lose. I use to live my tail. I loved the color of it. But now just looking at it made me sick.
Crowly says that humans are the monsters. But times like this I like to think its the other way around.

I heard the swishing of a tail swimming closer to my cell. I didn't even bother looking up knowing that it was probably just Azael who was my usual torture master.
"Psst. Gabriel."
My head flied up confused at the fermilar voice.
I see two hooded figures. One had a dark green tail and the other a cherry red. I know those tails anywhere!
Quickly I swam up from my spot and too the bars of my ceil.
"Anna? Meg?"
They flipped off their hoods and smiled

"Hey trickster."

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