Chapter 9- I wont let you fall

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Praise the artist who made this^^^^

Two chapters tonight guys cause why not! Ok so question this is for future plans for this story. Listen I've never written smut before. I was thinking maybe for this story I could try. I'm not sure how good it will be but its worth a shot. But I would like your opinion on it first. If others want me but some don't then I could put warnings up. Please respond to this! Enjoy this short cute chapter!

Deans POV

Cas held the door open for me as I carried an exhausted Sammy into the house. And accidentally banging his head on the side of the door. But no harm done. I hope.
Cas snickered behind me, as I brought Sam into his room and dropped him on his bed. I pulled his covers over him, and kissed his forehead
"Night Sammy." I whispered

I closed the door behind me.
"Your very good with your brother. Well when your not banging his head on doors. We laughed and I lead him to the guest room.

"Will you be ok?" I asked him as he sat on the edge of the bed. I watched as he took off his shirt exposing his aMAZING!!! OH MY LORD THOSE HIP BORNS ARE THE WORK OF GOD! I must of been staring for a while cause Cas cleared his throat loudly and blushed
I blinked rapidly coming from my trance
"It's ok. And to answer your question I'm sure I'll be fine."
He got under the covers trying to make himself comfortable.
I nodded and walked towards the door
"Dean?" Cas whispered
I turned around and smiled
"Yeah Cassie?"
He smiled "Thank you."
My grin grew as I turn out the light
"Goodnight Castiel."
He yoaned "Goodnight Dean."

I closed the door behind me and headed towards my room.


A man was running or should I say swimming through the castle, being chased by another.
"You can't swim forever Chuck!" The angered man shouted
This Chuck guy swam into an open room where he was then shot down by a bolt from a trident looking thing.
Chuck groaned and sunk to the ground. The man chasing him who now has two guards standing beside him toward over Chuck.
"Your crown and your blood is now mine Chuck." He spat
The man slapped Chuck causing him to cry out in pain
Another punch and a crack to the noise as blood swirled into the water.
"Daddy!" Two voices rang out.
This Fergus guy turned around to see two little boys. One had short brown hair with a white tail and the other... Human? But that's not possible! A boy with legs underwater?

I sat up breathing heavily and sweating at the intense dream. I couldn't remember it now but the voices were back. The pictures were gone. I held my head in my hands. My head throbbed. What was happening to me? Where we're these voices coming from? And why couldn't I remember the whole thing each time this happened?

Just then screams rang out through the house.

Castiels POV

First all I saw was darkness. And coldness. That's all I shall. Was I dead? Just then a bright light snapped down on me. Only me. It burned my eyes it felt like. Intense heat washing away the coldness I now missed.
"You did this to us Cas." I heard a fermilar voice say to me
"Michael?" I turned around as another light shinned on a figure in the darkness. I was horrified at what I saw.
Michael. My brother waterbed and bloodily. His eyes were swollen shut. He had gashes all over his face. You could see bone from his tail that was sliced open
"Mikey no!" I cried
"You left us!" Another voice said.
Another light shunned on Balthazar who was as bad as Mikey
"No Balth I'm so sorry."
"Sorry?" A voice scoffed
Gabriel. A knife was pressed to his neck once more
"You killed us."
The knife slit his throat causing blood to pour out into the water. The water turned red with the blood of my brothers. I cried and screamed for this nightmare to be over.
"Castiel!" They screamed anger in their voices
I gripped my head breathing hard. This needed to stop. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
"Castiel!" The voice started to form into a panicked one
"I'm sorry!" I sobbed

"AHHHHH!" I screamed bolting up into a sitting position and knocked heads with a person who was leaning over me.
The person frowned pulling back. Tears streamed down my face as I sobbed trying to clear the pictures from my head if my brothers.
"Hey Cas it's ok." I heard Dean whisper
He got into bed with me pulling me into his arms. I sobbed hard into his bare chest. His arms pulled my close to him and rubbing my soothingly on my back.
"It's my fault." I sobbed "if I hadn't been so careless..."
I couldn't finish cause I choked on my cries once more.
"Ssh Cassie ssh it's not your fault. Your safe. Nothing is ever going to happen to you."
I held onto him tightly taking deep breaths to calm myself down.
After a while I stopped crying and let him take care of me. He ran is fingers through my hair and just held me close.
I was so content that I started fading back to sleep. And before I slipped into darkness once more. I heard him say

"It's ok angel... I won't let you fall no more."

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