Chapter 21- king in chains

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3rd person POV

King Crowly swam down to his dungeons. Furry blazing in his eyes. His hand clutched his trident tightly in rage. His sliced in half eye was still throbbing from it being impaled, under the eyepatch he order to be made for him. It was seed weed woven tightly together and covered his right eye completely so no one could see what happened to him.
But yet everyone knew. There was a rebellion. No a revolution, occurring outside his gates. Hundreds of his subjects. Men, women, child. Gathered anything they could find and tried to tear down his walls. You could hear their roars of anger from all the way down in the darkest part of the coral castle. 
Crowly was furious with the Novak family. He hated them. It was the very reason he was in this problem. The very reason why his rule was crashing down around him. The very reason why he was in this secret part of the dungeon alone. It was the darkest part. The coldest. A part no one but Crowly knew about.

Finally at the end of the hallway he came to a rushed wall. A wall that hasn't been touched in years. One he avoided for so long. For there was no reason till now to open it. It was time for plan B.

Crowly trailed his hand over the wall till he for a brick with a trident symbol on it. He pushed it in and the wall started to jolt and move away revealing a secret room.
Crowly banged his trident on the ground causing it to glow brightly as he walked through the dark room.
The room hasn't been touched in ages. 15 years to be exact.
Crowly finally stood before a cell. In the corner laid a figure. A figure that hasn't seen the light in so long but promised to remain sane was in the corner of the dark cell. It was a promise to a women he lost so very long ago. A promise he made to himself. But most importantly a promise he made to his five sons he had to abandon. In hope that maybe one day he'll see them again.
The trident was able to show the figures full form. The figure was a merman who has aged greatly for the last 15 years he was in that cell of his. The man had short strands of brown hair that was starting to grey. His skin and tail were pale as snow from not seeing the light for so long. Bags hung under his eyes as he laid there staring into space against a wall. He had a grey beard that made him look older then he was. Dried blood was under his finger nails from trying to claw his way out of the prison that was too tough to get out of.
It was silent in the cell room between the two once friends now enemies.
"It's been so long..." Chuck croaked out as if he hadn't spoken in forever. "Why do you come and visit me now?"
Chuck finally looked at him with sorrowful old eyes. Crowly didn't show an ounce of pity for the broken man. All that shown was pure rage
"Your sons are causing me problems Chuck." Crowly growled
Chuck roles his eyes "How do you suppose I do anything about it?"
Crowly just stared at him for a long while before he said
"You didn't age very well did you?"
Chuck shifted in his spot to fully face him.
"Judging by your eye I wouldn't flatter yourself old friend."
Crowly turned his back on Chuck
"I'm not your friend."
Chuck sighed "You were once. You were my best friend... Don't you remember all that?"
Crowly didn't dare look at Chuck in fear of breaking right there. The painful memories him and Chuck shared when they were just small merboys.
Crowly clutched the trident tightly
"Your tricks are not going to work on me Chuck. They might of been able to win over Beckys heart..." He turned to look at him "But they won't work on me."
Chuck furiously swam up to the edge of the cage and pounded on the cell gripping the bars tightly
Crowly got closer to Chuck their eyes boring into each other's
Chuck chuckled darkly with anger and hurt
"No Fergus. I didn't do this. Your jealously. Your lack of expectance is what drove you to become the man you are now. You think I can't hear what's going on upstairs?!"
Crowly looked away from him as chuck continued
"It's a revolution Crowly. A revolution that was coming after the moment you took the throne."
Crowlys head snapped back up to him
"You would of been a weak King!"
"And you call yourself strong Crowly?!" Chuck shouted back "Look at you! Your rule is falling around you all because of a few kids that didn't play by your rules!"
"ENOUGH!" Crowly boomed
Chuck went silent but didn't back away.
"This is my kingdom now. The novaks are out of power. I own your boys. And once I find them your going to wish you never crossed me. The best part is your going to help me find them."
Chuck scoffed "I would never help you."
Crowly chuckled darkly
"Oh but you will."

*five days later*

Castiels POV

It had been five days since my family had been living on land and we found out the big secret behind our family. I still stayed with the Winchesters while the rest stayed at the Roadhouse. I just felt so much more comfortable with them that I didn't want to stay any where else.

Ring ring ring

"Dean..." I groaned from my spot in bed to Dean who had his arms rapped around me.
"It will go to voice mail." He whispered against my neck
"It might be Garth." I muttered
"Cas..." He groaned cuddling closer to me
I rolled my eyes getting up and answering the phone
"Hey Cas it's Anna."
My eyes widened
"Anna you can use a phone?!"
She giggled
"Yeah your nice friend Raph taught me. But anyways we were wondering if you guys wanted to go to the village. We haven't seen it yet and since your off work-"
"Say no more." I interrupted her.
I glanced at Dean who was smiling at me with love
"Let's do it."

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