Chapter 1: strange creatures

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Deans Pov

I let of a startled yelp, before flying straight up into a sitting position, knocking my little brother off me onto the ground.
"Really Dean!" He groans sitting up. 
"Really Sammy!" I mock rubbing my ear. "I think you exploded my ear drum!"
"You slept in! It's summer vacation dude!" He exclaimed
I perked up remembering. Oh yeah! Its summer vacation! That means I can swim all I want all day! Hell yeah!
All my life I've only been in one place. Nassau Bahamas. The most perfect most amazing place to live. My parents moved up here when I was four from Kansas, after my dad got the offer of being a marine specialist at the Atlantis resort here. That meant we got to live in this paradise with him. My mom, me, and my little brother Sam. We all lived happily together and my dad use to bring me a lot on his trips. That's how my love of the ocean formed and I'm always in the water more then being on land.

I got up and stretched out my muscles before heading to my wardrobe. I took out one of my many bathing suits, putting on a green one and a shirt over my bare chest. I grabbed my gear, that is always ready and left my bedroom to go meet Sammy in the kitchen. Just Sammy.
The one down side of living here, is that there are always big storms. One day my parents went out for a drive and got caught in one. Their car and body were found 3 days later. That happened 4 years ago. It's just me and Sam now. We both work our asses off 24 hours a day. School. Work. School. Work. I work at a garage not to far from our house and Sam is the smart one and helps at the marine park like dad did. But when summer break comes around we have more time to ourselves during the day.

"Thanks for knocking me off your bed jerk!" Said Sam as I entered the kitchen. He was stuffing his face with cereal. I ruffled his hair before grabbing the box from him
"Don't scream in my ear bitch." I joke back sitting across from him.
We ate in silence the rest of the time before his good friend Jess came to pick him up. Those two had been best friends since preschool. They have a sister, brother relationship but I have a feeling Jess sorta likes him, but Sam, that's a different story. I don't know who or what he likes any more.
When I was 14 I admitted I wasn't as straight as I thought I was. Sam and my friends were totally supportive.

Just as I put our cereal bowls into the sink there was a loud knock on the door, causing Sam's dog Bones to leap from his spot on the coach, barking all the way. Sighing I rushed over to the door, and pulling the large mutt back into the bathroom, for the time being.
"Dean, my man happy break!" Shouted Garth as soon as I opened the door. He gave me a manly hug before letting himself in.
"Hey Garth." I say closing the door.
Garth also lived here and loved the ocean as much as me. Except he doesn't dive he surfs. So he more admires it from above then below the surface.
"Ok everything is set. Charlie, Lisa, Jo, Raph and Lucifer are meeting us there too." He told me, as he grabbed a beer from the ice box. 
I gave him a look and he shrugged handing me one
"It's 5 o'clock somewhere."
Returning his shrug I opened mine and took a large gulp. Just then my eyes widen and I nearly choked on my drink
"Wait did you say Lucifer is coming?" I groaned
He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly
"Um maybe."
I let out a louder groan
"Why the hell is he coming?!"
Lucifer is a royal pain in the ass. He's a bitch and is always starting gossip among people and is almost as popular as me. ALMOST.
"Sorry Jo invited him not me."
"Why does she even hang around that creep? It's not like she likes him. I mean isn't she with Charlie?"
"Yeah but apparently they are some sort of friends now."
I scoffed "I'll believe that when I see it."

When we left the house I was heading towards me baby when Garth stopped me. 
"Sorry man we're taking my jeep today."
"Because it's summer."
"Garth we live in the Caribbean. It's summer here all the time."
"Yeah I know but it's easier to take mine! Theres no roof!"
I sighed giving up and heading over to his jeep.

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