Chapter 29- hide away, found

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*one and a half weeks later*

Deans POV

"You lost Dean..."
"Shut up Sam."
"Just let him." Said Gabriel

Well you see we were currently playing twister to past the time. Well me, Sam, Cas and gab were. The others were getting news or doing something else.
It's been a week since we arrived here. It was a pretty awesome hide away. It was literally a cave. The walls made of stone and minerals and had stalagmites hanging from the ceilings. But Naomi had created it as a living place.
First off the cave was hidden behind a water fall that was fresh and had a filtration system that she had built. So we had a water supply.
There were rooms carved into the walls, man P made, so we each had our own rooms... Well some shared anyways.
We had heaters and air conditioning. Food wasn't an issue for we had fifty tide pools that lead out to the ocean and fish came in. Plus Naomi had also stocked up for a least a good few months worth.
About family's... They have no clue where we are. Charlie's dad had called her ceil about a million times but she did answer. Garth's, Raphs, and Lisa's were the same. We couldn't tell them. We also thought about school... It was now the middle of July. We got out of school at the beginning of May. School starts in the middle of September. How could we go back after all this?

"Dean." Cas chuckled. Well you see Cas was in a crab walk position on the twister mat. We were the last two. I had fallen over and landed in between his legs and leaning over his chest. It wasn't a very comfortable position but I was close to Cas and that's all that mattered
"You gonna go down baby?" I purred in his ear
He shook his head no.
I looked at my boyfriend mischief in my expression.
"Your not are you?"
I leaned in and started kissing up his neck causing him to moan.
I blew a raspberry on his neck causing him to squeal and buck then finally collapse. I fell onto him and we both started laughing as I cupped his face planting a kiss on his lips.
"Ew get a room!" Gabriel groaned
We both looked at him
"I wouldn't be talking Gabriel." Said Cas
Gab shrugged
"Guess your right. Besides..." He leaned into Sam "How I can resist my Sammy boy?"
Sam's face flushed and he kissed Gabriel's noise.
"Hey love birds!" Lucifer called coming into our area
"The news is on."
He jumped up from our spots and rushed into the living room where everyone else was. This was a daily routine. Apparently no one has found out the mers had escaped. Crowly must of kept that real hidden. In till-
"Breaking news. The recently discovered merfolk had escaped there captivity. But they didn't do this alone. Please keep a look out for these names. Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Garth Fitzgerald IV, Lisa Braeden, Rapheal Shurly, Joanna Singer, Ash Singer, Ellen Singer, Robert Singer, Naomi Roman, and Dick Roman. Along with the mers themselves, Castiel Novak, Gabriel Novak, Balthazar Novak, Lucifer Novak, Michael Novak and Chuck Novak. There will be a reward for any of these captured criminals."

We were wanted.
"This is great. Just peachy." Groaned Lucifer
Naomi turned off the radio
"We should of expected it. Crowly would of told the press eventually. He'll do anything to get what he wants." She said
"We all must remain inside the safe house." Said Chuck. "It's for the best that we stay out of sight."

Ellen cooked us dinner that night. Music played softly from the radio. It wasn't good music. Mostly just slow music from the 40s it sounded like. It was kinda soothing but not my taste in music.
Cas sat beside me at the table eating his food. The novaks didn't eat fish. I guess because technically they were half fish. They didn't care if we ate fish though. Thank god for that cause honesty it was the only good thing here besides all the canned meat and soups.
After dinner a lot of people went to bed. Garth took the radio to his room to listen too an old western show he had come to enjoy the last few days or so. Lisa was reading in her room. Anna I think was sharing a room with Raphael. They still haven't admit they liked each other. Charlie and Jo went to bed as did the others.
Gabriel and Sam were passed out in each other's arms on the living room couch.
Cas and me walked from our room. We decided to explore the many tide pools here. It probably wasn't the safest thing in the world but Crowly had no clue about this couldn't hurt.
When we walked past them we chuckled at the two boys. Sam was only a bit shorter then Gab. Which means in a good few months Sam will be towering over him. Gabriel had his back to the couch and Sam was by the edge but he was wrapped up and Gabriel's arms tightly. Cas reached over and pulled a blanket over them so they could rest at ease.

"Dean are you sure this is ok?" Cas asked as we wondered deeper into the cave past the living areas
I nudged my merman
"Don't worry Cassie don't be an Assie."
He rolled his eyes and shoved me laughing
"If we get killed down here I'm blaming you!" He shouted
I chuckled and out an arm around him
Finally we found a beautiful tide pool. The moon beamed down on it from a small hole in the ceiling. Making the water glistened. It was still clear Caribbean blue waters just like outside. But no this was different. It felt magical almost. Small fish swam in circles. It was perfect.
I looked at Cas who was smiling down at the pool. Then I smirked. Luckily he didn't bother wearing a shirt down here.
I shoved him in and he let out an unmanly Yelp and he splashed into the water. I took off my own shirt and leaned over the edge. I watched as his shorts ripped and his tail formed. I never got tired of watching that. Soon my merman boyfriend surfaced and he glared
"You could of killed me!"
I laughed "How? Your a merman you don't drown! And the rocks are rounded not sharp!"
He huffed and a sly smirk graced his features. Before I could react he grabbed my wrist and dragged me in.
I was under and I could see.... Clearly. I open my mouth and the water entered my lungs. I gag a little before I took a deep breath. I was breathing.
Just then a figure swam in front of me and I smiled at the sight of my merman. He looked beautiful just gliding in the water. How just a flick of his tail would cause such grace.
I swam up to him and I gave him a toothy grin. I cupped his face and leaned in slowly kissing him. He smiled into our underwater kiss. I wrapped my legs around his waist right above him tail. He gripped my waist to pull me closer. Tiny bubbles escaped from our lips floating up to the surface above.
It was perfect this underwater kiss. I've now kiss this boy many times but this...this was special. It was as if saying that our love can exist in both worlds. Land or sea. It didn't matter.

Just then something gripped into my leg. I pulled away from Cas and he looked confused. Then a fist came out of no where and punched him in the face causing blood to swirl into the water.
"CAS!" I shouted. Guess I could talk under water too.
I felt the hand then strongly pull me out of the tide pool into an opening leading to the ocean. I keep shouting and trying to take a look at my kidnapper. But the water was rushing too fast against my eye lids.
I just kept shouting to my Cas. Hoping he could hear me....

Castiels POV

I woke up on the bottom of the tide pool a stinging pain in my left cheek. I started to panic remembering what had happened.
"DEAN!" I shouted swimming into the open ocean through the crack.
All I saw was vast blue before me and a few fish. No where in sight was Dean.
Realization hit me hard like that lunch to the face. Crowley had found us.... And he had my Dean.

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