Chapter 24- happy birthday cas

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Short chapter. Warning feels. Also I want to say thank you to all that read this book I can't believe that it got so many readers and likes it means so much! I'm thankful for the positive comments that motivate me to continue this. What do you guys think so far?

Deans POV

I woke up the next morning with Sam on my chest. He must of fallen asleep here. Not that I cared. The memories of yesterday still stung my thoughts. The thought of Cas being taken away. It hurt so bad. More then being stabbed or punched.
To make things worse it was Castiels birthday today. He was 16 years old today. And he was spending it in a lab. Or he was..... No don't think like that Dean. He wasn't dead. Can't be...

Sam snuggled into my chest more and I put an arm around him. The was 14 years old but like I said he acts like a 5 year old. Sam lost a friend yesterday too. Over the past few days he really got close to Gabriel. Maybe a little too close.... I'm pretty sure they like each other.
A boy as young as Sam doesn't deserve to lose someone this young. Friend or something more. It just wasn't right.

It was early in the morning. I barely slept the night before. How could I? The same scene kept playing in my mind of Cas being dragged away. I sat up in bed and sighed.
"De?" I heard Sam squeal next to me his eyes were cracked open tiredly
"Ssh Sammy go back to sleep its early." I cooed running a hand through his hair. He only yoaned and his eyes closed once more and I heard him whimper
"I want Gab."
I sighed
"I know kiddo. It's gonna be ok."

"I miss him Dean."


Gabriel's POV

Well after my healthy douse of good old inhuman like torture I was thrown back into the tank. Everything felt like shit. They had taken Cassie back out. Crowly was more rough on him then any of us. Yesterday when they finally put him in for the night he looked awful. It made me angry at what they could do to my baby bro.
I laid against the wall of the tank and sighed. Balthazar was passed out for his torture and I had no clue where mike, lucifer and dad were.
I felt so alone.
There was one person I missed the most through. The little human I became so close too these past few days. I know it's too early to be having these thoughts. But me and sam really bonded over these few days. I don't know if it was because he was a nymph and our souls started to bond. But I couldn't leave him...
I still remember hearing him shouting my name before they pushed me into that van naked and all.
"Oh Sam." I whispered
"I want Gab."
My head shot up. Was that just...
"I miss him Dean."


Deans POV

Sam passed out again finally and I left my room to go to the kitchen. Ellen wasn't even up yet. And she is allllwayyysss up.
I sighed and figured I make the coffee. I switched on the old radio and I regretted it admittedly. More reports on the newly found mers. using the same lines every other reporter has "historical discovery" or "freakish new beings" or my personal favorite that some douce bag had said "possible threat to the human race." How could anyone say that?
The novaks weren't a threat. They wouldn't hurt anyone.
Frustrated I slammed the radio off making the room go silent. I leaned over the counter trying to pull myself together.
"Rough night?" I heard Ellen come in behind me. I felt her rest a gently hand on my shoulder
"How's Sam?" She asked
I shook my head "Not good Ellen. He and gab got pretty close..."
I looked at her and she nodded
"How are you doing?"
I sucked in a breath and looked away again
"Good." I answered simply
"Dean Winchester I've known you since you were in diapers. You don't need to lie too me."
I sighed and sat down at the bar across from her.
Ellen leaned over and looked me in the eye
"Now tell me."
A tear slide down my cheek
"I miss him Ellen. I miss him so much... I want my Cas back... It's only been a day and..."
I couldn't finish and looked away again
Ellen leaned over an kissed my forehead
"Sweetie I promise you things are going to be alright. I don't know how but they will."


*many hours later*

Castiels POV

Well that was some hell of a birthday. I couldn't move. Just bleed against the glass tank. I felt around my neck and I realize it was still there. Deans birthday present...
I took it in my pale hands and unclipped it. I wanted to cry at the sight of the one picture with us all in it. Dean kissing my cheek lovingly. I could still feel his lips.
I was 16 today. And instead of spending it with the man I love. I was spending it with Crowly and his torture chamber.
I slumped against the tank. Sometimes I wish I could cry under water. To let out the pain I was going through. I wanted my Dean. And it had only been a day.
Just then I heard a voice...
"Hey Jude..."
My head shot up
"D-don't make it b-bad."
It sound like deans voice... Wait maybe I can hear him could he's a nymph...
"Remember to let her into your heart..."
I laid down and listened to him singing. It was calming. It made everything better.
And once the song was done I heard the very words that broke my heart in half
"Happy birthday Cas. I love you baby... Be safe."


The day went very slow. None of us really talked much. None of us spoke of the events. Because others spoke for us. Ellen opened the diner and again and all the people who came in were practically all over the news.
I had to excuse myself several times. Bobby and Ellen wouldn't let us go to our own house till everything was sorted out. So once again I was staying here.
That night I laid in bed. Sam stayed with me again that night. He kept whimpering for Gabriel.
I couldn't sleep again. So I did something my mom always did to help me go to bed.
"Hey Jude... D-don't make it bad..."
I had to suck in a breath to compose myself. I continued the song and the whole time I felt as if someone was listening. It was a strange feeling but yet... Comforting.
At the end I said something I knew wouldn't do much but it felt like it needed to be said

"Happy birthday Cas. I love you baby...Be safe."

Two worlds: A Bloodlust RebellionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora