Chapter 14- fitting in

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Yes yes we do ^^^

two weeks later*

Castiels POV

"Hester I'm too busy on Friday night. I have plans with Dean and Sam. We are going to do family stuff."
I lied. This is the tenth time this week Hester has asked me out on a date. I just didn't like her that way. Trust me she's a sweet girl. But one. She's OLDER THEN ME LIKE 7 YEARS OLDER *COUGH* *COUGH* COUGAR FISH!
And two she wasn't Dean...
It has been two weeks since I arrived here. Two weeks. I fit in pretty well here. Especially at the resort. I loved helping the animals here. I also gotten better at controlling my tail. Yes I sometimes can't think quick enough to control it. But other times like during work when I have to get in the water I'm ok. I loved it here. I loved working with Sam then coming home to Dean or going to the cover with our friends.
Our friends
I had more friends and they were human. I liked that the most. And the longer I stayed here the more I realized how wrong Crowly was. About the humans. Yes they've made some mistakes. Like pollution or hunting. But we all make mistakes.
One think I also realized how much I cared for the winchesters... Sam had become a very close friend. It was fun working with him. I enjoyed every second. But Dean... Dean was something else... I think I was in love with him...

"Oh come on Cassie. Can't you skip."
I had one of the turtles on the examination table. Poor thing was sick and I had to give her her medication and check if anything else was wrong.
Sam held a misting hose above the turtle so she wouldn't dry out. Sam was promoted and became sorta like my assistant. Mostly cause he was close to my age and he was one of the smartest kids I've ever met.
"Nope." I said simply
Sam sent me a kill the bitch look.
I sent him a I wish one back. The thing with me and Sam we kinda developed a silent communication over the last two weeks. We know what we are thinking just by a glance.
"Ughhh come on Cassie live a little! Don't let your family hold you back!"
I glared at her then looked down at my clip board trying to ignore her.
"His name is Castiel first of all. Only me and close friends call him Cassie." Sam snapped "Second of all you are annoying him and you should let him get back to his work."
She scoffed "I am a close friend and I not annoying him!"
"Actually you aren't and you are." I grunted not looking up from my clip board.
"No your just playing hard to get!"
She said squeezing my ass.
I blushed and slapped her hand away "Please don't do that Hester it makes me uncomfortable."
She rolled her eyes "You'll  come around at some point."
With that she left, swaying her hips on purpose.
I groaned to myself as I took a flash light shinning it in the eye of Gracie the turtle making sure everyone was alright.
"Jeezs she just doesn't give up does she?" Said Sam
"You have no idea." I grumbled
"Nah I do. How do you think Jess is?"
I looked at him
"Are you telling me she is still trying to get to you after all the beating up stuff?"
He nodded
"Yeah I believe her term for me being gay was 'just a faze' and she's trying to help me 'get through it' "
I scoffed "That's ridiculous."
"I know right!" He exclaimed
I laughed
"Ok Gracie." I said to the turtle "Your all good."
The turtle grunted in response
"Thank you."
"It was not trouble just doing my job."
Sam stared at me for a second before shaking his head laughing
"I'm still never gonna get over that you can understand the animals."
I laughed and he helped me lift the turtle onto a cart and roll her out the lab to her pool.

We walked down the path leading to the shark tanks to go check on a pregnant nurse shark
"So Cas how are you and Dean?" Sam asked as we walked
"What do you mean?" I asked confused
He rolled his eyes
"I mean when are you both gonna admit your hot for each other?"
Sam is the only one who knows about my crush on Dean. Although I'm pretty sure the others figured it out. Even I notice our intense stares sometimes.
"Sam you know I can't do that. It would ruin our friendship. Plus why would Dean like a freak like me?"
I leaning down and used my telepathic language to calm the nurse shark and let us pick her up onto a large towel we set up. Sam held the hose up to keep her wet.
"Your not a freak Cas. It's so obvious Dean likes you. How can you not see that?"
"Being friendly does not mean he likes me Sam."
"Hes not being friendly he's being flirtatious."
"Who is?" I heard a voice say from the other side of the pool.
We look up to see Dean leaning on a rock staring at us smiling.
"D-Dean?" I stuttered "what are you doing here?"
He laughed and hopped over the small rock wall that separates us from him and walks over
"Got off work early. Bobby had work or something again with lucifer."
That lucifer guy has been really weird around me every time I see him. Bobby had warmed up to me but they are now almost always together whispering to each other in secret. Lucifer never really talks to me or annoys me like the others. He just gives me sad glances or sometimes if I'm lucky he sends me a gentle "hey Castiel" then walks away
"So who is being flirtatious."
I looked at Sam with a frantic help me expression
"This women name Hester keeps being flirty with Cas all the time. And she's like 7 years older then him and extremely annoying!"
I silently thanked Sam for clearing that up
Deans face almost twisted into one of...jealousy?
"Is that so? Do you like her Cas?" He grunted
I shook my head
"She's not really my type."
Dean smirked "then what is your type?"


My face turned red and I started stuttering again
"I-I uhh..."
"Castiel! Sam!" I look to see Naomi coming towards us
"How is our nurse shark doing?"
She looked at Dean and scowled a bit. I learned that him and Naomi had a complicated relationship. They didn't hate each other but tolerated each other. Mostly because Dean will come in and flirt with boy guys and girl life guards who work at the swimming pools. I can't help but feel jealous when he does that.
"Dean." She greeted
"Boss lady." Dean smirked
She rolled her eyes and looked at me for an answer
"She should be giving birth in two months. Right in schedule."
She smiled
"Very good. Your doing great here Cas. So if that's all I guess your both free to go."


"Dean are you sure I have to try all of these?" I asked Dean as he set the six different types of pie he picked out the first day I came here but forgot to eat. Lucky they didn't go bad.
We decided to have pie and Star Wars night since we had no work tomorrow.
"Yes Cas. Yes." He said sternly.
I almost laughed at how serious he was with this pie thing.
"Your crazy." I muttered
"Yeah crazy about you."
"Nothing! Here!" He shoved a piece of pie in my face causing whipped cream every where.
I licked it off my lips and smirked
"Your right Dean. This is good apple pie. You should try so."
I take the pie in hand and throw it in his face like he did to me.
He laughed "oh it's on fish boy."
Let's just say yes I tried all the pie.
"Hey guys what are you-"
Dean cut Sam off by shoving blueberry pie in his face.
"Hey! Jerk!"
"What are you gonna do about it bitch!"
Sam scooped up some pie from the plate

"I have an idea."

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