Chapter 18- i bet my life

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Hey guys so first off I'm extremely sorry.... I understand there were sooo many typos in my last few chapters and I'm so embarrassed about it you have no clue :(. I guess it's because all this chapters are done on my phone and auto correct sucks. I hope these mistakes didn't effect your look on my story cause it honesty means so much that you guys read this. Yeah I know. "Why does she care about some random fanfic?" But honestly it really does. Hope you guys enjoy this chapter and thanks again!

Castiels POV

That night we all stayed over at the diner. It had extra rooms and was pretty big. I think we just all needed to sort everything out and get to know each other.
Lucifer came over to me where I sat alone. I just couldn't believe this. I was a prince. My father was rightfully King. My mother was killed by Crowley. And I have another brother. It was almost too bazar
"Hey." Lucifer said softly
"Hey." I mumbled not looking at him
He sighed and leaned back in the booth we were in.
"Listen Castiel-"
"Why didn't you ever come back." My voice cracked at the end "Why didn't you at least try to make yourself known."
Lucifer sighed
"Because I knew if I returned Crowly would hurt you and the others. I couldn't risk it. Castiel I loved you the minute you were born. Who do you think named you?"
I looked at him wide eyes
"Y-you named me!?"
He smiled and nodded "Mike got to name me and Balthazar. Our parents let me name you and Gabriel."
I looked down at my hands sadly
"I just can't believe all this..."
Lucifer pulled me closer to him
"I know it's a lot to take in. But hey I may not of been there for you your whole life. But I'm always here if you have any questions. I promise."
I smiled at him and I hugged him
"Thanks Lucy."
He chuckled and hugged me back
"No problem Cassie."

We talked for a while. Lucifer was great. We had a lot in common believe it or not.
Just then I glanced at the window and saw Dean sitting on the steps of the diner. My face saddened knowing something was wrong.
"Excuse me lucifer."

Sam's POV
"Ok let me get this straight." Gabriel laughed
"Cassie is hot for Dean?"
I nodded "You have no idea. Dean and him have eye sex on a daily bases."
Gabriel laughed "eye sex. That's a good one. So Sammy gotta girl?" He questioned
I sipped my soda and shook my head
"No... I'm actually gay..." I whispered
His face seemed to brighten a bit
"Huh so am I."
I laughed " never thought I find another gay merman."

"So what's this I hear about Cas?" The others came over to us
"Oh he's got it bad." Said Charlie
"Yeah the two of them have been eye fucking for a while now."
"Ash language!" Ellen scowled
"Hey you said it too ma!"
Ellen chuckled
"He is right though. Those two have been closer then ever these past weeks." Said Ellen
"Bought time." Said Balthazar "Cas was always too shy to ask out any mer for that matter."
Lucifer walked over to us
"So this is probably a terrible big brother move but who wants to help me spy on Cas and Dean?"
We all looked at each other before we raced to the window except Ellen and Bobby who just laughed and continued on talking.

Castiels POV
I walked out of the diner and sat next to Dean. He had his face in his hands and his body was shaking. I hated seeing him like this.
"Dean... Are you ok?" I asked
He didn't answer but he scooter closer to me. I took this as a sign to hug him. His face barred in my shoulder as his arms looped around my waist. He exhaled shakily. My fingers rain through his tuffs of blonde hair
"It's just..." He sniffles finally pulling back
"All this time... I thought it was all an accident... That it was just a storm... But it was really a murder... All because a guy couldn't handle rejection... Now so many people are dead."
I gulped down a lump in my throat
"I know how you feel Dean... I mean I always thought my mom died during child birth and was a mer. Turns out we were both screwed over."
He chuckled softly and wiping away his tears
"And who knew the biggest jerk in school turned out to be your brother."
I snorted and ran my fingers through my hair
"Tell me about it."
Then we locked eyes. Everything stopped. The wind stopped whistling. The birds stopped chirping. The cars stopped honking. The waves stopped crashing. The world just...stopped. It was just me and deans breathing. As we stared into each other's souls.
"Dean..." I whispered out
His lips were inches from mine. I could feel his hot breath on my face. It made me shiver
"You asked me the other day what my type was."
He nodded
"I never gave you an answer."
Dean smirked and rested his forehead on mine
"then tell me Castiel Blackfin Novak. What is your type?"
I let out a breath before saying
"Well...Tall about 6'2, blonde hair, wears some flannel and wears like a thousand layers even when it's 100 degrees outside, green eyes, loves classic rock and has good taste in cars, likes fast food, brave, pure hearted, is a guy, and oh the biggest thing is his name has to be Dean Winchester."  (This whole line I give credit too sensitive_satan this user is pretty awesome check out the stories!)
His breath become more rapid as he took the words in. Our foreheads remained together. We were eye to eye.
"Do you know anyone else like that?" I whispered to him.
His hands intertwined with mine. Our lips brushed together as he whispered softly
"You have no idea how long I waited for those words."
And with that our lips met in a passionate kiss. Something inside me bursted with joy.
You know how in those stupid cliché romance books were each kissed is expressed almost the same way each time. Filled with fireworks in your stomach. Like a thousand suns burned bright with the love they people shared with that one kiss. How there world turns up side down with a simple touch to the lips.
That's what was happening. All of that. But ten times better.
His lips continued to kiss mine in perfect harmony. We fought for dominance for a while as the kiss became heated and I loved it. I loved every second kissing Dean. I felt free. I felt warm. I felt...home. Dean was my home. My family was my home. Not some crappy hut. Not some glorious castle. No. This was home. This kiss was home.
We pulled away slightly to catch our breathes. Our fingers were tangled in each other's hair our noises rubbed together as did our foreheads. I felt his breathing on my face once more. The feeling of his lips tingled still on mine.
We looked into each other's eyes and I grinned so largely my cheeks hurt
"Dean Winchester... You have no clue how long I wanted to do that."
Dean chuckled "Me too Cassie."
He leaned in to kiss me softly not rough. Just a simple kiss. I could taste cherry pie he had. Loving the taste.
We both scream jumping back panting.
We look in the door way to see them all smirking and laughing at our flustered faces.
"UGHHH!" Garth groaned handing Sam the money
"Wait you had bets on us?" Asked Dean
"Oh honey. We all did." Ellen said looking at Bobby. Bobby sighed before also handing her money.
"So Clarence turns out you were gay for the human after all huh?" Smirked Meg
I looked at Dean and smiled
"Yes. Yes I am."
Dean smiled back and put an arm around my shoulder holding me close
"Ew get a room!" Sam screeched running inside.
The others followed him laughing.
Once we were alone an awkward silence filled the atmosphere. I guess both of us didn't have much to say. I rubbed my arm nervously looking down at my feet.
In till I felt a hand cup my chin making me look up into those pair of candy apple green eyes. The eyes I first laid on when I came here. The eyes... I fell in love with. I fell in love with this boy. This crazy human that was so kind and gentle... I fell for him.
He leaned toward me pressing a soft kiss to my lips. Then once again rested his head on mine.
"Castiel... I know we are from two different worlds... And I know given the recent events this probably isn't the best time to ask this... But would you do me the honor of becoming my mermaid boyfriend?"
I laughed softly
"Merman you goof. And yes Dean. I would love to be your merMAN boyfriend."
Dean chuckled and kissed my forehead and whispered

Deans POV




I wanted to scream with joy. This beautiful creature was now mine.
"Shall we go in?" He finally asked
I smiled and nodded.
We intertwined our hands together and walked in too a very loud scenery.

"I know I took the path that you would never want for me
I know I let you down, didn't I?

So many sleepless nights where you were waiting up on me
Well I'm just a slave unto the night!"

Sam was sang loudly as he stood on a table. Imagine dragons "I bet my life" was blasting through the radio. Ellen and Bobby I guess left the room to let us have some fun.
I swear this kid was Elsa. I looked around and everyone seemed to be dancing and laughing clapping and singing along to the song and Sam's voice.
"Now remember when I told you that's the last you'll see of me
Remember when I broke you down to tears
I know I took the path that you would never want for me
I gave you hell through all the years!"

I looked at Castiel and smirked. I let go of his hand and walked over to where Sam was.
"Dean what are you doing?" Castiel shouted over the loud music.
I pushed Sam off the table and Gabriel caught him.
I stood up taking and place and started singing really loudly while pointing at Cas

"So I, I bet my life, I bet my life
I bet my life on you
I, I bet my life, I bet my life
I bet my life on you!!!!"

Everyone laughed and cheered while Castiel blushed.
I pulled Castiel onto the table and twirled him around dancing as the song continued

I've been around the world and never in my wildest dreams
Would I come running home to you
I've told a million lies but now I tell a single truth
There's you in everything I do

Castiel laughed as we jumped off the table and just stared dancing to the song like the others.

Now remember when I told you that's the last you'll see of me
Remember when I broke you down to tears
I know I took the path that you would never want for me
I gave you hell through all the years

So I, I bet my life, I bet my life
I bet my life on you
I, I bet my life, I bet my life
I bet my life on you

As the music slowed down I pulled Castiel to me. His head rested on my shoulder as I whispered the lyrics in his ear softly. Showing how much I loved him just by the meaning of the song. How much I cared for him

"Don't tell me that I'm wrong
I've walked that road before
And left you on your own"

He pulled back and looked into my eyes with love as I continued whispering the words to him
"And please believe them when they say
That it's left for yesterday
And the records that I've played
Please forgive me for all I've done"

Just as the music picked up again Castiel put a hand on the back of my neck and kissed me passionately. I got lost in his lips. I got lost in the song. I just got lost with him.

So I, I bet my life, I bet my life
I bet my life on you
I, I bet my life, I bet my life
I bet my life on you

So I, I bet my life, I bet my life
I bet my life on you
I, I bet my life, I bet my life
I bet my life on you

I knew then that no matter what is to come. What ever horrible things were gonna happen. I was never gonna let him get hurt. We were connected. And I'd sell my soul before letting him get hurt.

And that was my promise. And as the song ended we just keep dancing. Even after they all left. And the diner was quiet. And the music died down. We remained. And me just humming those same lyrics that meant so much to the situation.

I bet my life on you

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