Chapter 12- the Interview

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Castiels  POV

"You ready Cas?"
Dean asked fixing my tie. I pulled my favorite trench coat on. Today was job interview day. Who knew three days in I'm already getting a job. Well I hope so. I need to blend in. Plus getting the winchesters extra money to keep them going is all I could ask for a perfect way to pay them back for all they've done.
"Yes. A bit nervous though."
He smiled
"Nah you got this. Your a merman for Christ sakes. You got this. Now."
He handed me the gloves.
"What did I say they say in Frozen?"
I rolled my eyes
"Conceal don't feel."
"Don't let them know! Well now they know Let it go! Let it go! Can't hold it back any more!"
Sam sang running into the room
We both laughed.
"Sam you wish you were Elsa." Dean teased
"Bitch I am Elsa!" Sam hosted jokingly
"Sam are you sure you want to go back to work today?" Dean asked seriously
"It's ok Dean. I'll be fine."
I smiled "plus he has me. I'll watch out for him."
Dean smiled "Thanks Cas."


"Don't get into trouble you two." Dean called out the window. He sent me a wink causing me to blush and drove away.
"I think my brother has a crush on you." Sam teased.
I scoffed "Don't be ridiculous Sam."

Sam lead me down a few paths and I noticed some creatures in tide pools and tanks. Crowly always said that humans imprisoned the creatures but honesty... They looked kinda happy. And the way the workers took care of them wasn't rough or mean. It was gently and kind. Just another theory of how Crowly was wrong about this world.
"Ok so Noemi is the boss here. Listen she can be a little strict and rough. But she's cool. Just answer the questions she asks you truthfully... But not too truthfully if you know what I mean. And here." He handed me a packet of papers
"What are these?" I asked
"Information and work forms. I filled them out last night for you. It's false info on you so she doesn't suspect anything."
I nodded and sighed "This is gonna be hard."
Sam patter my back. " you'll be fine. Look her office is in there." He said pointing to a building

"Just say your here for Naomi to the front desk lady. I got to sign in for work. Good luck Cas."
I gulped and nodded watching walk away.
I stared up at the building playing with the ends of my gloves.
"You can do this Castiel. Do this for your brothers. They would want this." I whispered
I took a deep breath and walked into the building.
The building had Dolphins and sea life painted beautifully on the walls. Families were smiling freely and getting tickets for different things in the dolphin resort. It was a beautiful place.
Finally I walked up to the front desk. A lady was typing away on a...laptop I think Dean said it was? I clear my throat to get her attention.
She looked at me and smiled. He gave me a flirtatious smirk
"How may I help you handsome?" She asked
"Um..." I stuttered nervously before saying "I'm here to see Naomi."
"Name?" She asked
"Castiel Novak." She giggled "That's a hot name for a hot guy like you."
My face turned red
"Uh thank you?"
She winked and went through her device. Wow does everyone in this resort like to flirt? I hope not.
"Ah your here for the job interview for a marine life Doctor?"
I nodded
"Well Castiel. Just down that hall and too your right."
"Thank you miss."
"Oh please just call me Hester. I hope to see you around Cassie." She said it like Dean or Gabriel would. But it just didn't sound exactly the same. It sounded more lust thirst rather then gentle.

Finally leaving the women I fallowed her instructions and stood in front of a door. Written on it in fine golden letters were "Naomi Heaven"
I straighten my blue tie before taking a deep breath and knocking.
"Come in." A voice on the other side said.
I turned the knob and poked my head in to see a women with brown hair tied into a bun sitting at a desk. She looked proper and a little stuck up.
"Um are you Naomi?" I asked
She looked up from her papers at me
"Yes. Can I help you?"
I finally came all the way in
"I'm Castiel Novak. In here for the job interview."
She smiled small and nodded
"Ah yes come in Mr. Novak. Please sit."
I scurried over to one of the leather seats near her desk and sat down.
"May I see your papers?"
I nodded and handed the papers Sam gave me to her. She browsed through them leaving an uncomfortable silence. I shifted in my seat nervously hoping everything was in line.
"So you grew up in Russia? What made you want to come here?"
Oh shit I'm screwed.
"Well um you see..." I sat there for a moment. She raised an eyebrow waiting for my answer
"I um... I liked the location. It's beautiful here. Also I find your research quite and life here quite fascinating."
I hope that was a good enough answer cause all she did was nod.
"This also says you have a degree in Marine Biology? This young? Is this correct?"
I nodded
"Yes that is correct. I graduated high school at the age 13. I had a very high IQ."
She hummed to herself as she looked through more papers
"And your staying with the Winchester family? Why is that?"
"I um... I'm here alone. My brothers who I lived with couldn't... Afford the long trip here... So I'm staying with then till everything is sorted out."
If things will get sorted
She put the papers down and folded her hands on the desk
"Now Castiel. This resort is strictly a family and research center. We take our jobs very seriously here and people as young as you usually don't have this chance. If you are to take this job you need to take it seriously."
I nodded
"I will. You have my word."
"Oh and one more thing Mr. Novak. Why are you wearing gloves?"
I paled. Ok now I'm screwed.
"I um... Have a bad rash and these water proof gloves protect me from it getting... Infected?"
She stared at me for a moment before nodded
"Well alright then. As long as it doesn't effect the animals. It's a pleasure having you on our research team."
I smiled
"Thank you."


"Sam Sam Sam!" I shouted excitedly running over to him who was leaning over a large above ground tank.
"Hey Cas how did it go?" He asked excited as me
I smiled "you are looking at the knew marine biologist. I am now in charge of making sure all the animals are healthy!"
Sam beamed excitedly jumping up and down
"Yay this gonna be so much fun! Wait Cas we need to figure out how to control your tail. I mean eventually you'll have to get in the water."
I sighed and nodded
"Don't worry I'll work on it."


Sam and I got off the job early and decided to walk to Bobby's garage where Dean worked.
While we walked Sam and me shared stories. I told him about my brothers. And Sam talked about when Dean was younger. It sounded amazing their lives. I loved learning about it.

Once we got to the garage I noticed the three of them working outside. Well I saw Garth and ash working on the hood of a small car. There was a person working under it shirtless. I guessed it was Dean
"Hey guys!" Sam and me called out
They looked up from there spots and smiled
"Hey Russia! Hey Sam!" Said Garth
I couldn't help but laugh when he called me Russia. I thought it was funny
We walked over
"Where's Dean?" I asked
"Under here!" Dean rolled out from under the car smiling.
He stood up and I froze.
He was shirtless. His tight tones abbs glistened with sweat. You could make out his tattoo right above his right nibble. It was as if I was staring at a god.
My breath hitches and I felt my face get hot. I almost jumped when a area in my pants got harder. It was almost visible. Thank god Sam went in front of me. I'm pretty sure he knew what was happening
"Hey Dean we got off early." Sam cleared up
Dean smiled taking a rag and wipping the sweat off his brow. I watched his movement of his muscles as if I was watching a fine piece of art. What is this boy doing to me. This gorgeous human being.
I jumped from my trance "W-what?" I stuttered
They all stared at me for a moment
"Uhh I said how did the interview go?" Dean asked slipping on his shirt finally. I will admit I was a little disappointed he did so.
I cleared my throat awkwardly
"It um went great."
"Yeah! Cas got the job!"
Dean beamed "Oh my god Cas that's great!"
He hugged me tightly and whispered
"Your blending in great."
He let go and ash said "Great job dude."

An hour later Dean got off work and the two of us got in his car
"I think it's time we practice the leg thing Cas." Dean said
"What do you mean?" I asked
"I mean I got our swim trunks in the back and we are going to the cover to practice."
I gulped.
"Y-you mean in the ocean? What if-"
"Don't worry." Sam reassured
"Yeah Cas. Don't worry. I'll protect you." Dean smiled at me glancing at me in the passenger seat
And for once I really believed that I was safe.

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